PIHS Class of 1981 Alumni Site
Total Entries: 667
Torry Friday, 6/29/01, 5:51 AM
The meeting went very well last night! We are all set for a great time two weeks from today! We do need a final count by Sunday July 8th! So if you do not let us know and make arrangements for payment by then you will not be included!?! Friday night Rick will open and set up the PI snowmobile Club by 5:30 for you early partiers! This is BYOB and pot luck snacks. Coke has donated several cases of their brands of soda and there is a possibility that we will have a party Sub from Subway donated. If anyone has connections with a business that is interested in donating something let me know. Remember-the pinic on Saturday is now at Arnold Brook Lake. This is also a "Bring your own food and drink" event. Sue Beckwith Currier and her husband Brian have donated 2 large banners that Rick is arranging to hang. Coke also has done a banner for us. Other than that - I guess we are ready for a great weekend!
E-mail: meaton@mfx.net
Andy Johnson Thursday, 6/28/01, 8:09 AM
Hope the meeting goes well Torry - you guys are doing a great job organizing this! It's probably a lot more work than many people realize. I'm over in Switerland for the week. It's a great place to visit. If you like mountains, great food, and nice people, then you'd love it here. Work hasn't taken a lot of time this trip, so I've had a couple of days to goof off while I'm here. Oh, and the time that you see on these messages is Pacific time (the server's probably in California). In fact it's 5PM here in Switzerland, so this message will probably say 8AM (Pacific time), which is really 11AM Eastern time. That's not too confusing!
From: Cazenovia, NY
E-mail: andy@summitsolutions.net
Torry Thursday, 6/28/01, 5:54 AM
Remember - We have a meeting tonight at Copper's Lounge (Northeastland). We would love to see a big croud! Also, for anyone planning on attending the Reunion - we need a commitment and some money!
E-mail: meaton@mfx.net
Carma Wednesday, 6/27/01, 2:22 AM
Lisa B. ~ Glad to hear things are going well. I was wondering where you've been hiding. How is the new job going? It's 5:20 a.m. and I am about to go walk the beach before the tourists wake up. LOL Suppose to be a major hot hot day here today as well as the whole state. I think the A/C is going to come in handy. Have a great rest of the week everyone.
From: Old Orchard Beach
LISA BRIGMAN Monday, 6/25/01, 3:37 PM
hi class! hope everything is fine with everyone. congrats ted!!!!!!!!! carma........ everything is fine here. computer was broke and in the hospital, but now hes fine. i dont think the computer liked it when i left so abruptly in april when gram passed away, cuz when i came home he was broke. now i'm back and running faster than ever.
E-mail: kbc@wizard.com
T. Wilson Sunday, 6/24/01, 11:48 PM
Congratulations and salutations Ted & family. Whats the kids name or did I miss that? It sounds like your weathering the first few months well and I'm happy for you. After all, its not everyday a man your age becomes a father! Enjoy it! In the last month I've spent 4 hours with my boys on Father's Day which was the last day I was in Salt Lake, I had a four hour layover there. My wife is encouraging me to go to the reunion but with this move to San Diego happening on the 10th, the new dam project, and being away as much as I have I'm pulling in my horns a little bit. However, anything is possible. I can't say I'm excited about this move and I no longer can say I've never been to California which sucks because Californian's somehow think that everyone on the west coast actually wants to visit the place. I think that it must have been a nice place to live at one time.....probably before Walt Disney passed away (which made me sad at the time). Anyway, I've determined that the speed limit is somewhere's between 55 and 110 mph I've been trying to convince myself that 1200 $/mo rent, 300 $/mo electricity bills, and 2.10 $/gal gas are normal and okay because San Diego is sooooo nice. Your probably getting my drift on my initial assessment of the area. Its one big rat race but I'm sure we'll find something of value there! Being talking to Dee Dee Footer and Jerry McGlinn lately. Dee Dee sounds like she's holding up well and Jerry has been threatening me about not attending the reunion. Good friends and good aquaintences are hard to come by out here so I value their words and thoughts. You know what really sucks is that I wasn't at the ten year reunion and that I may not be at my 20th. I really wanted to attend and to be one of those smiling faces but I am still a member of the class of 81, I'm still from Preque Isle, Maine, and I'm already there. T. Wilson
From: Warshinton
Carma Sunday, 6/24/01, 12:03 PM
Hey Teresa!!! Glad to see you have found the site. Cindy had given me your addy but I misplaced it a while back. hope things are going well..are you coming to the reunion??
