PIHS Class of 1981 Alumni Site
Total Entries: 667
Carma Tuesday, 6/12/01, 3:02 AM
Hey Ruth! I didnt realize you had your whole family there with you!! Must be a whole other world to your mom. I know it would be for me. So glad that your enjoying it all and makes it extra special having family there living so far away from home. Dan wanted me to say hello...HELLO! We will all miss you at the reunion and I know Nancy and I will for sure make a toast to you and others who are not able to go. Kerry, has the ski-doo club always been there? why was I headed to Washburn via Parsons road way??? Is there something out that way or is this a faulty memory (which wouldnt surprise me) ha ha
From: Old Orchard Beach
Ruth Monday, 6/11/01, 8:59 PM
Well..hello everyone.....its been a long time since ive written.....summer has arrived in Alaska and with it our glorious 24 hours of sun. I've kept up with my photography as Alaska has great, spectacular subject matter. My pictures are awesome and I use them now for postcards. If I were going to the reunion, I would willingly lend a hand with the photo stuff. Bummer that I'll miss out on that. Maureen, it's nice to here from you and God Bless you. If you ever need a break from everything, you're welcome to come to Alaska and just enjoy the scenery. Long flight but worth it. Lotsa men too! Heh heh...Kings are in...we just got off the Gulkana River...kings (salmon, that is) were jumping straight outta the water...this is fishing! We are also getting ready for the state HOG rally this weekend. Gotta shine up my bike for this! It's an all weekend event held at our fairgrounds. Party all night under the midnight sun and get a tan too. Wish you were all here to share in the fun. My mom is here from Mapleton and again next Monday, we will hit the Gulkana. Between my sis, Ruby and I, we are keeping her tired out. I want to wish everyone a wonderful reunion and perhaps someone will raise thier glass in a toast for the ones like me who can't attend. I'll be with you in spirit that July night. Peace. Ruth
From: Alaska
E-mail: penobsct@mosquitonet.com
Kerry P Monday, 6/11/01, 6:57 PM
Nancy the snowmobile club is down near Echo Lake, (Aroostook State Park). Hope you find it, your sister spent quite a few days down in that area at my cousins house Tammy Wheelers. Well its been a long day and i've had it. My 10 yr old had a field trip at Acadia today and the 6hr ride was awful!!! Take care.
Carma Monday, 6/11/01, 3:46 PM
It's not coggy joe!! LMAO! isnt it Squoggy? lol Gee Nancy, maybe we both should get directions to Mapleton or have our Parent meet us somewhere.....lol
Nancy Monday, 6/11/01, 3:46 PM
I know!!!! I bet the misquitoes know the way, lets hop on some OF those and they can be our designated drives HEHEHEH!!!!!!!!!
From: Still don't know
Nancy Monday, 6/11/01, 3:42 PM
I was trying to say that lake in PI.is it Cloggy Joe or Squa Pan........gee i hope I can still find the way to my moms!!!!!!!!!
Carma and Nancy Monday, 6/11/01, 3:38 PM
LOL. Nancy is in MArs Hill somewhere, and I am somewhere heading towards Washburn. Been away from home too many years i guess.
From: We dont know!
Nancy and Carma Monday, 6/11/01, 3:34 PM
OK between the two os us....we do not know where the ski doo club is!!!!!! We have been going back and forth on where it is......and now we are both confused!! Please.......someone help us!!!!! LMAO
Kerry P Saturday, 6/9/01, 6:21 PM
Torry Vicki Walker is a very good photographer and i have her Address (mailing) and phone # if you need. Sorry to say it doesn't look good for me, I really wanted to come but my daughter has softball games all weekend. Hope to hear some great things from everyone after the reunion, and maybe some pictures? Well i'll keep in touch and try to find a picture to post on the site. Hope every thing goes geat for you all. Kay let me know some details of the reunion ok.
E-mail: kerry1514@aol.com
  Friday, 6/8/01, 5:20 PM
You may want to try Mike Gudreau. He takes excellant pictures.
Carma Friday, 6/8/01, 9:18 AM
Hi everyone. Torry, If I rememebr correctly, Vicki Walker Takes Pictures. I know she has done Angie Dickinson's senior pictures and they came out awesome. You might be able to get in touch with her through her work at MCAINS or Cindy Simpson~Clark would know how to get in touch with her. Maybe she could do it. Great weather here at the beach! Have a great weekend everyone.
