PIHS Class of 1981 Alumni Site
Total Entries: 667
Lewis Michaud Thursday, 3/22/01, 8:14 PM
Well everyone I am still alive and working long hours. Well I definitely was not in with the right people, for as I have moved away from Presque Isle, I still wonder where all the classmates have been and what they are doing. Torry thanks for the 10th year reunion picture, even though I was not able to attend, due to desert storm, at least someone was able to send me a reunion picture, still have it and hope I can get a 20th reunion one too. thanks again Torry. Hey Scott Antworth, whats up? Write me, if you remember me after all these years. We had some good times in school. Well take care. Torry I will send you a picture after our formal military ball in April.
From: barstow california
E-mail: rocking_chair@yahoo.com
Carma O. Thursday, 3/22/01, 12:41 PM
I must comment on the statement below. There were alot of people in the class of 81 and if no one has found a particular person by now, then it is because they have moved, no address or whatever reason. I certianally was not the most popular nor the most likable but I do know that efforts are being made to find all classmates. They found me didnt they? lol I certianally hope that this changes your mind and attitude and come to the reunion . I would like to think that the "clicks" I HAD isnt going to condemn me 20 years later. I think we must be all grown up by now, or at least I hope. Thanks...
E-mail: goodcarma36@hotmail.com
  Thursday, 3/22/01, 12:04 PM
i can see that nothing has changed for the class of 81. the little clicks are still there. has anyone even tried to find missing classmates? my answer is no!!!!!!! if you were looking for missing classmates it wouldn't have taken me so long to get in touch.i will personally make sure all the people you don't want there because they wern't popular enough for you will be there.
  Thursday, 3/22/01, 8:50 AM
where is Denise Carter?
  Wednesday, 3/21/01, 5:45 PM
Hi Classmates, I have been reading everyone's comment's for a few week's but this is the first time I am writting. It is really fun and exciting to hear from familar names. I am looking forward to seeing everyone again and seeing what the past 20 year's have done for "All of us". I too, was not in the "In" crowd in school. I was on the quite side. One comment I do have is that I hope at our 20th reunion, we have grown out of the "click's" that were present in school , and I thought alot of them were still there at the 10th reunion. Let's hope these past ten year's have all matured us enough to befriend everyone and not ignore the quite one's. I think I have changed alot from high school and I think alot of other's have too. I am looking forward to getting aquainted or reaquainted with my feoolw classmates. Let's all hope the "Snow" has melted up there by July. I am so ready for this winter to be GONE!!!!!!! Thanks for listening!!!!!!! Later
  Wednesday, 3/21/01, 2:14 AM
Todd-you'll never know! Isn't this fun?! Female and a Mom...quite the Sherlock Holmes. What? Too mushy? Anyway, love the WallStreet and WalMart comparison. Very funny. Ain't it the truth!?
TW Tuesday, 3/20/01, 9:00 PM
I think irrelevant, however irrelevant it may be, is a female and quite possibly a mom. Hmmmmm, who could this person be?........
TW Tuesday, 3/20/01, 8:40 PM
Sometimes all you can do is "Say it aint so." Whats the one thing Wallstreet and Wallmart have in common....."Falling Prices"! Alan Greenspam I hate you. T. Wilson
LISA BRIGMAN Tuesday, 3/20/01, 8:01 PM
Just a short note to let everyone know i am still alive.I can thank Denise Carter for letting me know about this web sight.
E-mail: kbc@wizard.com
  Tuesday, 3/20/01, 3:19 AM
last known place Willard Doustou lived is in Old Orchard Beach,,,John Robinson is in the Buxton area,John's # is in the phone listings if you need to get in touch with him that way.
irrelevant Monday, 3/19/01, 4:30 PM
I want to thank those who responded to my entry. It really wasn't my intent to get "heavy". At the risk of running this into the ground, I wanted to say a few more things, then I promise to be silent on this subject forevermore! Firstly, No, Todd. I do not have some deep seeded emotional scarring going on here, but I do thank you for your condolences. I was not popular, but then again, I was not unpopular. My thoughts, as expressed, were solely from words spoken to me by a few classmates. It made me think about how important it was to fit in. Not sure if this has changed much in life, only different. If a handful of people read what I wrote and it made them realize that as "kids" and unfortunately in some cases as adults, how hurtful not fitting in can be. If a handful of the so called "unpopular kids" read this and somehow they thought to themselves, "I'm going to my reunion. I'm going because I belong there.", then I have done my job. You see, my objective here is to be sure that those who felt as though they never "fit in", those who may think, "no one will miss me", those who will "sit this one out", do not miss the opportunity to be, perhaps for the first time, looked in the eyes by some of their classmates and receive words of "welcome" or "great to see you, how have you been?" As we, ALL OF US, were the Class of 1981, we, ALL OF US walked down that aisle on that hot, sunny day in June. We, ALL OF US, accomplished something that day and finally, we, ALL OF US, should celebrate being together once again.....ALL OF US. Thanks.
