PIHS Class of 1981 Alumni Site
Total Entries: 667
Torry Saturday, 2/10/01, 1:46 PM
Welcome Eddie! You will always be Eddie to me (and a few others - Robin, Roseann, etc.) We are getting the word out quite quickly but we still have a very long list of "missing"! Everyone please help by sending this website to all other classmates or let me know their e-mails and I will let them know!
Ed Chambers Saturday, 2/10/01, 11:14 AM
Hi everyone! It is so good to hear some of you sound off after all these years. It's like opening a time capsule. You guys sound good. I have only skimmed over some of the "reading material" and I feel like I am jumping in the middle of something but I wanted to get my name on the board and start getting in touch with you guys! Thanks to Rattray for getting me this web site. P.S. Yes, Todd you may call me Ed instead of Eddie. I had hoped to grow out of the Eddie long ago, but I still get it sometimes. Ed Chambers
From: Stone Mountain, Ga
E-mail: echambers@ems.att.com
T. Wilson Friday, 2/9/01, 7:29 PM
Dear Rosemary and all, I hope I didn't sound to ignorant in my last discourse. I do get a charge out of my own misbehavior sometimes. My family and I have visited Dinosaur National Monument (DNM) near Vernal, Utah as well as the red rock canyon of the Colorado River near Moab, Utah. At DNM we went to the famous dinosaur quarry (Carnegie museumes got thier famous specimens here) and camped on the Green River. In that same area, near Josie's cabin, we visited some hyroglyphs which I am extremely captivated by. It facinates me that someone a few hundred to a thousand years ago left these inexplicable symbols and figures for us to contemplate. Could it be accidental? We also have visited Arches National Monument, which has glyphs, and wonderous sandstone arches that the indian considered sacred. Nearby, along the Colorado River, I drug my pregnant wife, and our son Timmy to see more glyphs on the sides of the red rock canyon. The glyphs there are larger and you can climb up and touch them in some places. Its way cool man - which is more than I can say for the Moab area, its blazing hot on Memorial Day weekend. I'll have to bring some pictures to the gathering. Sincerely T. Wilson
Kerry Pepper Friday, 2/9/01, 4:54 PM
Rosemary I didn't realize how close you lived to me, I live in Belgrade,and spend alot of time in Farmington in the spring/summer softball season, and my husband does a lot of business there. So how is the snowmobiling in PI? Thought about coming up but since we have alot of snow here I guess we'll stay here.
From: Belgrade
E-mail: kerry1514@aol.com
David Carlow Thursday, 2/8/01, 5:23 PM
Look forward to seeing everyone again.
From: Greenville, SC
E-mail: DGCarlow@email.msn.com
T. Wilson Tuesday, 2/6/01, 9:24 PM
Rosemary, As a matter of fact we had some of those garbage pickers out on a small portion of our site digging through a small landfill we happened upon while building America. I know how important archeology is and I'm extremely interested in it but these people delayed our 1.6 billion dollar project for a 1920's mormon garbage dump! It was kinda comical to us after the initial delay and "what the.....". We named it the "leather and lace landfill" after a modeling agency located nearby. To futher explain this was an agency for less than fully clothed girls, but thats another story. As a side note on our job we've named several of our highway and arterial alignments after prominent stripper establishments you can make connections to by taking them. Further noting that in Utah they use pasties and no bare buttox's here. Oh well. I can't afford these places except for an occasional saturday luncheon with my fellow slobbering construction workers. So back to your original question - yeah we do get involved with archeology and physiology....not necessarily in that order. T. Wilson
DANA RATTRAY Monday, 2/5/01, 5:28 PM
E-mail: Dana.Rattray@mail.bcop.com
Torry Monday, 2/5/01, 4:01 PM
Rosemary - what are you talking about? Yes- my husband works for Maine Public Service but he is Manager of Information Systems! What does that have to do with archeology? I'll have to ask him! Was it my brother, Brent, who also works at MPS as Manager of Corporate Planning? You know how it is in the County it's not what you know but who you know!!!!! We are expecting a foot of snow tonight - the boys are hoping for a SNOW DAY!
