PIHS Class of 1981 Alumni Site
Total Entries: 667
allison Sunday, 11/5/00, 9:37 AM
thanks for the info rick...i'll be watching for torry's updates!
E-mail: allie36009@aol.com
Rick Collins Friday, 11/3/00, 5:53 PM
Meeting at Coppers went very well. Much was decided. Torry will be doing some updates to this site as well as posting what was discussed and or decided very soon. Attending the meeting were Torry Eaton ,Dianne & Rick Collins, Gerald McGlinn and Denise Adams.
E-mail: rickcoll@juno.com
allison fowles-roberts Friday, 11/3/00, 4:16 PM
ok...how did the meeting go at copper's? who went, was anything decided and what do you need help with for the reunion?
E-mail: allie36009@aol.com
  Tuesday, 10/31/00, 5:48 PM
T Wilson Saturday, 10/28/00, 9:00 PM
Why does 81 seem so long ago? Has it really been that long? Is the age of innocense gone? What have you done all these years. Do you still like to drink lots of beers or have you been consumed by all your fears? Smiles lost miles gained. Do we all search in vain ir did you move back to Maine? For those of you that have not left I hope you feel you've got the best and maybe a little envy of the rest. I hope being you hasn't changed and I hope sex, drugs, and alcohol was just a saying. We all must know by now its not where you've gotten but how? Did you get better at something. Have you raised them well? So think about this and so long for now.
From: SLC
Rick and Dianne Tuesday, 10/24/00, 5:52 PM
Hey guys, got a new adress if you need to contact us: rickcoll@juno.com
From: PI
E-mail: rickcoll@juno.com
Denise (Bouchard) Adams Tuesday, 10/24/00, 3:31 PM
Hello everyone! I can't wait till our reunion! Here's a little update about me so everyone can catch up. I have 2 children, Amanda age 16 (YIKES!), and Brandon age 12. My husband Bob and I live in Presque Isle, and lead very busy lives. I am going back to school to become a teacher, and working at the Presque Isle Forum. I teach third and forth grade at my church. I am also a girl scout leader. (11 Years) When I have free time I enjoy cross country skiing, crafts, camping and being with my kids. I will post again later. Denise
From: Presque Isle
E-mail: beadadams@ainop.com
Tom Friday, 10/20/00, 4:54 PM
KERRY, I hope that you enjoy moose meat,because that is an ideal weight for the taste buds. {Hope I didn't affend any animal lovers!} Mark, I wish you luck on your hunt. I'm looking forward to the month of November myself. Partridge hunting is fun, but hunting the four legged game is the ultimate!
Mark Thursday, 10/19/00, 2:01 AM
Hey to all Rick the first meeting i will not be able to attend but would be able to go to the rest. Will be down in the Greenville area on a monster deer hunt. Congrats to all who got a moose!!!! Talk with every one later.Yes this was posted at 5:00am just before work
E-mail: mlavway@maine.rr.com
kerry Wednesday, 10/18/00, 1:17 PM
Tom, his grandfather had the pleasure of dressing it,he was also the holder of the permit my son Reed was the sub-permitee, his weighed about 600 dressed hes also got his doe permit so we'll see.
From: belgrade
E-mail: kerry1514@aol.com
Tom Tuesday, 10/17/00, 4:37 PM
Kerry, I just read your message about your son shooting his first moose. My dad also had his name drawn for the hunt. His moose weighed in about five hundred pounds. I had the pleasure of dressing out his moose. Who had the honor of doing your son's?
Dan Lainey Monday, 10/16/00, 6:02 PM
First time signing in and I must say that I have had quite a few laughs, probably just the start of things to come next July!! Ted, your fatrher told me youwere getting married but forgot to mention that you were still trying to play sports like you did 20 years ago!! Hope you are doing better. Todd, I am gald that life is going well for you out west, looking forward to seeing you in 2001. Actually I am looking forward to seeing everyone, sharing a lot of laughs over a couple of cold ones, doesn't that sound familiar!! I live in Yarmouth with my wife Jennifer and we have 2 boys, Nicholas 5, and Connor who will be 4 on the 28th. signing off for now, take care all.