  Monday, 3/19/01, 9:04 AM
Irrelavant I can't agree more on what you said. I was not part of the in crowd but what was "the in crowd" I felt very lucky to have the friends i had and the new ones i made as i entered ninth grade. I try to impress on my children that being "popular" is not always the best thing,as long as you are liked for who you are and not what you have you will be popular, and treat people the way you want to be treated. I look back and High school was a very happy experience for me and not being popular did not matter, my friends did. Thanks to you all for 4 great years.
DeeDee Sunday, 3/18/01, 5:22 PM
I, too appreciate the words of the anonymous/ irrelevant writer and all who have taken time to write and include others, especially Todd. As we can see in the world today, growing up is difficult and often if we reflect back and look at our past actions we are appalled. Sadly enough, I don¿t even know if I was part of the ¿in¿ crowd or not. Even if I was, is there any relation to where I am now? After 20 years, I think most of us are a little timid to go back. Perhaps it does come down to what we expected the future to be like, less failures and more successes, a little easier than harder. As most of us have experienced, life certainly has a lot of unexpected twists, turns, and detours that often interfered with where we thought we might be in 20 years.
  Sunday, 3/18/01, 2:46 PM
Great site Torry and whoever else who has worked on it,,,sure takes me back,,,,,,
To Irrelevant Sunday, 3/18/01, 2:41 PM
BRAVO! I dont think any of us could of said it any better. While some of us are fortunate to be more vocal,,,,the ones who are still quite after all these years (did I say quite?) I meant,,,more grown up,,,appreciate your words. Although some of us did feel a bit inadequate in high school, i can only hope that this 20th reunion will show all of us how old we really are,,,no,,,kidding aside,,some of us were not part of the "in" crowd,,,but we are all still a part of one another in many ways after all these years. Cant wait for the reunion...:-)
T. W. Sunday, 3/18/01, 1:08 PM
P.S. Howdy Eric Vreeland. Glad to hear from you and am enviously awaiting a fun day at work!
T. Wilson Sunday, 3/18/01, 1:04 PM
Amen to the below commentary. I think its important to have a past whatever it is. Breaking the mold is certainly an unexpected bennefit of growing older... possibly in a place far removed from the simplicities and complexities of Presque Isle, Maine. Furthermore, I too would have preferred to remain annonamous with my thoughts and opinions but no, I chose to lay it all out for possible contact, myself, and whatever may come of it. The older I get I find the one good thing about loosing my memory is that I don't remember or possibly care to remember everyone's station in life back in PIHS. I may be mistaken but it sounds like you do and I would like to know more. Sorry to hear about your parent(s), thats a worry I have about mine. Life, no matter what sure is grand ain't it? T. Wilson
E-mail: twil62@yahoo.com
Irrelavant Sunday, 3/18/01, 5:46 AM
After reading so many entries (usually by the same people) I thought I would break the mold and put in a few words. Funny how still after all these years, I hear from "kids" that weren't so "popular" in school, still feeling intimidated by the more "popular kids". Sad really. My hope is that after all of these years, people have developed personally and come to realize the importance placed on having old friends and acquaintences as well as the fact that we ALL have our memories and to visit home and the people we grew up with will promise to be a wonderful experience and that all is accepted no matter who, what or how much we became. In reading the messages, I feel confident that we have become quite responsible adults, working hard, raising our children and dealing with the fact that we aren't kids anymore, appraising our faces for the newest lines of life and going through stages of losing parents (as I have recently)our kids getting bigger than we are and planning for a new stage in our lives. Reflecting back to our high school days, they were filled with parties, good friends and a TOTAL misconception of what life will be like on the other side. Now that we are on the other side, we have many new memories and roads to travel, but always, always, we will have our memories of growing up, tooling main street, working the harvest and walking the halls of Presque Isle High School together. Kinda nice huh?