From: Old Orchard Beach
teresa carson hafford Sunday, 6/24/01, 10:49 AM
From: ashland me
E-mail: teresahafford@hotmail.com
Charlie Swiencki Sunday, 6/24/01, 8:01 AM
Carma Saturday, 6/23/01, 5:04 PM
I've wondered the same thing kerri. Some of my entries look like I have nothing better to do than to be in here at 3 & 4 a.m. LOL Although I enjoy this site, I'm still dealing with the Sandman at that hour. Ha Ha
Kerry P Friday, 6/22/01, 11:48 AM
Just a quick question does anyone know how to change the time on my entries my computer reads the right time but my entries are 3hrs off.any ideas?
Kerry P Friday, 6/22/01, 11:46 AM
It sure is nice to look at the 10yr reunion and know who everyone is of course i knew Kay,Margo and a few others but everyone has changed so much! Imagine what 20yrs will do. Well i guess its a good thing i'm not coming to the reunion my sister in law is getting married that weekend. Couldn't miss that they've waited 11yrs for this. This weekend is filled with softball games,fun fun, if it doesn't rain. I hope you all have a really nice time and hope to see some pictures of the reunion on the web site. I'll be thinking of you all that weekend. Work is starting to pick up so have to get back to,lucky i can do it at home and be with my kids of course they wish i wasn't here, if any of you have a 15yr old daughter you know what i mean, my two boys don't mind but shes another story. Have fun!!!!!
  Friday, 6/22/01, 8:18 AM
ps...the close up probably wasn't necessary!
allison Friday, 6/22/01, 8:15 AM
ahhh andy...thanks for the bit of memory!! you looked rather endearing yourself my friend!! i'll have to share with mum and dad what norm's son shared with the entire internet community!! mum will think it's so sweet! i must admit, it wasn't a good hair day but i've definitely had worse! today for instance! hot now ha? never an adjective i would even go near i'm afraid...the ravages of children ya know, although i'll certainly take the implied compliment and savor it for a few days! yah, we did all look rather sweet didn't we kim? i'd forgotten who was in our class...it's amazing that we all go back that far isn't it? andy, remember the days of the auctions at wagm...visiting frosty in the booth on saturdays...seems like a lifetime ago...thanks for the memories!
Kim-Maynard Conaway Friday, 6/22/01, 3:39 AM
OK Andy- the fifth grade picture brought me from being a reader of this sight to a writer on this sight....I WAS CUTE! (you too, Allison)I don't have the class picture anymore, but certainly have my 8x10! What little darlings we were! Gee, that was a treat. Thanks Andy.
From: South Casco,ME
E-mail: kconaway@pivot.net
Andy Johnson Thursday, 6/21/01, 5:48 PM
Allison - I think you're quite right; you ladies are aging very well, whether it's "surgically enhanced" or not! In fact, you should go look at this page: http://www.summitsolutions.net/alumni/grade5 (keep it a secret - you might be embarrassed). Based on the tenth reunion photo, you've definitely changed for the better! It's been another ten years - you must be pretty hot by now!!!
From: Cazenovia, NY
E-mail: andy@summitsolutions.net
Andy Johnson Thursday, 6/21/01, 4:29 PM
Yeah, we've got two Bonnie Dentons and two Nancy Lambs. What to do, what to do... I'm thinking the Bonnie Denton on the left is the real Bonnie Denton. I have no idea about Nancy Lamb... How about anyone who really knows (for either one) send me an email telling me how sure they are, and I'll try to decide who is right. This is a democracy after all!
From: Cazenovia, NY
E-mail: andy@summitsolutions.net
  Thursday, 6/21/01, 4:23 PM
There are two listed in the class photo as being Bonnie Denton. Also, the Pic. that is listed as being Maryann Mcausland looks more like Lorraine Brewer-Fitzerbert.
allison Thursday, 6/21/01, 3:40 PM
andy...great job with the picture!! i must take exception to the cosmetic surgery quip! we women have just grown more beautiful with age!! it's that beauty that blinds you to the identity of some!!
margo Thursday, 6/21/01, 3:03 PM
Ok the class picture name thing is so cool. Added three names for you. Only one left is the girl on the left ? Marjorie Brown? Thanks for all your work on this sight. Tried to look up '80 class, their page is a mess hope we keep up with ours. I've really enjoyed this. Makes me kind'a homesick. Wish my kids could get a chance to pick potatoes. People here don't believe me that school gets out to harvest potatoes. And that we don't bury the dead in the winter. Loved the "old days".