From: Yarmouth,ME
E-mail: dlainey@aol.com
kerry Sunday, 10/15/00, 2:51 PM
just wanted to drop in and say hi. my oldest son just got back from moose hunting in Ashland and got his first moose hes 11, so he was pretty excited.I'm looking forward to the reunion in July see you all then.
From: belgrade,me
E-mail: kerry1514@aol.com
Rick Wednesday, 10/11/00, 6:14 PM
Note to Class Of 1981!! Please contact everyone and anyone possible and tell them of this site. Really want to cut down on mailings! Thank You!!! P.S. Todd-Still remember that hunting blunder like it was yesterday. Many great times were had in the Great North Maine Woods. My oldest son Corey shot his second partridge just this past Monday! Later,Rick
Torry Tuesday, 10/10/00, 12:23 PM
Diane and I just got off the phone. We have scheduled our first planning meeting for November 1, 2000 at 7:00pm at Copper's Lounge. Please be there if you would like to help or to offer suggestions.
Ralph Nader Saturday, 10/7/00, 12:48 PM
"Welcome to the Hotel California". Starsky & Hutch, The Dukes of Hazard, Daisy Duke in her halter top, Rolled cuffs, Highschool intercom announcement "Happy birthday Mark Nelson brought to you from the food and drug administration", playing ball with Kent down at the pool, Pony League Allstars, Getting a wedgie from Kent on directions from his brother, catching trout out of Mantle Lake, catching trout at Echo & Hansen Lakes with my Dad before the ice is completely out, Pearly Dean, Ted Stones puberty voice, Getting stuck in the snow while 4 wheel driving, Rick Collins eyes after wounding a deer it with a rapid succession of shots from his lever action rifle, "Someone Saved My Life Tonight", Driver's Ed, Mr. Knight, Mr. McClusky, Guerretts, Beaulier's Food & Harware, School trip to Augusta and meeting the Attorney General, Squapan Lake, Fluffy sweaters, School Dances, shovelling the yard, Driving barrel truck for the Allen's, picking rocks for the Allens and smashing Timmy Bards finger with a rock, drinking too much gin in Bangor and barely surviving. Life was simpler back then!
From: SLC
E-mail: twil62@yahoo.com
Todd Saturday, 10/7/00, 4:56 AM
Greetings from the great frontier, My son Timmy and I just recently went to "The Greatest Show on Earth" the Barnum & Bailey Circus was in town. Tim liked the clowns and the human canon ball while I fell in love with the tiger lady. Somehow they even managed to keep the elephant smell down to a minimum. We had front row seats in the first balcony so we didn't miss anything. Tim and I almost od'd on cotton candy. I haven't been to a circus since the one they used to have at the Caribou Armory. Has anyone been to that lately? I just completed my first top deck on bridge 90 and am now starting top deck on bridge 13001. Will soon be tearing down the old 2100 South bridge in order to build the new bridge 96 over the UPRR mainline and Roper switching yard. This will be the last bridge over the tracks as well as in the segment. My wife has been out playing with the kids at the Salt Palace kids fair and they came home with some nice prizes and a tee-shirt for Dad. Will probably end up in Denver ripping up their world there and building about 2 billion worth of highway, bridges, and lightrail. We'll know if we get that 7 year project in March 2001. Hopefully everyone is doing the best that they can and will join us on the 14th of July, 2001 to celebrate just being around this long! By then we may be settled into our new environment. For those of you who have what we grew up with, a community with neighbors you know and a school district that you went to, I envy your position. I sure do think about those things more and more each day. They are invaluable and worth more than you think. Well, I'll sign-off for now. How's the knee Ted? Tommy how the hell are you? What you been up to? Hello Lady Di how's Ricky and the kids? Rick I think I'm catching up to you grey-hair wise! Kim My mom told me she had dinner with the old Zayer's gang. Evidently your Mom was there and told my Mom that we've corresponded via email. Its a small world we live in! Paula & Mike whatzupp man? Markus the man Lavway whatzupp man? Kerry Getty Pepper I do remember you nad your brother, glad to hear your coming to your reunion. As for my old old friends, the one's I grew up with on Chapman Street and walked to Training school with I'm still the same Todd only much older and none the wiser! See ya!