Eric Vreeland Thursday, 3/15/01, 9:46 PM
Hello all!.......cant believe 20 years has gone by. From reading all the posts, we all seem to be doing fine.Have lived here in PI most of those years.I am presently working on recreational vehicles(sleds,bikes,boats,etc.)....I hope everyone is having as much fun living as I am..........Hey TW!......dempster is married and lives on 13 Trombly ST..Ill get his email address for you.Thompson lives on the state road, is married with a 19 year old daughter.....Leon Willete is probaly drinkin a 12pack in the trailer park!.....LOL......I still am in touch with those guys sometimes TW......Later everyone!
From: as if
E-mail: kingofthenorth@webtv.net
Sue Currier (Beckwith) Thursday, 3/15/01, 12:20 PM
Hey there! It's good to see everyone is doing well. Brian and I married and moved to Georgia back in 1983. We have 2 daughters: Amy, 16 and Madalyn, 9. We have a small printing company in Auburn, about 40 miles NE of Atlanta. Made good use of those days in Graphic Arts class! Haven't decided whether we'll be able to come home for the reunion yet; the boss is a real work-aholic! Take care, Sue
From: Auburn, GA
E-mail: scurbcur@aol.com
Carma (Cote) Ouellette Wednesday, 3/14/01, 3:26 PM
From: Old Orchard Beach
E-mail: goodcarma36@hotmail.com
T. Wilson Tuesday, 3/13/01, 8:01 PM
Lewis, Glad to hear from you SIR! Keep up the good work and let us know what you do in the Army. Looks like you'll be getting a raise here pretty soon from the new commander in chief and all. Hope all is well. T. Wilson
T. Wilson Tuesday, 3/13/01, 7:57 PM
Okay, so I'm running out of subject matter, noting the nascar thing, but it was on tv and the lingo that they were talking was....well pretty cool. We have a lingo in our biz too so I find it interesting to hear the lingo of southern nascar racing. One striking thing about this website is that its kind of a dialog in time. Since I've first written we've been through the summer olympics in Sidney, a presidential election, an earthquake in Seattle, and my boys first and sixth birthday. Not to mention the death of Dale Ernhart, the banning of livestock imports from England due the the hoof and mouth disease,and that expresident that won't just fade away. Can anyone remember a good dot com company? Will Mr. Cheney die in office? Will I make it back to our reunion? Will Reanne ever acknowledge me????? T.Wilson
Raeann Hodgson Tuesday, 3/13/01, 6:05 PM
Hey Rosemary Sure is great to hear your e-mails!!! I can't believe it has been 20 years since we left the ole SHIP. Will be great to see you this summer, as will it be to see Everyone this summer.Rose does Mary have an e-mail address? DeeDee glad you faired the earthquake, man has that got to freak you out. Of course when I was out in California last year, in a sick way I was hoping to experience a small (emphasis on small) quake. Never happened though. Probably for the best. Have sent Karen Bustard Crandell this web site so hopefully it will be one less address to look for. Has anyone heard from Mark Condon? Until another time. Snookie
E-mail: raeann_h2001@yahoo.com
Lewis L. Michaud Tuesday, 3/13/01, 5:26 PM
Hello everyone, Cant believe we will be out of high school 20 years. Well I am doing fine. I am currently stationed with the United States Army here in Fort Irwin, California. I have until August 2003 and I will have put in 20 years in the military, cant wait to retire. I am still married to Pamela (Morris) also from Presque Isle. My daughter is now 22 and she is living in Columbia, South Carolina attending college. Even though I will not be able to attend the class reunion, which I really wanted to, but do to military commitment I can't. Someone has to train the rest of the Army. If there is any other information I need to provide for the reunion, please email me at rocking_chair@yahoo.com and I will get back with you all. Again, great to have a site to see familiar names. Lewis
From: Barstow, California/PI
E-mail: rocking_chair@yahoo.com
Torry Tuesday, 3/13/01, 4:20 PM
Welcome Jon! Thought we would never find you again! I didn't know if you had flown off to some far off country. I have gotten a lot of "RESPONSE FORMS" but I know that there must be more out there!
From: Mapleton
E-mail: meaton@mfx.net
Jon Wolfe Tuesday, 3/13/01, 11:41 AM
From: New Ipswich, NH
E-mail: airwolfe_1@msn.com
allison Monday, 3/12/01, 3:10 PM
hey ted...we haven't been humored by your insightful comments on politics and the world in general lately...everything ok?