From: Old Orchard Beach
Torry Friday, 6/8/01, 6:39 AM
We had another productive meeting last night! Those in attendance were: Denise Bouchard Adams, Jerry McGlinn, Kenny Dufour, and Derrick and Dianne Carter Collins. We need a few things from you guys: a list of all of our classmates that have passed away - if you know of someone get their name to me. And, is anyone a photographer(professional or amateur) (or do you just love to take pictures)? We are having a difficult time finding someone to take a group picture on the 14th?!? We really need commitments and $ so that we can pay the Band, Snowmobile Club, Country Club and Food! If you know of someone that plans on coming but there isn't a YES next to their name on our Class List then have them contact me! Our next meeting will be June 28th (same time same place).
E-mail: meaton@mfx.net
W. Scott Thursday, 6/7/01, 7:49 AM
Well, how time flies when you get older. My wife Theresa (Vogel) has been on my back (in a loving way) about getting information for this gathering. Obviously being the man I ignored her and procrastinated therefore placing myself in the situation that I now find myself in. Being from Presque Isle herself I just assumed (again a guy thing) that since she wanted to go she would take care of everything, getting the information, filling out my bio, writing the check, etc. Well what is it with woman these days (no offense)? I find myself taking care of this myself, I have never had this type of responsibility on my shoulders. Gee I hope I don't mess this up. I am sure with all the helpful people at this site I can get everything arranged and I can save my marriage. Soooo, how does one get the information for this upcoming event. Is it too late? How can I get on the A- list? how can I get invited? are their rooms still available? can I invite myself for golf? will I recognize anyone? Ahhhh the anxiety of it all. OK I'm done. I can't wait for the golf (is there room for another), I mean the reunion. See you all there ;-)
From: East Lyme, CT
E-mail: Tsecd@aol.com
Andy Johnson Tuesday, 6/5/01, 4:41 AM
I must say, Maureen, I read your post with interest, surprise and sadness. But what a shock! Todd went to the prom with a Democrat?!?!?
From: Cazenovia, NY
E-mail: andy@summitsolutions.net
T. Wilson Monday, 6/4/01, 9:14 PM
Maureen, I read the rest of your letter and find that I hope you find peace and a personal sense of happiness and well being about your life. However......a democratic woman for President now thats outrageous!
Todd Wilson Monday, 6/4/01, 9:04 PM
Greetings to everyone from the wild west. Glad to see the site has survived and people are at ease and looking forward to the reunion. Me I still want to know what happened to my normally mild mannered self. Ted where in the hell have you been partner. I darned near left you for dead! Please excuse my use of the word dead. I know it can be a sensitive subject! In the month or so I've worked briefly in Miami, Utah, and now Vancouver, Washington and I'm wondering how the hell I'm gonna move to San Diego and make it to the reunion as well?? But you all don't need to fret...just go and have a cold one for me. Moreen I'm not sure where those pictures are but If I ever make it back home I'll try to dig you up a copy. I had a good time at our prom. T. Wilson
From: I don't know
William Burtt Monday, 6/4/01, 4:51 AM
Hello one and all; First I want to thank Beth for directing me to this website, Andy and Torry for providing the forum and the rest of you for providing such wonderful reading the past hour or so (while I should have been working). I hope to see each and everyone of you at the reunion. Bill "Billy" Burtt
From: Portland
E-mail: wburtt@sprynet.com
Teresa Cray-Carvell Saturday, 6/2/01, 6:01 PM
Wise I could be thereto see eveyone again.
From: Theodore,Al.