From: SLC
Web Site: Don't look now
E-mail: twil62@yahoo.com
  Sunday, 10/1/00, 11:30 AM
Spelling correction Omaha, Nebreastka should be Omaha, Nebraska. Its a Friodian slip because we attended a wet tee shirt contest while we were there. Oh to be young again! They raise some mighty heathy corn fed girls there. Ted I ment to compliment you on your writing style.
Todd Wilson Sunday, 10/1/00, 11:24 AM
Hello from the great state of Utah (or so I'm told). Howdy Mark Lavway. I've been away to Vancouver, Washington and Omaha, Nebreastka to receive more training in the science of project engineering and the art of surveying. I've gotta be one of the smartest people I know right now! Spiderwoman how the heck are you? I know, I know in nicknames what comes around goes around. Ricky the country club sounds like an excellent suggestion and since its your second home we should all feel right at home there. The 14th of July is a cool date I'll still be 38! So I won't be late! It may all be fate but all the responses indicate we should celebrate! Aye Mate! Whew! I'm just glad I've had the chance to propagate. Which brings to mind my recently married friend the Berkenwaldo of the soccer world Mr. Tedly Stoner. You sure do right pretty there Teddy. Seriously Ted, I am concerned about your knee but what about my ancle, back, and this rumatoid arthritis I have? Does anyone care? Albert if you must know you've always been my hero and friend so please excuse any callous remarks I've made can we still be friends? I still like the idea of a barbeque is that an option? Ted I know you still listen to Barry but I've grown to like other artists especially Hank Williams Junior and Nine Inch Nails. Do you remember when Bruce Jenner came to visit? I'll never forget the first time I beat Wade Trotter in a wrestling match or how Miss Everette danced with Mr. Witten. Man they really got it on! I also remember that old juke box and how it skipped sometimes. Kim, I'm glad to hear from you and think, southern Maine must be bennefitting from you and your family. Hope to see you all soon! T. Wilson
From: SLC for now
Web Site: www.hooters.com
E-mail: ask netscape they changed it
kerry Sunday, 9/24/00, 8:40 AM
Hi Mark Lavway.How have you been? It's been a while.July 14 sounds good for the reunion. Hope I can make it to see all of you.Hi Dianne L.
From: Belgrade
E-mail: kerry1514@aol.com
Tom Saturday, 9/23/00, 7:25 PM
It looks like the 14 of July seems to be a popular date for the reuion. As for myself, that weekend would work out great. I have an engagement to attend to on the 4th, and I woudn't want to miss out again on another reuion. I heard about the good times at the 10th, and hopefully I'll have the 20th to remember.
Ted S. Saturday, 9/23/00, 12:54 PM
Congrats may have to be given to Dianne for the Mandy guess, but the judge wants to know if it was a blind guess or not -- didn't you go to Skyway? Were you actually at the dance in question? Partial credit also have to be awarded to Kim, although her after-the-fact answer is being looked on with some skepticism by the judge. Come on people, what's the fast song? Sorry about the nickname airing, Dianne, but you got me back. Touche. Aw, gee, thanks for the get well wishes, Tom and Kim. You didn't need to send them, -- it's not as if I was fishing for sympathy...
Dianne Collins Friday, 9/22/00, 6:32 PM
It is amazing how many classmates I've seen this week. Everyone is starting to get pretty excited about July. Looking forward to getting together to begin planning. P.S. Ted - not sure that it was necessary to bring up old nicknames - but since we've gone down that road - if I ever get that dinner - I'll thank you then, Berkenwall! Just for the record - It was me that came up with Mandy......