  Sunday, 3/11/01, 10:31 AM
Here's to Dale and all you racing fans; Nascar - Atlanta, "Dale Ernhart Jr. doing a little bump and run." "Golly! Its just the beginning of the race! Come-on fella's." "Running a hundred and sixty miles an hour with his foot off the gas!" "Imagine that!" "I love it when the crew chief tell's me tell me what its doing tell me what its doing and I'll fix it and then you tell them and they don't know how to fix it!" "Running hot at a hunnerd and 187 miles an hour!" Welcome back to Atlanta more then a hundred and twenty thousand people here. Gordon is the first driver to lead in all four races. "How bout the 17th car there, moved up from thirty eighth." "See he run the high side all around the corner." "Wide open throttle on the backstretch." "John Andredi the 33 car all the way at the bottom." "Its called a control slide cause if you don't your gonna wreck!" "The motor guys gonna go whats wrong with my motor." "Like I said you got 1800 horse power..if you hold it wide open!" "This Bud's for you. Get it to ya fast as fresh as they can." "Wendie's ham and chicken its all the buzz." Brought to you by UPS the official sponsor of the race. "Here's the man their trying to run down." "Let me tell you this, if your a driver you want to know where every driver is." "When the tracks this slick and its hot..." "I wanna show you how far behind.." "You just keep doing what your doing, you just keep runnin smooth." "Here's Ricky Craven putting a move on Rusty Walace....battle for twelth!" Just keep runnin smooth folks! T. Wilson
  Sunday, 3/11/01, 10:09 AM
"Dale Ernhart went to heaven doing a hunnerd and eighty miles an hour."
Kim Murchison Tuesday, 3/6/01, 3:06 PM
DeeDee, glad all is well with you after the quake. I am sure it was scary. March has brought Southern Maine a lovely blizzard. It's been fun watching Steve clear the driveway 3 times. The wind has made it challenging. The kids are hoping school is cancelled again tomorrow. Not me! Take care all. Talk to you later.
From: Scarborough
E-mail: kmurchis@maine.rr.com
T. Wilson Monday, 3/5/01, 8:43 PM
Dee Dee, I had such a bad day the day of the earthquake I forgot about it! Glad to hear you lived to tell us about it - it was a big one. However, next time I suggest heading for an open parking lot - brick facades are inherently unstable in an earthquake. Take care for now. T. Wilson
DeeDee Monday, 3/5/01, 11:38 AM
Todd, I've been waiting for you to write again! Always amused. And yes, I still have my curly hair when I don't straigten it out. My hair is much longer, but still has a mind of its own. Joni, thanks for emailing me after the earthquake. It was quite surreal and I'm still amazed that no one died. I was walking next to a 100 year old brick building(had just left the sub-basement-2 stories underground of this old building) when the tremor started. The street was rolling like waves, the windows were rattling and bowing in and out. I always thought I'd be inside and never once anticpated being outside during a quake. Luckily none of my buildings sustained any damage. One restaurant had some pipes come loose but that's it. Of course other people did have a lot of damage and there are a lot of buildings yellow and red tagged throughout the city. I'm just lucky. Hope all of you in the east are enjoying the fresh snow fall! DeeDee
From: Seattle
E-mail: deedee@realty.net
  Sunday, 3/4/01, 9:52 AM
T. Wilson Sunday, 3/4/01, 9:48 AM
Howdy folks' Just going through my black and white pictured year book and am making some notable observations: First, was I ever that young looking? Is it my imagination or does Kent Kofstad kinda look like Bill Gates? My wife singled out Teri Estey as a popular, beautiful young woman. I do believe that Holly Churchill must be better looking than Derrick. There's David Goan again with that enviable facial hair thing going on. Why do I always associate David Hansen with women???? Gerry - forgive me but I never thought about glasses too much until I had to wear them. I think Skeeter definitely had the appropiate hat for the occasion. I like that tree's and nature were a frequent theme throughout our pictures. There's the Eddie name again Ed. Dana Rattray had the ability to produce a full mustache as well Dave. Has anyone been in touch with Todd Dempster? I wonder if Larry D. can still belch the alphabet? There's Dana Drake my friend and brother construction worker. Mark Condon do you remember our stint as