Rosemary Monday, 2/5/01, 7:26 AM
So here's a question for Todd- does your work involve creating lots of good jobs for contract archaeologists who do cultural resource management plans??? if so- good! I bet the arch. is amazing in Utah. I work for a center that does archaeology contract jobs here in NE- primarily for the VT. Agency of Transportation for highway projects throughout Vt- just did a couple of big jobs in Bennington -awesome sites dating from ca.5000 to about 1000 years ago. Last summer we did a big highway-widening project in Swanton VT which is an area that reminds me of the county(also close to where the G. Dead played at Highgate yahoo!)and we have done lots of work in ME (as Torry may know- her husband was in charge of the UMF CRM work for the Maine Public project in Caribou!) we just did a BIG project downeast on Meddybemps Lake- at a superfund site! scarey. but the artifacts are amazing. and we usually work in cool areas. Right now I have about 30,000 garbage bags full of feature fill that I have to have students process and extract cultural stuff from. "Features" are areas like fire hearths, food storage or refuse pits that can be chock-full of bones, burned seeds and nuts etc. anyway I feel literally buried in soil here. yikes. Hey Dee Dee- I am a new golfer so maybe you can give me some tips- I could use them! I haven't hurt anyone yet...also, my husband has a buddy in Bellingham (who gets to ski every day at Mt Baker) and we want to visit him soon- how far is that from Seattle? we drove through WA years ago (coastal route to BC) and I really liked that state- reminded me of Maine. I think it's great you live there! More gossip- someone asked about Anna Watson- she is a guidance counselor(!)in Pittsfield at MCI- we stay in touch quite a bit. I'm trying to talk her into coming to PI this summer. She's busy as she has 3 kids (all boys) and her husband, a teacher, does the bluegrass circuit in the summer. He is a great banjo player. I also told Judy C. about this site so if any of you see her tell her to get on and write! my twin, Mary, works in PI in special ed. and she has a 4 year old who is a really busy little girl. I see her quite a bit but not enough... Since I am at work (I have a slow old computer at home excuses excuses)that's all from this neck of the woods- a special hi to RaeAnn if she ever reads these! Rose
Web Site: Rosemary
T. Wilson Saturday, 2/3/01, 7:35 PM
E-mail: twil62@yahoo.com
T. Wilson Saturday, 2/3/01, 7:25 PM
Dear Dee Dee and all, I'm glad your amused. I do take the time to write otherwise I have no outlet for this great intellect of mine (If you didn't know I graduated well towards the bottom of our class academically - I didn't believe in myself or my abilities). The Sonics are definitly a good team, however the Trail Blazers are better (not to mention the cheerleaders). I used to work on the 14th floor of the Port of Portland building and the Blazer offices were on the sixth floor. I frequently saw players like Danny Ainge, Clyde Drexler, Duckworth, and a few others. It was neat while it lasted. Baked potatoes are my favorite so all is well with the meal. Now if we can find some old lady with rubber gloves on to serve them! Thanks again for the e-mails - Torry, Ted, Mark, Lori Bard and Jerry. I do enjoy hearing from people. Gambatsu Kudasai (nihongo) to all of you. T. Wilson - A.K.A. Ralph Nader.
Torry Saturday, 2/3/01, 4:01 PM
We have had 39 people respond that are going to attend the Reunion so far! We have only had 2 classmates say that they won't be able to come! It also looks like people really want BAKED POTATOES! Sorry Rick! I thought that might be the case! Please let everyone know about this site. If you know of someone that doesn't have access to the Internet, fill in a response form for them (after you confirm if they want to attend)! I also need updated addresses for everyone! We may do a mailing this Spring using the US Postal Service!