Kim Carroll Murchison Friday, 9/22/00, 6:23 PM
Greetings everyone! It has been awhile since I have signed in. Ted, nice to see you have found the site. I really do hope your knee is feeling better. There, now somebody really does care. Ted I would have guessed eiher "Mandy" or "Good By Yellow Brick Road". Rick & Dianne, nice to hear from you as well. The 14th, at The Country Club sounds fine to me. The location makes me grin, I don't think I have been there since my wedding reception, way too many years ago. Torry, how was your trip? All is well here in Southern Maine. Talk to everyone later.
From: Scarorough
E-mail: kmurch@rocketmail.com
Tom Friday, 9/22/00, 4:30 PM
Ted, I'm sorry to hear about your injury. Hopefully your recovery will be swift. As for myself, I,m re- covering from a broken arm. Throughout my life I've encountered broken limbs, but never torn ligaments. As for your trivia question, if you can remember that far back, I would like to use you for a life line. Nice to hear from you.
Ted S. Friday, 9/22/00, 1:41 PM
NOTE TO MR RICK COLLINS: There was an unsigned stealth apology posted on this site, which I'm assuming was yours only because golf was also mentioned in the message. If it indeed was yours, then I accept the apology conditioned upon the following: you must also bow down humbly before me and beg forgiveness at the reunion. [For the record, it is a good thing that you apologized when you did because I was going to point out that your own lovely wife the Spiderwoman recently referred to me as "the life of the party." In contrast, she made no such complimentary comments about you, which led me to conclude that you need to do something quick to regain your place as the life of her party. Clearly, you must rekindle the romance and take her out to a nice dinner. The sooner the better.] 2nd NOTE TO RICK COLLINS: We have a Cunningham trivia contest winner!!! Mandy, the Barry Manilow ballad, was indeed the slow song requested in a previous message. Well done, my man. NOTE TO MR. TOM RAYMOND: No and no. Both are good guesses, but no cigar for you. NOTE TO CLASSMATES: I am truly underwhelmed by the compassion of the lot of you -- not one single get well e-mail in the entire two weeks I've been at home recuperating from knee surgery. I may have to rethink this whole reunion business since clearly no one cares about me. Sniff. NOTE TO MRS. CARTER COLLINS: you owe me for the dinner.
E-mail: jaimelefoot@hotmail.com
Tom Thursday, 9/21/00, 7:07 PM
Ballroom Blitz-----Stairway to Heaven
  Thursday, 9/21/00, 5:04 PM
Ted-Not sure but I think the slow song at the dance was "Mandy"? Just kiddin' about the "get a life" thing-really do enjoy reading all the notes! P.S. To whom it may concern-Don't forget your golf clubs!!
Tom Raymond Thursday, 9/21/00, 4:46 PM
I'm back with my correct e-mail address, this is very new to me.
E-mail: labelle_raymond@altavista.com
Derrick W. Collins Thursday, 9/21/00, 4:27 PM
Hey gang,just wanted to sign in and say hi. Can't believe its been 19 plus years since high school. Looking forward to seeing all of your ugly mugs next summer. Todd and Ted-Get a Life! See ya soon. Rick
From: Presque Isle
E-mail: rickcoll@me.freei.net
mark Thursday, 9/21/00, 1:53 PM
Well this is pretty cool Tom raymond with a puter!!! Hey todd where ya been no new ramblings in the past few days. Hi to kerry Pepper of echo lake well back then anyway. Dianne the 14th sounds great at the country club that way the weekend of the 4th is not screwed up for many people. Talk to all of ya later. Mark Lavway
From: PI
E-mail: mlavway@maine.rr.com
Tom Raymond Thursday, 9/21/00, 1:22 PM
Heard about this site, and thought about giving it a try.