From: pa
E-mail: threebairsngoldy@aol.com
Andy Johnson Thursday, 6/21/01, 2:03 PM
Wow, good job folks! We're down to six people left. Two girls next to each other in the back row; one blonde hiding behind Joni Carmichael-Buck (comparing to the yearbook, I'd guess Tammy Firman- Begley, but that's a total guess); a brunette girl sitting at the right; a brunette girl sitting toward the left next to Ruth McEachern-Masters (maybe Patsy Dunton? again, a total guess); and one guy sitting in front of Bob Gagnon... Not sure if all the others are correct - of course give a yell if you see any wrong... Why are the girls harder to identify? Have they changed more? Has the beauty, cosmetic, and plastic surgery industry taken hold? Did everyone ignore them all back in high school so we don't remember what they look like now? Speaking for myself, I definitely did my share of ogling in my youth (unrequited, of course). Maybe it's just coincidence...
From: Cazenovia, NY
E-mail: andy@summitsolutions.net
Tony Carney Thursday, 6/21/01, 12:08 PM
whoops it's not Albert Allen, It's Tracey Bradley. Sorry.
From: Bangor, ME
E-mail: anthonycarney@msn.com
Tony Carney Thursday, 6/21/01, 12:06 PM
Andy The girl to the right of Dana Drake is Albert Allen, I thinks it's Tracey Bradley.
From: Bangor, ME
E-mail: anthonycarney@smn.com
Ted (again) Thursday, 6/21/01, 9:30 AM
Andy, glad to hear I've exceeded your minimal expectations. (Sounds like I would have to be only marginally smarter than a pumpkin in order to surprise you. Hey, there are some pretty bright pumpkins out there. You should see how they kick butt over zucchinis in standardized testing. Speaking of standardized testing, do you think our Prez would be able to outscore ANY members of the squash family? Maybe not the most genius of pumpkins but perhaps the garden variety summer squash. No need to answer -- I¿m just curious. Probably wouldn't matter because Mr. Bush would doubtlessly make some comment about how he was able to have "productive talks" with the squash and in so doing would be able to state that the squash had ¿a good heart." Whether or not the browser issue still exists from my home computer, everything with respect to the 10th reunion photo is fine and dandy from work. (Not that I had occasion to check out the PIHS site from the office...)
E-mail: stonete@aporter.com
Andy Johnson Thursday, 6/21/01, 4:14 AM
You're smarter than I thought, Ted (of course that almost goes without saying). I just fixed a minor little thing that may have caused problems with old browsers (I didn't think it would matter, but maybe). Let me know if you still have trouble.
From: Cazenovia, NY
E-mail: andy@summitsolutions.net
Ted Stone Wednesday, 6/20/01, 9:58 PM
Andy, I believe your instructions are pretty clear and am reasonably confident that I followed them as written, but I couldn't (and still can't) perform the task properly. Whenever I single- or double-click on a "Who's This," I'm taken to a screen that is blank but for a single sentence, "[t]he parameter is incorrect." Could it be something wrong with my browser or other settings? Just tried it again and got the same message. Also get the incorrect parameter message when I click on some but not all of the identified classmates, yet clicking on other identified classmates links me to their class list bio info. I wonder if others are experiencing similar technical difficulties? Great job with the photo links despite whatever glitches I may be experiencing. Nice touch with the link to Mark Condon's photo. Am certain that the woman next to Diane Carter-Collins identified as Robin Putnam is really Denise Powers. As for Leon Ouillette, I seem to recall a conversation with him at the 10th reunion and learning that he did not graduate with the class, but he certainly was with our class through junior high and into high school. Andy, I'm not sure whether I can be credited with taking the "honorable dad approach" with respect to breast-feeding - it would be more accurate to say universally that I've taken the "wise husband approach" by marrying a woman to whose superior judgment I almost invariably defer. Marrying up was a pretty smart move if I do say so myself. Despite the fact that my current level of physical fitness may soon require me to wear a mansierre (Seinfeld reference), I am not able to produce the milk for our son, so my wife has graciously volunteered to be the food supply for as long as she can. (She'll likely stop breastfeeding before he reaches the age of 15. Um, just kidding for all you literalists out there.) For the first four weeks, I stayed up through the night to help with all of the feedings (the changing, the burping - you know the drill), but after weeks of 2-3 hours of sleep per night, we figured that it was stupid for both of us to be zombies. We drew straws and my wife lost, so now she gets to be the head zombie and I get to sleep through a couple of the milkathons in the wee hours.