Georgette W Saturday, 2/3/01, 4:01 PM
Todd, I'm always amused by your writing. I guess there's not much to do in SLC. You should be attending tonight's game against a real team from the west. Rosemary, it was good to hear from you. I just can't wait to see everyone and catch up in person. As for traveling, I do not travel for work, but to go visit family. It's an exciting life but someone has to do it. I've been living in Seattle for 11 years now and have worked mostly in property management and real estate. I'd rather manage than sell as selling leaves no time for a life with those ever so important showings at the most inconvenient times. I like the money but I'd rather golf. Is there anyone else out there who is still single? I hope I'm not the only one. I've hooked up with the golf pro from last summer to pick up some tips for when I play against "the boys" in July. Can't beat free lessons. Where is Anna Watson living? Have a great weekend.... DeeDee
Ralph Nader Friday, 2/2/01, 9:21 PM
Howdy folks from the power hungry west. Just remember when you don't turn off those lights that someone in California is going without power! The potatoes from Idaho are good but too much of a good thing (since thats almost all they have out here) can be bad. Looking forward to eating my native potato. The movie "The Hoosiers" was on TV tonight and it brought back memories (recommended watching on the Sunday before the reunion). Can't say I ever achived anything playing basketball but I did and thats all that matters to me. I'm quite impressed by the meeting notes from the last meeting. We've got some excellent key people looking out for all of our interests. I'm being quite sincere when I say this so thanks to all of you. Now back to the sarcasm and discontent I like to spread around infrequently. Its pretty cool to see the sign in number go up but its too bad we all cannot share with something in writing. Some little tidbit of information, a rumor, or some good gossip. Yeah I know, after 20 years of living there's probably not much to say right? Everything here in Salt Lake City is going reletively well for now. I'll be attending my companies district meeting in Portland around the middle of this month. At district we all get together and talk about the current work, future work, safety, and finances. We all then party and go home. My current assignment here on the I15 project is the construction of the last bridge to be built on the segment, bridge 96. Its my first bridge from the pile on up so I'm learning a lot and somday I'll be able to do similar bridges in my sleep. As well as things seem to be going with my work I must say that there's many a day I feel like quitting but God hates a quitter so here I am. Attended a Jazz game with Timmy last night, they were playing Charlette. Its a pretty cool thing to do every so often. The Jazz won. Most of my fellow engineers say they hate the Jazz so they can all be clones of eachother. Me I don't care its the cheerleaders that do it for me. Ben recently had his first birthday and everyday since we've noticed new and somewhat amusing skills. It seems Ben will go to no ends to climb up high enough to get the things we have higher than his normal reach. Where the heck do they get all of this energy anyway? Gotta go see you. T. Wilson
Tim Bard Thursday, 2/1/01, 12:11 PM
From: Old Orchard Beach
E-mail: oobbards@hotmail.com
Beth Guimond (Fogg) Tuesday, 1/30/01, 11:02 AM
Torry, I just filled out the form for the reunion and I'm not sure if I put that I would be attending or not. I filled out what we wanted to eat and then I submitted it and went back in to edit it and it was gone. So to let you know, yes, I plan on attending with a guest. He's pretty excited about the golfing part. Caleb wants you to say hi to Keenan for him. By the way, how is scouting going this year for him?
From: Old Town
E-mail: markandbeth@peoplepc.com
Rosemary C. Monday, 1/29/01, 7:47 AM
This is a great site to do a Monday morning boondoggle at when I should be working! Allison just reminded me about this site this past weekend when she surprised me in Portland! We had a fun time out listening to my "little" brother's band (you never did get out on the dance floor AL- and next time the babysitter has to let you stay out later!) I just had a about a million flashbacks reading those messages from you all and trying to remember eveyone's last names- I am sooo bad... Now I think Anna Watson (Petersen) will go to the reunion, and we have to get Judy there, and if Geri goes wow this could be a wild one! So you guys really stay in touch this way- isn't the internet a wonderful thing. Dee Dee what are you doing in Seattle?? and why do you fly so much? I have some serious catching up to do... thanks to all of you folks who are planning the reunion- if I were there I'd like to join you but I am still in Farmington and get up there rarely. There is some awesome skiing going on down here (I finally learned how..) so if any of you are ever need a place to crash after Sugarloaf or even Sunday River just drop me an e-mail.....see you this summer- Rosemary (who is not quite sure how this'll work..)
From: Farmington
E-mail: racyr@maine.edu
Torry Saturday, 1/27/01, 1:47 PM
We had another good meeting! Thanks, Denise, Leah, Diane and Rick! Lots of things firmed up! I will put the minutes on soon! I will also add another vote - what kind of potatoes (baked, scalloped, etc). We also need to know ASAP how many to plan for - I will try to put a registration form on this site. We really need to have as many classmates as possible log onto this site! Please add any addresses that you know so that mailings will go out to everyone!
allison Friday, 1/26/01, 1:22 PM
so...how did the meeting go on thursday night??