From: Ashland ME
E-mail: Sandy 98 Tom's BUDDY
Kerry Pepper Thursday, 9/21/00, 8:09 AM
HI! Thanks Kay for letting me know about this. I'm looking forward to seeing you all in 2001. HI Dianne and Sherry its been a while. I left PI in my Junior year and moved Readfield. I've been married 16 years, to Leslie. I don't get much chance to come to PI, except in the winter to snowmobile, thats a must! Well, got to go.
From: Belgrade
E-mail: kerry1514@aol.com
Dianne Carter Collins Monday, 9/18/00, 6:19 PM
Rick just got home and thought I should throw this out for consideration. In thinking about where we should hold the reunion - Presque Isle Country Club comes to mind. (Does that surprise anyone?)!. Actually this has been suggested to us by a few people who are not interested in returning to Keddy's or trying the Campus Center as did Class of '80. Danny & Sandy Collins run the restaurant at PICC and are doing an excellent job. They are basically booked now for all of next July - although July 14th is available. Rick has informally reserved this - so we'll at least have an option. Torry - we should try to get some PI folks together soon to try to make a few decisions. So far in this poll the 14th looks like an option. As everyone knows, there are not a lot of choices and we'll need to reserve something soon if not PICC. Any other thoughts? di
E-mail: rickcoll@me.freei.net
Dianne Carter Collins Monday, 9/18/00, 5:51 PM
Hello everyone! Greetings from Presque Isle. Todd and Ted - you guys are (still) the life of the party! Looking forward to July 2001 and you both had better be here. Quick run down on the Collins family. Rick is doing great - still working for himself. I'm still at Maine Mutual - very happy. Corey is 12 - going on 16 (or so he thinks. 7th Grade at Cunningham (Todd & Ted - you'll be happy to know that). Dylan is 9 in the 4th grade at Zippel. Will have Rick sign in ASAP. Talk with you all later. (Great site!). di
E-mail: rickcoll@me.freei.net
Dianne Monday, 9/18/00, 5:40 PM
Dianne Carter Collins Monday, 9/18/00, 5:25 PM
From: Presque Isle
E-mail: rickcoll@me.freei.net
Dianne Carter Collins Monday, 9/18/00, 5:24 PM
From: Presque Isle
E-mail: rickcoll@me.freei.net
T WIlson Wednesday, 9/13/00, 8:23 PM
Al, I'm glad your writing to the site and yes I was just being somewhat less than serious in my last discourse. I'm glad to have know you for the time that I have and wish to get to know you once again. Its been how long?
Jennifer Desmond York Tuesday, 9/12/00, 3:29 PM
From: Presque Isle
E-mail: yorkboys@mfx.net
Todd Monday, 9/11/00, 9:01 PM
Hello Dee Dee Footer. I apologize for not looking you up I tend to focus on my work too much and not enough on old friends. I'm sure it will be great to see you at the reunion. Albert, remember when that gal from Castle Hill that tore some hair out of your head when you gave her some lip that day in the cafeteria? Now that was funny. At the reunion Gerald and you should be seated together and you can have fun not talking too much together!