E-mail: citirne_tlc@yahoo.com
Teresa Saturday, 6/2/01, 5:58 PM
Carma Saturday, 6/2/01, 4:01 PM
Wow! What many many different roads we have all taken since high school. It is unfortunate that some are still on the same roads and cant seem to find that side street that some are lucky enough to find while we were all going through our own lives without thinking about anyone elses. I am finding out more about my classmates and what wonderful people they were then and are now through this glorious website. Maureen, you have become a strong person. Maybe even stronger than you realize for all the advercities you have over come and are now still trying to get through.All good things come for those who wait and there is something very special in store for you. I too, remember the times behind Buzzy's, the notes I wrote myself to get off the bus at another friends house, the dread of living in Mapleton and only getting to town on friday night when mom played BINGO (lol). I feel very fortunate that my life has gone the way it has and feel selfish about ever having the "idea" that everyone else "had it made" when we were younger and in high school, and the only thing dreadful that I really had to deal with was (as kids all do) being picked on because of my "size" or the 2nd hand clothes I always wore. Keep your head up Maureen...Your future husband will want to see you....keep smiling....:-) hope your going to the reunion..:-)
From: Old Orchard Beach
Maureen Saturday, 6/2/01, 1:47 PM
"how the short time together lasts so long..."* I just finally found the website after weeks of searching and read through the last 4 months of messages and I can't believe that after 20 years we're still picking on each other. Admittedly we were a group of students who rarely worked together as a whole. But some of us had really huge things going on in our lives that we didn't know how to deal with. I must admit that my yearbook went into the trash years ago. Here are some of the things that I remember. Having a locker next to Robin and Torry all through high school, girl scouts with Mary Jo, drinking and smoking pot with Alex, Judy, Sue, Ruth, Mary, Rose, Sherry - often in the Freshman bathroom, playing many games of spades with Kathy M, going to summer school because I flunked Jr english - easiest class I ever had - I got an A, Margo's mother dying when we were in grade school and not being able to comprehend what that meant but knew that she was so sad, so now I offer you Margo what I couldn't then - my deepest sympathy that you lost your mother at such a tender age, finally making honors my senior year, going to the prom with Todd Wilson, did I really go with him or was I dreaming, Todd I'm still waiting for my copies of all those photos your parents took. For me the most defining moment of my childhood was the night I grew up. The night my brother Patrick died. A year and a half later I was sitting in Mr.Lyford's psychology class (with half the class asleep) and Mr. Lyford said "I've never had anyone close to me die. My parents, children and close relatives are all still alive. And I remember sitting there stunned and thinking "I am only 17 and I am so much older than you". I often wonder about Pat's friends who dared him to climb the telephone pole - why they never contacted our family - what their lives are like now - are they sorry. And that wonderful ancient teacher we all had for Freshman English but I can't remember her name and if I hadn't thrown out my yearbook I could have looked it up. And through it all..........I hated every minute of high school...and growing up....because my home life was so horrible....physical abuse, emotional abuse, beatings, sexual abuse by a relative and a neighbor, afraid to tell anyone for fear of more abuse and because who would believe me..Mr & Mrs Boyle were good Catholics, very involved in the church, going to PTA meetings, went square dancing, were a boy scout and girl scout leader, volunteered for many things, and were often kind to neighbors and strangers while being mean and abusive at home to their children. And here I am 20 years later wondering "where the years went,I can't say, I just turned around and they've gone away"*.....they went to a little too much drinking, a little too much pot, some wrong decisions, traveling throughout Europe twice and all over North America, living in Connecticut, Seattle and now Minneapolis and alot of dead end jobs. Then dealing with my history, cleaning up my act, trying to be a better person, speaking my truth about the abuse, being ostracized by my family for talking about the abuse while my abuser still gets to be a full part of my family, and finding out the horrible fact that my parents knew I was being abused and did nothing about it. "Yes,standing by the road has been my song before, much too long and now I'm forced to see me there once more and that's the song"**....of a SWF 37, funny, articulate, creative, artist, 5'5",green eyes, long brown hair down to my waist (starting to get some grey), weight proportional to height, wondering if I'll ever get married, if I'll ever have the chance to be a mother but still full of hope for a better future that includes a female democrat as president in the white house. In honor of Pat I legally changed my name to Maureen Patrick.
E-mail: maureenpatrick@yahoo.com
Tony Carney Saturday, 6/2/01, 6:44 AM
Planned on attending the class reunion, but my family and I are moving to a new house in the country, all happening mid July, what an under taking. Unless something changes we wont be attending.
From: Bangor, ME
E-mail: anthonycarney@smn.com
Margo Monday, 5/28/01, 6:37 AM
Hi everyone, Can't make the reunion our son Jacob is coming home from a missions trip that day and had a fit we would go to P.I. without him. So we'll be up later this year. I've enjoyed reading this guest book. Scott I can't believe you will be retiring I guess it is time. Ted happy to hear the news:) Well, enjoy P.I. for me haven't been up for a couple of years can't wait to get there.
From: Maytown, Pa
E-mail: threebairsngoldy@aol.com
allison Sunday, 5/27/01, 4:51 PM
come on ted...let's here some details about zachary's momentous arrival into this fair world!