Tony Carney Monday, 1/22/01, 10:31 AM
From: Bangor, Maine
E-mail: anthonycarney@msn.com
  Wednesday, 1/17/01, 7:02 PM
Who will stay together....who will fall apart on temptation Island? My show's on! Momma says stupid is as stupid does!
Dianne Michaud Lauritsen Wednesday, 1/17/01, 6:32 PM
Kim got your e-mail, Sherry said you were trying to get me. Hope to hear from you soon. Torry sorry I won't be able to make the meeting, I have to work late night that night at the office. Let me know what I can do. Todd- still love reading your stuff- keep it up! Hope everyone had a great holiday.
E-mail: lauritsen23@ainop
  Sunday, 1/14/01, 8:09 PM
Here's a factoid that may be appropriate for Northern Maine at this time: It used to be that every sailing ship had to have cannon for protection. The cannon of the times required round iron cannonballs. The master wanted to store the cannonballs such that they could be of instant use when needed, yet not roll around the gun deck. The solution was to stack them up in a square- based pyramid next to the cannon. The top level of the stack had one ball, the next level down had four, the next had nine, the next had sixteen, and so on. Four levels would provide a stack of 30 cannonballs. The only real problem was how to keep the bottom level from sliding out from under the weight of the higher levels. To do this, they devised a small brass plate ("brass monkey") with one rounded indentation for each cannonball in the bottom layer. Brass was used because the cannonballs wouldn't rust to the "brass monkey," but would rust to an iron one. When temperature falls, brass contracts in size faster than iron. As it got cold on the gun decks, the indentations in the brass monkey would get smaller than the iron cannonballs they were holding. If the temperature got cold enough, the bottom layer would pop out of the indentations spilling the entire pyramid over onto the deck. Thus it was, quite literally, "cold enough to freeze the balls off a brass monkey." In any case don't stick your tongue on iron cannon balls or brass monkeys when its cold outside!
Kimberly Maynard Conaway Sunday, 1/14/01, 6:18 AM
Great website. Glad I happened upon it. I live in South Casco with my husband Kenn and two sons, Dillon-12 and Taylor-9. I work at Unum in Portland. Really nice to see the familiar names. We left PI right after I graduated and my family is still there. When I go home, I never see anyone I know!! Didn't make it to the 10th reunion, but really want to attend this one.
From: South Casco, ME
E-mail: kconaway@pivot.net
Todd Stephenson Friday, 1/12/01, 5:11 PM
From: Mapleton
  Wednesday, 1/10/01, 8:59 PM
Yeah I did sign my name on that building.
  Wednesday, 1/10/01, 8:56 PM
By the way it's "Nez Perce" not Nesperse. Read up on Chief Joseph if you want some good reading.
T. Wilson Wednesday, 1/10/01, 8:53 PM
Hello Dee Dee and all' Did you know the Pontif got his title from the Roman words that they used for bridge builder. Pontus Maximus (a person that connects people) something like that (its okay I just crossed myself). Did anyone take may advise and buy LVLT (level three) and has anyone been listening to the power woe's in Californicator Land? Get into alternate energy stocks and become an owner of the future? Ted must be panicing by now. We're just trying to help with your new endeavor Ted. Mark and Rick I think I agree with Clinton for once. The republicans won the Presidency because they stopped the counting of votes in Florida. Its shameful but more paletable than Al Gore for President. Sure lets get some new/old blood in there and give the next President something to fix. Lewis and Clark, the Oregon trail, and Native American history are some of my intellectual passions besides ripping shit up and building America on top of it. I've walked in the ruts of the Oregon trail, touched parts of the Lewis and Clark trail, and have attended Native American pow-wow's and other ceremonies. I love it. Did you see that there TV show called "Temptation Island." If you thought you were stupid when you were in your twenties these people are rewriting the book! Why is it I feel like this? Why have I never been cool? Why do I not like the word dude? Why do I wnat to be on that island with all of those chicks. I know for sure nobody would worry about me with their girlfriend. Oh why oh why? I'm starting to feel a self provided sensation again! Talk with you-all later. Hope all is Skookum. Here's spit in your eye!. See ya partner.