Carma Wednesday, 6/20/01, 3:51 PM
Hi everyone. Lynn Carlson graduated with us but she is not on the list. She is also in the 10th class reunion picture to the left of Trudy Lagerstrom- Cawley. I believe thats Lynn. It's been fun going through all the faces to see who I still recognize after all these years. Thanks Andy!
Andy Johnson Wednesday, 6/20/01, 2:16 PM
Great job Ted! And great job whoever else is giving input! I guess I should have told you, Ted, that you just have to click on any unknown person and you can enter their name. I put in the info you've provided (and yes the numbers helped), and I even put in the Mark Condon photo. I must admit it's harder than I would have thought figuring out who these people are. My mind thinks that everyone looks exactly like they did in the yearbook! Anyway, with everyone's help we're down to only about a dozen left. You think you got a headache, Ted, staring at the picture to identify people - you should have tried drawing little boxes around everyone's face so the page would work! ... What's with Leon Oullette? To be honest, I remember the name, but I can't place him (embarrassing). I don't see him in the yearbook and he's not on the class list on this site. Should I add him?? ... Great job with the new baby Ted. I assume you've taken the honorable dad approach and convinced your wife that breastfeeding is much better for the child than having you get up at night and feed him! ... Sorry you may not make the reunion. Don't tell anyone, but I was actually looking forward to seeing you. Hope you can swing it...
From: Cazenovia, NY
E-mail: andy@summitsolutions.net
Ted Stone Tuesday, 6/19/01, 10:19 PM
Since finding this website last year, I've looked forward to making my first trip to the County since our 10th and to renewing friendships/acquaintances. Regrettably, I am now most likely to miss out on the big weekend. Things could change within the next 3 1/2 weeks, but it's not looking good. Guess that means I better got off my butt and send some of the email I've been meaning to send to a number of classmates. In any case, I hope attendance is good.
Ted Stone Tuesday, 6/19/01, 10:07 PM
Andy, I've just spent the past 40 minutes looking at the 10th reunion photo while my wife has been doing the midnight feeding of our little boy who is growing like a weed. 6 lbs, 7 oz at birth and now nearing 11 pounds at 6 weeks. My boy (Mr Milky-Face) is starting to resemble the Buddha with his little pot belly (and now multiple chins. Because the copy quality of the web-photo is so poor, I dug out my own copy of the picture and made some good progress. You should doublecheck all names since I relied on memory, which is starting to go. Also should check married names for the women since I only listed the ones I knew. My apologies for not recognizing some people, but it has been 10 years since I saw any of you folks. Would've helped to compare against a yearbook, but I didn't feel like trying to dig one out of the attic. The number I used is the the number that appears in the address bar for each person as you place the cursor over their face. I assume you can enter the info based on that. 2 = Kathy McGlauflin; 4 = Susan Cambridge; 5 = Robin Blotner; 8 = Laurie Archer; 9 = Beth Fogg; 10 = Beth Randolph; 12 = Sherrt Jordan; There are two 13s. 13 bottom right = John Summerson (note he is misidentified as John Berce); 13 top row = Paul thompson; 16=Mark Lavway(???); 17=Emery Kinney; 18 = Kevin Higgins; 19 = Todd Dempster; 21 = Dan Lainey; 22 = John Berce; 23 = Vicki Helton; 25 = Jeff Mahaney; 33 = Cheryl Roix; 35 = Tony Carney; 37 = Bonnie Denton; 38 = Raeann Wile-Hodgson; 43 = Kay Cote;; 44 = Allison Fowles-Roberts; 45 = Leah Lamoreau-Girondin; 46 = Leon Ouillette (spelling); 50 = Trudy Lagestrom-Cawley; 51 = Denise Bouchard; 52 = Susan Shaw; 53=Nancy Lamb; 58 = Roseann Mcconnell (note: she is holding a senior photo of Mark Condon); 70 = David Hansen; 72= Bob Cawley; 76 = Colleen Walton; 81 = Denise Powers; 85 = Steve Dunn; 87 = Jeffrey Hallett; 89 = Greg Flewelling; 91 = Paul Leblanc; 95 = Paula Deschene-McHugh (definitely check spelling); 96 = Joni Carmichael-Buck; 100 = Scott Hafford; 129 = Kim Carroll-Murchison;
E-mail: stonete@aporter.com
Andy Johnson Tuesday, 6/19/01, 5:59 PM
Okay all you reunion folks (and others) - here's a good exercise for you. Go back to the PIHS-81 home page and select the "10th Reunion Photo". I just changed it so you can identify each of the people in the picture. When the picture comes up, hold your mouse over a person and it will either say their name, or it will say "Who's This?" If it says their name, you can click to see their info. If it says "Who's This?" and you know who it is, you can click to identify the person, so everyone will know. I have just started identifying people in the photo, so if you guys could go and identify any that you know, it would be great. And it will be a good test to see how many you can figure out - especially since you'll be seeing these people again in a couple of weeks (and they'll be another 10 years older). Incidentally, if it doesn't work, you are probably running an old version web browser. Also, please be sure to select only people that you know for sure - you can't change your mind once you've "identified" someone, even if you did it wrong. Let me know if you make a mistake. Let's at least try to get everyone identified before the reunion!