Carma Sunday, 5/27/01, 2:48 PM
Yes, Congrats to you and your wife Ted!!! Make sure you bring that bundle of joy with you if you can so the entire class can spoil him right! LOL. Torry, I know,I'm running late; I will mail the check this week. Have a great week everyone!
From: Old Orchard Beach
Torry Sunday, 5/27/01, 9:54 AM
Nice try Ted!!! You tried to sneak the fact that you are a father on the class listing! CONGRATULATIONS!! We all hope that Zachary is keeping you awake every night so that you can enjoy work even more during the day. Good luck with the next 3 months (those seem to be the toughest)!
Kerry P Friday, 5/25/01, 6:08 AM
Scott, I have to agree with you, I couldn't wait to move out of PI and now I wished i was back there. Its so peaceful and quiet, It hasn't changed to much. My kids really enjoy visiting PI usually in the winter. Belgrade is alot like PI,but not so friendly alot of out of staters in the summer. Well hope to see you all soon. My 2 boys will be home early today, its grandparents day at school and they'll come home with their grandmother. So i have to get to work.
S Antworth Thursday, 5/24/01, 10:01 PM
Ralph, Did you move from PI to Caribou in just a few hours. If so can you come help me move back to Bangor in June. People have asked about you.(Read back a bit) Tomorrow is the official retirement day for me and it's back to gods country for me. It's funny how I swore I would leave Maine if it was the last thing I did, and then I tried for 20 years to get back. Closing Loring killed that for me. Bye. See you all in July!
From: Spokane, Wa
E-mail: Oh2tie1on@aol.com
Ralph Nichols Thursday, 5/24/01, 6:03 PM
I'm here!
From: Caribou
E-mail: rnichols@maine.rr.com
Ralph Nichols Thursday, 5/24/01, 8:53 AM
From: Presque Isle
Carma Thursday, 5/24/01, 4:02 AM
Nancy-You still have a great sense of humor! If Earl is wondering about the bugs,,,,I cant wait to see him get into Arnold Brook Lake~! The leeches that use to be there when we were younger must be quite ripe by now! ha ha. Very nice choice Torry, I haven't been there in years! Lori F.~ Didnt realize you lived so close! How do you like it here in southern Maine? I love it!
From: Old Orchard Beach
Nancy Wednesday, 5/23/01, 5:42 PM
And I almost forgot..I got a new frying pan set for Mothers Day. (But the good part about that..and Earl doesn't know this..is that the biggest one is to keep himin line heheh Oops upside your head!!
Nancy Wednesday, 5/23/01, 5:23 PM
Hello everyone!! LOL Carma about the bug spray for my hubby....My daughter had a camping trip this past week-end up to Chattanooga with the Girl Scouts, and I had to buy her some bug spray....Earl says that little can?? You need to get a case if you want me in Maine with you!!!!!!!! I must getting getting excited for this reunion....I had a dream that Buzzy's store had a basement that was the liquor store!!!!!!
Carma Wednesday, 5/23/01, 4:14 PM
LOL Torry....Us Aroostook county women can appreciate a great gift like that!! You should of seen my husband's face when I told him I wanted a fishing pole!! Ha Ha
Torry Wednesday, 5/23/01, 4:08 PM
That's how I feel about it! It's the only "private" time I get! I mow about 2.5 acres but with this new mower it won't take me any time to do it!
Andy Johnson Wednesday, 5/23/01, 3:08 PM
Wow! A new mower! Everyone thought I was a hick when I put a new muffler on the tractor for my wife this year for Mother's Day! She's the only one that gets to mow the lawn, so she might as well do it in style, right? Actually I get to mow the lawn once a year - on Father's Day. It's not so much the five hours of riding around that's nice, it's the fact that the spouse is watching the kids for those five hours!
From: Cazenovia, NY
E-mail: andy@summitsolutions.net
Torry Wednesday, 5/23/01, 1:31 PM
I got a new lawn mower for Mother's Day (even has a cup holder)! At least the lawn looks good when there is no snow on it. The Family Picnic on July 14th will be at Arnold Brook Lake (not Mantle). Maine Public Service is having their company picnic there so Rick reserved Arnold instead. Now we have 2 picnics to attend that day. Mike can take one kid and I can take the other and go our separate ways. The only problem is that Mike wants to play golf with everyone also! BUSY WEEKEND!