DeeDee Wednesday, 1/10/01, 5:54 PM
Todd, made sure I took Annie over the footbridge to Nordstrom. We talked about you the whole time and wondered if you signed your autograph anywhere on the bridge. Did we ever learn about Lewis and Clark in school? I swear I had never heard of them until I worked at Sea World years ago. Of course you can't help but know about them living in the Pacific Northwest. I listened to Undaunted Courage on NPR a couple of years ago and really enjoyed the story. It was my bedtime story. Alison, I'm happy to say I had an uneventful trip back. It's much easier travelling alone but not nearly as exciting as with children. I always seem to getted seated next to kids or have one behind me kicking the tray for 5 hours. Oddly enough, all of that relaxes me and takes away my fear of flying. Raeann, can't wait to see you and the rest of our nursery school group! Has it really been 20 years! DeeDee
From: Seattle
E-mail: deedee@realty.net
Beth (Fogg) Guimond Monday, 1/8/01, 11:53 AM
Hey, Mike P. I met a guy (Mark King) last winter, he was up there snowmobiling. I moved down here with him in June. I'm working in the Hudson school department as an ed-tech and love it. You'll never guess who my boss is...Paula (Deschene) McHugh. But I really like it down here. My mom and dad are buying a house down here and are moving in about a year. Hope you had a great Christmas and New Year.
From: Old Town
E-mail: markandbeth@peoplepc.com
  Sunday, 1/7/01, 5:54 PM
"When they came over the mountain from this direction we new what they looked like before they came here." Nesperce. The Nesperce prophesy told of men who would come and draw lines telling them who owned what land. "Don't ever think we were just out here wandering around in the wilderness. We knew what was in all directions." Nesperce. The Nesperce could have killed them all, instead they fed them and helped them.
T. Wilson Sunday, 1/7/01, 5:45 PM
Recommended reading is "Undaunted Courage". Its about Lewis & Clark.
allison Saturday, 1/6/01, 2:23 PM
hi kerry--i'm fine--how are you?...we got snow today as well...opted to stay home from work...can't get back into the grind from vacation! i can't imagine having one old enough to drive...scares the hell out of me actually...mine are 11 and 8 which i'm finding quite the challenge! the surprises just never seem to end!
Kerry Friday, 1/5/01, 5:13 PM
Well snow is heading our way tonight, so maybe we can go snowmobiling tomorrow. I'm looking forward to this. We plan on coming to PI soon so maybe I'll run into a couple of you. I do get to see Vicki Walker from Ashland from time to time she keeps me updated on a few of you. My daughter is going for her permit next month, thats such a scary thing! She just doesn't seem old enough, shes 15. HI Allison how are you?
E-mail: kerry1514@aol.com
allison Friday, 1/5/01, 3:29 PM
hey deedee...you're right...we were together in orlando at the same time-once upon a time...early 80's wasn't it? seems like a lifetime ago!
E-mail: allie36009@aol.com
allison Friday, 1/5/01, 3:28 PM
hey deedee...you're right...we were together in orlando at the same time once upon a time...early 80's wasn't it? seems like a lifetime ago!
allison Friday, 1/5/01, 3:23 PM
happy new year! made it back from the almost sunny south although our vacation would rival chevy chase's "vacation"! the flu, adverse reaction to chemicals in the hot tub made my daughter look like she had the worst case of chicken pox you've ever seen, coming home in a nor'easter, flu, flight from boston to portland cancelled, rented a car to drive from boston to home-could only go 40mph, rental car stuck in parking lot--twice (city plow helped us out!) fussy kids, my truck couldn't get into our driveway (2am)two guys out plowing in a pick-up (while liberally enjoying a 12 pack of bud!) plowed my driveway so we could drive in, kids opening leftover christmas presents at 2:30am...finally went to bed by 3:30 while the kids happily appraised their loot for another hour!! then they were up at 6:30 to start all over!! i'm getting way to old for this! and to think ted, you're just about to embark on this journey! almost glad to get back to work-- in a sick sort of way! although i did happily miss most of our peak pre christmas week, hence no supervisor call conversations with angry ll bean customers who didn't get their orders..that was nice break... ted, great idea for the excel document...i could only give torry a couple of email addresses but hopefully everyone else will know some as well...happy weekend!