Alden's mole men? Dee Dee do you still have that nice smile and naturally curley hair? You certainly can tell who all the intellectuals are. Ted, there you are again that upstanding young man. God bless Darren and Mark. Does Mark Lougee look like Al Pacino in the Varsity Club picture or what? Has Gerald Rattray become a famous artist yet? For those of you that remember I was mentioned in Mr. Ladners graduation speach and yes I probably won't be wearing a turtle neck sweater at any time in the near future. Are band people really whimps or was that just a convaluted additude I used to have. By the way I've always enjoyed band music. I would dearly love to pay tribute to all of those great teachers we had and hold a private ceremony for all of the bad ones as well. Here's to Butch - "all I ever wanted to do was coach at PHIS." Not many signatures in my book but thanks again for the kind words Roseann & Raeann. I've even got a signature from an ex-girlfriend in here - cool!!! Kim Quinn you are right after all this time I still am a really sweet guy. T. Wilson
From: Maine
E-mail: twil@yahoo.com
Ruth (McEachern) Masters Tuesday, 2/27/01, 10:53 PM
Hello Classmates! It looks like I will not be getting back to the 'County' this summer. I left in 1996 and have been doing the 'wild' thing in Alaska. My job schedule is very hectic but I am going to try and get back eventually. If anyone is interested in coming for a vacation in AK...I'll e-mail you some pics and info. I am so far away from home and hearing from you guys make my day! Torry..thanks for keeping me informed on the dates and stuff. Great website! I hope some of you can keep in touch. Until then...Peace...Ruth McEachern
From: Fairbanks, Alaska
E-mail: penobsct@mosquitonet.com
Kerry Monday, 2/26/01, 4:17 PM
Yes Allison I barely survived the older they get the worse this vacation is! My daughter Clarice started Drivers ed this weekend! I sure am glad we had enough snow to go snowmobiling during vacation or I would have gone nuts. Sure hope everyone else survived. Aprils right around the corner. HAHAHA
From: Belgrade
E-mail: kerry1514@aol.com
allison Monday, 2/26/01, 3:48 PM
everyone recovered from school vacation week? somehow, i remember it much differently on the other side of the parent/child fence!!
  Monday, 2/19/01, 8:13 PM
T. Wilson Sunday, 2/18/01, 8:42 PM
Dear Ted and all, We just got back from the land of Oregon. It was a good trip which afforded my wifes parents a closer look at there grand children including there great grandmother Dora. Grandma & Grampa Calef took the boys to OMSI (Oregon Museum of Science and Industry) where Tim had a great time in the exhibits and Tim ate sand out of the sandbox. Becky and I dressed up in our finery and attended my companies dinner, dance, and award cerimony on Friday night. It was fun to cut the rug a little and to socialize with some good folks. I feel like a turning point is about to happen for me and my career (hopefully for the better). My current project received our districts highest award for having both an excellent safety record as well as making lots of money this year. We worked over a million man hours last year without an OSHA recortable case (everyone went home with their lives as well as all their parts)! We were all a little awestruct with our groups efforts and results. I keep reminding myself that a pat on the back is just a few centimeters from a kick in the buttox. In any case we have high hopes for our futures. Ted I hope you find the time to write. I think you should see this show on Abe Lincolns life and career. Its very comforting to know his humanities. If you didn't know it my company is building the cable stayed bridge in Boston notably called the "Golden Gate bridge of the East Coast." I hope you all get the opportunity to drive over it someday. T. Wilson
E-mail: twil62@netscape.net
Lisa (Hagerman) Brittain Sunday, 2/18/01, 6:39 AM
From: Brunswick, Maine
Web Site: Blazenet
E-mail: jeffbritt@blazenetme.net
Sherri Jordan Friday, 2/16/01, 5:35 PM
Nice to see more people finding our site. I live in Presque Isle and am the Human Resource Officer for First Citizens Bank. Looking forward to the reunion and having a chance to meet up with old friends.
From: Presque Isle
E-mail: sjj@ainop.com
Janet (Swett) Siddons Thursday, 2/15/01, 3:12 PM
It is really great to see what everyone is doing. I hope to hear from some of you. I am looking for Ralph Nichols, too. Has anyone heard from him?