From: Cazenovia, NY
E-mail: andy@summitsolutions.net
Beth Guimond (Fogg) Tuesday, 6/19/01, 11:55 AM
Kim, yes mom and dad are starting to move stuff down. Actually dad has made 12 trips down with a trailer so far. I don't think they have much left up there except furniture and clothes. Mom doesn't retire until the end of July. Well, Bill Burtt did some investigating to find out where Scott Farley and Vicki Rand are and he says their in Italy.
From: Old Town
E-mail: markandbeth @peoplepc.com
Bill Burtt Tuesday, 6/19/01, 8:14 AM
Everyone; Sorry, I meant to post that email to this place not send it to everyone individually. See ya'll next month. Bill
E-mail: wburtt@sprynet.com
Carma Monday, 6/18/01, 3:54 PM
Kim...I agree 100%. I can deal with the 80's, just not the humidity.Was a real nice day today. Alot of tourists at the beach so to avoid that I go behind UNE in Biddeford, the tourists havent figured out a way to get to the other side of camp ellis..heh heh Wasnt Lynn Carlson in our class? I dont see her name on the list. Nancy...has Earl started stocking up on his bug spray for the trip home? It actually isnt bad yet in this part of the state, not sure about up home tho.
From: Old Orchard Beach
Kim Carroll Murchison Monday, 6/18/01, 1:01 PM
Beth, nice to hear from you. You should be commended on all your efforts in getting in touch with old classmates. I actually ran into Richard Ashley at the Mall a week or so ago and asked him if he was going back to the reunion. He didn't know for sure if he was going or not. I got his email address and sent him the link to this site. He didn't know about it. Yes, we are bringing the kids up to PI with us. They wouldn't let us leave town without them. They love going up to see their aunts and uncles. Mom thought your folks were moving stuff to the new house already. Has your Mom retired yet? I will be stopping by. Can't wait to see you and everyone else. Carma, now today is the kind of Summer weather we need. I can't handle the humidity that we had over the weekend. Nancy, I don't know how you do it in GA. I hope you have central air conditioning. Talk to everyone later.
From: Scarborough
E-mail: kmurchis@maine.rr.com
Beth Guimond (Fogg) Monday, 6/18/01, 8:29 AM
Hi everyone! I've been reading all the entries but I haven't written anything in a while. I'm bored. I'm done work for the summer but trying to find a job for just the next 2 months. Not a very easy thing to do. I've been trying to contact some of our old classmates and talk them into going to the reunion. I finally found Billy Burtt and he said he's coming. We've been trying to get some info on Scott Farley who married Vicki Rand but haven't been able to locate them yet. If anyone has any info let me know. I think his father still lives in PI but I can't find a phone number. I talked to Kim Smith (Young) who is now living in Fort Kent but they are very busy on weekends with their boys and the motocross circuit. I think I've talked Mary Jo Tardiff (Coffin) into going. I called Janet Swett (Siddons) and left a message but I haven't heard back from her. Kim Murchison, are you bringing your kids up that weekend? Mom and dad will still be in PI that weekend. They would love to see you. Well, that's all for now.
From: Old Town
E-mail: markandbeth@peoplepc.com
  Sunday, 6/17/01, 11:55 AM
Sorry for the repeat at the end of that last of entry. What would Miss Tripp do if she seen that?
Carma Sunday, 6/17/01, 11:52 AM
LOL...Thats what I thought you were going to say Nancy.We went to a wedding yesterday wayyyy up in Livermore Falls. It was the neatest thing because it was in a Quaker village atmosphere. The church has no electricity and was built in 1828.The bride rode up on in old fashioned horse carriage. It Was really very nice. The mansion along side the church was also built not too much later than 1828 and was owned by the original inventor of the gold medal flour co. See...I'm still learning new things every day..ha ha Have a great week everyone! Have a great week everyone!