mike patenaude Friday, 1/5/01, 3:18 PM
hey beth how you do.sorry i missed you when you were up,what r u doing down there?I have been in contact with harry lowe and brian beaulieu and both should be coming this summer also,see ya all later,mike
Beth Guimond Friday, 1/5/01, 11:04 AM
I almost forgot. Does anyone remember Connie Lavway? Well, I ran into her at Rite Aid in Old Town the other day. She graduated with us and plans on going to the reunion. She was living in Vermont for a while and now she's living in Passadumkeg (sp). She should be on the site soon too.
Beth (Fogg) Guimond Friday, 1/5/01, 11:02 AM
Well, I hope everyone had a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. We went to Presque Isle for New Years. I saw a few people from our class. I talked to Sherry (Michaud) Beaulieu. She didn't know about the web site. She'll probably be on soon. And Todd about Skeeter Nichols. The last time I saw him was a couple of years ago, he was living in Mapleton.
From: Old Town
E-mail: markand beth @peoplepc.cpm
Beth (Fogg) Guimond Friday, 1/5/01, 10:59 AM
Torry Tuesday, 1/2/01, 2:38 PM
I just added an EXCEL document that lists our classmates that we don't have e-mail addesses for. If you know of one send it to me and I will add it to the address book! This document can also be opened using LOTUS 123. Thanks Ted for this suggestion. If anyone else has a suggestion let me know!
E-mail: meaton@mfx.net
mark Monday, 1/1/01, 4:01 AM
Happy New Year to all!!! Todd Paul Leon and Inky are all still here in town. Paul and Leon both work at McCain's and I'am not sure what Inky is doing.Oh and by the way Dee Dee if you remember Tony Carney his sister Thersea and her husbanb Carl Hoffses live out that way in portland. Thats all for know. mark
E-mail: mlavway@maiine.rr.com
mike patenaude Sunday, 12/31/00, 3:23 PM
hey all,hey todd great too see you doing so well,david watson is a lawyer in boston,he comes up about every three months to go too camp with me and kevin higgins,i would dare say he will be there in july,happy new years all,patnose(web name lol)
From: pi
Torry Sunday, 12/31/00, 2:55 PM
By the way Ted - I named both of our sons! It comes with the delivery! I have your pictures - I carry them in my briefcase hoping to get to the Post Office every day! I WILL send them soon!
Torry Sunday, 12/31/00, 2:52 PM
Roseann - SEND ME YOUR E-MAIL!!!! Ted is the one who sent the pitures for the Web Site! So - Blame him! Some people didn't even recognize you so you should have just kept quiet! HAPPY NEW YEAR to everyone! We are celebrating with the Gallants aka June Judkins and her family. We are a lively bunch - we'll probably be in bed much before 12:00! Last year we were waiting for the power to go off and for everyone to blame my husband (manager of IS at MPS). Luckily - everything went without a "flicker"! May 2001 bring everyone health and wealth!
E-mail: meaton@mfx.net
  Sunday, 12/31/00, 11:04 AM
pickled herring and lox is a great side dish
  Sunday, 12/31/00, 10:59 AM
Ted, The initials a.s.s. would not be appropriate. Keep hammering it out with the wife. It took us the whole nine months to come up with 'Timothy' and in the end it was no use arguing with the one who actually gives birth to your child. However, I did try to argue and she got the last word in the birthing room. Also, if you go to the lama-something classes please note the fear you see in all the younger guys eyes. I wasn't affraid until after 3 days of labor and the baby having an irratic heartbeat which dropped from 160 bpm to 40 bpm in front of my very eyes. No sweat for you though right? Your even older than I was. Also, Also, no matter what anyone says to help prepare you for that indescribable moment of birth its all your own experience. T. Wilson T. Wilson
  Sunday, 12/31/00, 10:50 AM
Is that Ted Stone drinking a Budweiser in that photo?
  Sunday, 12/31/00, 10:43 AM
Skeeter Nichols was in our class. Where is Skeeter?

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