From: Old Town
E-mail: polywog37@aol.com
T. Wilson Tuesday, 2/13/01, 8:57 PM
Dear Ed and all, Ed your alright brother. My first son's middle name is Lawrence. My wife wouldn't go for a first name of Joshua as in Joshua Lawrence Wilson (Chamberlain) our home grown Civil War hero and fearless leader of the 20th Maine. Tell those... (well never mind). History sure is a funny thing especially when you don't have a very long (statehood) one like many of the states out here. I think that since historically there's a Civil War deficit out here it actually is more prevelent, especially in Oregon. Rosemary you can visit us anytime but if you want to see more than the Great (stinky) Salt Lake or the Mormon Tabernacle you'll be doing a lot of driving. Utah is a big state. We still would like to visit the Grand Canyon prior to moving from here if at all possible. Dee Dee I hope your doing well up there in Seattle, have you been to Pikes Market lately? David Goan are you out there? Come in Dave! Ted Stone my old friend, I miss your distint character and writings. You owe us an update (p.s. my son Ben threw up on me twice yesterday). How's life treating you Ed? Mark Lavway - thanks for your last e-mail - how's it going buddy. Stone Philips is about to tell us the meaning of love so I'd better listen. Man if it wasn't for those like-news programs I don't think I'd know anything about life. Rick Collins you haven't graced us with your presense for a while - must be busy with hockey and organizing for our reunion. Has any one seen Hannibal? I ate her liver with onions and a bottle of white reisling! Later T. Wilson
Ed Chambers Tuesday, 2/13/01, 7:10 PM
As they say in the South, Hey! Rosemary!. ("Hi" is not a word here!) Nice to hear from you. As far as Stone Mountain being part of AT... It is not. AT stops about an hour and a half North from here. Around Helen,GA. That area looks a lot like Maine to me. Very nicely wooded, etc. As for Stone Mountain itself, according to the recording at the park, it's sub terrainian base runs thru 5 different states. It has a huge carving on it. Lee,Grant,& Davis riding horses.(A Dixie tribute but don't worry I still sit on the front lawn of that carving with a better than you attitude, asking if anyone has heard of Sherman and his fire??) I have gotten tabacco spit on me by quite a few "Bubbas" down here! LOL Only by the ones smart enough to know some history! Anyway, I am looking forward to striking up old friendships. Y'all keep writing! OOOPS, that slipped. Pay no attention to that Southern twang.
From: Stone Mountain, Ga
E-mail: echambers@ems.att.com
DeeDee Tuesday, 2/13/01, 4:09 PM
Rosemary, I don't live far from Bellingham, maybe 1 1/2 hrs from here straight up I5. Would love to see you if you ever make it out this way. Mt. Baker is beautiful. I've only backpacked there, not skied. After frigid winters in Maine, I stay away from cold weather sports. Washington is something like Maine, only on a much larger scale, taller trees, bigger mountains, but not nearly as much open space. Spokane, WA is much like "The County", as is the Olympic Penn. I just signed up for a run in Wyoming in June. Can't wait to see some of Montana and Wyoming, but have to admit that I'm a long way away from being able to run 18 miles. I start training tomorrow!!! or so I say. Hope everyone is having a good week. DeeDee
From: Seattle
E-mail: deedee@realty.net
Rosemary Tuesday, 2/13/01, 1:24 PM
I am having a bad computer day! I just lost a bunch of stuff I wrote (after my e-maiil program crashed) so this is attempt #2. So Todd you live in a very cool area for archaeology and natural wonders- I will put you in my "people to visit in cool places" list, ok?! and yep, we do hold up development sometimes which makes me chuckle but then I realize w/o all this building and tearing down I wouldn't have a job...hm, makes me pause! Hey Eddie I mean Ed, is Stone Mtn. on the AT??? I was reading journals of AT thru-hikers at trailplace.com last summer and it sounds familiar- what are you doing there?? Sue Beckwith is in GA somewhere...she and Brian Currier own a print shop maybe??? I could be starting rumors..oops. Kerry, I drive through Belgrade quite a bit too- let me know when you are in Farmington! Anna is doing a ski team thing with MCI here next wknd- hope to run into her there. Anyone we know live in FLA around sarasota? We are vacationing there in a couple of weeks- yippee!! We have sooo much snow here, and I hear PI does too, so beaches sound pretty good to me now. Uh oh I just felt like a sissy saying that- I still love Maine winters though- did I say love I mean like...
From: Farmington
  Monday, 2/12/01, 8:00 PM
Correction their petroglyphs
Larry L Petroski Monday, 2/12/01, 7:02 PM
From: Junction City Ks
E-mail: lski63@hotmail.com
Anna Watson Peterson Monday, 2/12/01, 4:57 PM
Thanks for the invite Torry! I'll try to make it- Anna~
From: Presque Isle/Pittsfield
E-mail: stevanna@mint.net

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