From: Old Orchard Beach
Sue Currier Saturday, 6/16/01, 7:13 PM
Happy Father's Day to all the Dads! We're celebrating it at the ball park Atlanta Braves vs. Boston Red Sox. Brian and his Dad will be wearing their Red Sox caps with pride. :0) See everyone in a couple of weeks!
E-mail: scurbcur@aol.com
Nancy Friday, 6/15/01, 6:03 PM
HA on what you think humidity is.....try multiplying that by 100000000000000000000000
Carma Friday, 6/15/01, 5:07 PM
I know I whined a bit about the cold this past winter...but would someone please turn the stove down? It is so hot down here even the atlantic ocean doesnt cool you off today. Nancy, I dont know how you do it girl living in Goergia. I hope the humidity there isnt half as bad as it is here. Have a great weekend everyone!
From: Old Orchard Beach
Carma Thursday, 6/14/01, 3:19 AM
LOL Nancy, I'd go but we will be heading back to Southern Maine on Sunday. But I wouldnt mind being there to see you climb it tho. Ha Ha You can see Haystack perfectly from the kitchen at "the house". Only view I noticed while living in Mapleton was Haystack. Torry, remember when all there was on the opposite side of the street from mrs. Cray's house on up to the LaCombes were potato fields? We use to pick alot of wild strawberries up by the tracks.....ohhhh to be a kid again! LOL
Nancy Wednesday, 6/13/01, 5:50 PM
LOL Please don't make me doubt my mom!!! Maybe the way that longggggg road curves around you may end up in Ashland, but Haystack was in my back yard, and I KNOW I lived in Castle Hill, LOL, that much I am sure of!!!!!!! Speaking of Haystack, Sunday afternoon my kids and I are climbing that sucker,anyone else dare????????? LOL Can our old bones take it????
Carma Wednesday, 6/13/01, 4:32 PM
LOL....Do any of us know?? I do believe the squa pan road to get to the lake is directly across from Haystack...and Haystack is not in Ashland. I think........LOL, but then again...I couldnt even remember where the ski-doo club is and I've only been gone since 1987.ha ha But seems that is too close to castle Hill than it is to Ashland.
From: Old Orchard Beach
allison Wednesday, 6/13/01, 4:03 PM
ok nancy...now, i hate to disagree with mom's BUT...squa pan in actually in ashland!! my sister lived on the lake so i'm pretty sure i'm right!!
Todd Wilson Wednesday, 6/13/01, 6:56 AM
Howdy folks, To set things straight I'm still working on getting my act back home for the reunion and no I ain't put off by what anyone has said or done on this here little web site. I still hope to see and visit with all for the reunion that I've been anticipating for ten years now and I'll be there if at all possible. God, Family, Country thats the way it is. Everything else is on that Jerry Sienner show. T. Wilson
Carma Wednesday, 6/13/01, 2:42 AM
LOL Nancy. Yes, thanks to Torry and Kerry I know exactly where I am. Whew! Gosh, I've been wondering if it's age that we couldn't remember where these places were or if we were always buzzed or something whenever we were there and it really didnt matter at the time of the location...ya think? LOL
From: ummm.........
Nancy Tuesday, 6/12/01, 5:31 PM
OK My mom has finally set me straight. The snowmobile club is by what I know as Echo Lake. Cloggy Joe is the ski lift on the Fort Rd. And Squa Pan is in Castle Hill. Gosh I can't wait to get home!!! So there Carma I finally know where I am.....do you????? LOL
Kerry P Tuesday, 6/12/01, 10:31 AM
No,Carma the snowmobile club was built after we were out of PIHS. I'm not real sure how long its been there,maybe 10 years. There used to be an old house up; there they called it something but not sure what. I only lived down the road from there on the point of Echo. We still have realitives close to the club house Lavways & Wheelers, Jarvis. Miss the place a great deal maybe some day moving back will be possible. Need to get back to work way far behind. Take care.
E-mail: kerry1514@aol.com
Torry Tuesday, 6/12/01, 5:37 AM
The Fish & Game Club is on the Parsons Road going towards Washburn. Kerry is right the PI Snowmobile Club is at Echo Lake. You go out on the Houlton Road and go towards Aroostook State Park.

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