E-mail: todousa@netscape.net
DeeDee Footer Monday, 9/11/00, 5:37 PM
Todd, since you seem to be the one that keeps this going I'll address this to you. I can't believe you were in Seattle working a mere 3 miles from me and never looked me up. I'm in the phone book and believe I'm the only Footer. Seattle is beautiful when it's not raining. Had a wonderful, rainfree summer. Spent most of my free time golfing and did take a brief trip to Maine. Was able to see Kim Carroll and Colleen Walton-both look great and have beautiful children. If any of you are ever in Seattle, give me a call. Look forward to reading up on all of you. DeeDee
From: Seattle
E-mail: deedee@realty.net
Albert W. Allen Sunday, 9/10/00, 6:26 PM
I agree with Gerald! Todd needs to work some overtime. Keep track of the structural integrity of some of those 58 bridges he's building. Denise and I say hi from Bangor (Hermon). We've got three boys: Josh - 8, Chris - 5, and Mathew (with one "T") - 3. They are pretty good boys - a couple bad habits - but, that doesn't make them bad. Our Best Regards from Hermon Maine. The Allens
From: Hermon, Me
E-mail: hermonhill@aol.com
T Wilson Wednesday, 9/6/00, 9:12 PM
Hello people, "People, people loving people, are the happiest people in the world" So are slightly intoxicated fello class members. Ted, whining about getting old is okay, but trying to get out of marriage over a bad knee, thats just horrendous! By the way there's something else the water is know for around these parts. They deliver 1500 babies a week here in SLC. Got to have big families so the church can propogate the world. The mormon's are comimg the mormon's are coming! Really, Most are good folks but I have a hard time figuring out how they can worship a guy named Smith that claims to have found golden plates in New York state? Well I hope this finds you all in good spirits and looking forward to our reunion. See you later T. Wilson
From: My mother
E-mail: todousa@netscape.net
Ted Tuesday, 9/5/00, 9:09 PM
Here's some unsolicited advice to you weekend athletes: please don't allow yourself to get 30 pounds overweight while doing nothing more strenuous than an occasional jog for three years and then decide to resume playing an active team sport again without sufficient training -- it's a dumb thing to do. So please feel free after this Friday to send a Get Well, Doofus email to me at the address listed below, as I recuperate from reconstructive surgery on my knee. (Torn ACL) I tore the ligament 10 days before my wedding in June, and my wife actually agreed to go through with the ceremony. We got married in Southwest Harbor outdoors at an inn with a beautiful view of Acadia in the background. I've been told it was the best day of the summer, and it sure was lovely. By the way, I will be playing soccer again by the time of our reunion, but probably not until late spring.
E-mail: jaimelefoot@hotmail.com
Ted Tuesday, 9/5/00, 8:43 PM
I have come to appreciate that Salt Lake City drinking water is the greatest source of inspiration in the known universe, and those fortunate few who drink it truly must take pen (or keyboard) in hand and share the fruits of this inspiration with the rest of us -- even the smart a$$e$ among us. Without the offerings of a certain individual, this guest book seems eerily quiet despite the fact that 80 people have visited the site since I last checked in. (OK, maybe I did check a couple of times in the intervening period -- is that so wrong?) Todd, please come back. We miss you. Gerald might not miss you, but I do. But if Ben is going to post any more comments, please do something about his spelling and grammar. Frankly, I found his prose to be nearly unreadable.
E-mail: jaimelefoot@hotmail.com
Leah Monday, 9/4/00, 7:18 PM
Hi everyone,good to hear from all of you. I've changed jobs and have been busy adjusting. I'm back to mobile MRI. I travel between PI and Bangor doing MRI at hospitals that don't have their own units. I can't wait to see everyone again. My two daughters are K and 5th grade. Time flies when they get into school. Todd it sounds great in Utah. Take care everyone. Leah
From: PI
E-mail: dangir@bangornews.infi.net
Torry Wednesday, 8/30/00, 7:23 AM
This is the last time that I will check the Web Site before my trip. Keenan, Karson, Mike and I are going to Holland (tulips and windmills) for a few weeks. Think of us as we travel with a "hyper" 4 year old! I will probably need another vacation (alone) once we return!
E-mail: meaton@mfx.net
Raph Nader Tuesday, 8/29/00, 9:19 PM
mn n mn x v c cx cx z, M TG6 Z3DE CXC MCNXXZ Brought to you by Ben.
From: SLC
Web Site: www.delta-air.com
E-mail: todousa@netscape.com
R. Philbin Monday, 8/28/00, 2:22 PM
Classmates, please make sure you do your part and PHONE A FRIEND (or at least send him/her an e-mail) about this reunion site. For the record, Mark Condon and David Goan have now been notified. My civic duty has been fulfilled.

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