Rosemary Wednesday, 5/23/01, 6:39 AM
Hi everyone- just remembered to send in my check! My "little" sister Kathy has a 10th reunion the weekend before ours- we are trying to coordinate schedules for this summer. She lives in Colorado, as does Cheryl Chow- nice place to be! Cheryl, next time we go to Co. I'd love to look you up! So is anyone interested in doing some hiking this summer around Farmington? e-mail if so! Allison, your kids are old enough to climb a mtn!! I hope to do some this weekend (although it is the big garden planting weekend so we'll see.) Funny- we who live in Me. work so hard this time of year to landscape and do gardens and such, all for a few months then it snows again! crazy. But fun.
From: Farmington
E-mail: racyr@maine.edu
Cheryl Chow Kunis Tuesday, 5/22/01, 8:17 PM
Sorry I will miss the reunion.
From: Colorado
E-mail: johnandcheryl_kunis@hotmail.com
Andy Johnson Tuesday, 5/22/01, 6:28 PM
Some of you have noticed that the class list is having trouble right now. I'm having it moved to a new server so that it runs better, and in the process it shows a "not allowed" error if you try to go there. Should be fixed tomorrow.
From: Cazenovia, NY
E-mail: andy@summitsolutions.net
Carma Monday, 5/21/01, 3:38 PM
Nancy S.-Haven't heard from you in a few days. you starting to pack for the reunion? Tell Earl not to forget his mosquito netting..LOL Seen Jeff Hallett on sunday, still trying to talk him into going to the reunion and riding up with Dan and I. Been nice weather here at the beach but am looking forward to the much needed rain. Have a great week everyone.
From: Old Orchard Beach
Lori Fitzherbert Monday, 5/21/01, 2:55 PM
Need to correct last entry do not live in P.I.
From: Yarmouth ME.
E-mail: L.Fitzherbe@aol.com
Lori Fitzherbert Monday, 5/21/01, 2:45 PM
20 years,can't wait to see old friends and to go home and see family. Sue C. let me know if you are going to the reuni
From: PresqueIsle ME
E-mail: L.Fitzherbe@aol.com
Kerry P Thursday, 5/17/01, 5:09 PM
So how you all? School vacations are almost upon us. My kids don't get out until the 21st of June! Their ready right as i am. 5:30am comes to fast. Not sure if I'll beable to make the reunion. I'll let you know as soon as i can,Torry. I really hope to see everyone there, but my daughters softball games go right into August and usually every weekend. thanks for remembering me. todd where are you? I miss your wise words.
Torry Wednesday, 5/16/01, 4:06 PM
Yes- make the checks out to me (Torry Eaton) and I will make sure that all the bills get paid! I guess that's what the class Treasurer is for! I really didn't do much as such while we were still in school but I never dreamed that 20 years later there would still be some responsibilities with the position!
Carma Wednesday, 5/16/01, 3:01 AM
Lisa B. Sorry to hear that but it nice news about the business you were talking about. At this point, I am not 100% sure I can be there either. If we do, it will only be for that one day and it would make it a kind of expensive one with the cost of the reunion plus hotel expenses, but if I have my way...WE will be there! LOL I think you do make the check out to Torry Nancy, no one has said to make it out to a certian account so I am assuming you do. Have a great week everyone!
From: old orchard beach
lisa brigman Tuesday, 5/15/01, 6:14 PM
sorry i will not be able to attend the reunion. i'm going to miss seeing old friends, but with starting our own engineering business and my grandmothers passing the timing is all wrong for me to make another trip up there. please have a toast during the night to remember all classmates that are not able to make it. and don't forget to take lots of pics and post them here for all to see. later.........
From: vegas
E-mail: seaorphan33@yahoo.com
Nancy Sunday, 5/13/01, 9:46 AM
Just wanted to drop in and say HAPPY MOTHERS DAY to all the Mother's out there!! Torry.....Do we makes the checks out to you?
Carma Thursday, 5/10/01, 6:05 PM
Glad to hear you made it back to Vegas Lisa. Seems like it's taking forever for your settlement huh? It will come when you least expect it. I was thinking of hopping the plane when Nancy goes overhead so I can be at the whole thing, but it looks like Dan and I wont be up there til the 14th. He wont be back from Vermont in time enough for us to drive all the way up there. Seen Denise Carter Tuesday,I dont think she will be coming to the reunion.
From: Old Orchard Beach
Kenny Dufour Thursday, 5/10/01, 5:52 PM
From: Caribou ME.

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