PIHS Class of 1981 Alumni Site
Total Entries: 667
Ruth Friday, 4/13/01, 9:50 PM
Torry...I, too am sorry to hear about your friend. I had a sis that died of cancer about 10 years ago and it was very hard. Carma, You have been through it too and I know what your family went through. It is always very tragic to see a young person's life taken. Lisa, I am so glad to hear you're doing good and live in Vegas. Must be a blast. Congrats on your wedding. There are many sites on Alaska tourism. Look up "Princess" cruise lines, that is a popular one. I have never been on a big cruise line before up here but have always wanted to. We go out for day trips to see whales and such in Valdez. That is awesome too. You will never regret a trip to Alaska by boat, or otherwise. I chose the long route....it's a long road from Maine, i'll tell you. You would love Denali Park if you get on land here in Alaska. I won a rail trip to Denali through my job but havn't gone yet. We will go this summer. Good luck, and if you do get on land here, please look me up! Friends..Ruth
From: Alaska
E-mail: penobsct@mosquitonet.com
Carma Friday, 4/13/01, 1:01 PM
Torry-I am so sorry to hear about your friend. My heart goes out to her family and friends. It brings a lump to my throat because of my sister dying of Lymphatic Leukemia a few years ago. And it will be hard, but your support will help her husband and child more than you will know. Hang in there my friend..... Lisa-Have you set a date yet? This waiting is driving me nuts! lol. I suggest the weekend before the 14th, or the weekend after the 14th of July,,,LOL
From: Old Orchard Beach
lisa brigman Friday, 4/13/01, 10:44 AM
ruth...... i'm getting married sometime this summer and want to go on a cruise to alaska. is there a web sight i can check out to get info???? thanks for any help......
From: vegas
Torry Friday, 4/13/01, 8:43 AM
I will be away for the next week. My best friend from college passed away on Wednesday of Lymphoma. For those of you who had the chance to meet Margaret Kimball Cyr at UMO or after you all know how special she was. She is leaving behind a husband of 15 years and a 2 1/2 year old daughter as well as many close friends. It certainly makes me appreciate the time I have with my husband and 2 boys. We are leaving today for the funeral - it will be hardest one that I have ever attended.
  Friday, 4/13/01, 8:09 AM
Yes Robin sure did!! Where is she?????
  Friday, 4/13/01, 4:36 AM
Did Robin Dean graduate with this class, or is this a faulty memory????????
Nancy Thursday, 4/12/01, 4:28 AM
Beth--ME??? In no conditon to give directions?? NEVER!!! LOL Oh the good ole days! I emailed Janet the other day but no response back. It will be really good to see you this summer. Do you know if Janet will be there? Or Janet if you are reading this....let us know!!
Ruth Wednesday, 4/11/01, 10:54 PM
Tom....the king salmon are just that...king size. One of those can feed your family for a month.(50-70 lbs.) LOL..I hooked one last summer on the mighty Klutina River but he was way to strong for me. Down in Chitna...folks dip net for them. They have to tie themselves down to the shore! What's really fun is to get out on the ocean about 100 miles and fish for halibut. (50-170 lbs.) It is totally cool. If your planning a fishing trip here, best time is mid June to late July. You should try Alaska..just once. Take care.
  Wednesday, 4/11/01, 7:06 PM
So quit talking about it and do it!
Tom Raymond Wednesday, 4/11/01, 5:36 PM
Alaska, now there's a state that I would definitely love to visit. If the mosquitos are that big, the fish have really got to have some size to them! Lucky you!!
  Wednesday, 4/11/01, 4:40 AM
Welcome to the reunion site Laurie. What a great way to chat with classmates. excellent job from everyone who has been working on this site! Thanks!
Laurie Simmons (Archer) Tuesday, 4/10/01, 5:33 PM
From: Presque Isle
E-mail: bubsdel@mail.com
Beth Fogg (Guimond) Tuesday, 4/10/01, 10:55 AM
Hey Nancy, I've been wondering what happened to you. I was talking to Janet Swett (Siddons) last summer and we were wondering where you were. I can still remember trying to find your house one night in Mapleton when you were in no condition to give us directions. I don't remember where we were or who we were with but I remember it was a long night. It will be really nice to see you this summer. Jon Wolfe I e-mailed you and Alice but I'm not sure that you got it. See ya
From: Old Town
E-mail: markandbeth@peoplepc.com
Carma Tuesday, 4/10/01, 7:21 AM
Dan and I are doing great Ruth. Gotta love living here at the beach except during tourist season. Dan has been driving for Sure Winner Foods since we saw you last at Northeast Pub. which seems like forever ago. He only goes as far as Vermont so he is home every night. How did you end up in "Northern Exposure" What have you been doing? Yes, would definitly be a lonnnng ride on the Harley, but what a nice ride it would be. (if there werent so many miles from there to the county).
Ruth Monday, 4/9/01, 9:54 PM
Carma...hey ...! how the heck are you and Dan?? Sounds like you're loving southern Maine. My sis Sally just bought a new house in Gorham. They lived many years in Westbrook so I used to freqent those Portland hotspots. As for the saddle ...i was just outside today shining up the saddle on my Harley wishing all of our snow was gone too. Now that's the way to go...Man that'd be a looonngg...road trip on a bike...LOL
From: Alaska
  Monday, 4/9/01, 12:51 PM
and we thought we had big skeeters here in Maine....
Carma Monday, 4/9/01, 12:50 PM
Ruth, I think you should put a saddle on one of those critters and try to make it to the reunion. LOL
Ruth Monday, 4/9/01, 12:43 PM
The mosquitoes in Alaska are so big they have to get on their knees the screw a housecat.....
From: Alaska
Carma Monday, 4/9/01, 8:12 AM
LMAO Nancy. I am so pleased you still have that great sense of humor. And I too had my husband believing the same thing. People here in Southern Maine didnt know there was anything beyond Bangor when I moved here. I even seen a little gullible look on his face when I told him my playmates were moose growing up and they all have names. He said he knew I was kidding..but.......
Nancy Monday, 4/9/01, 4:13 AM
LOL While it is true I do miss the snow...Even to have 4 seasons I really miss.(Here we have summer fall summer and summer!) But as far as the mosquitoes go...my husband Earl says those things are so big we don't need return tickets to GA, those damn things could carry us back! Which would be now small feat when you all meet my husband!! (And when you see how big I am now) I told him the mosquito was our state bird....and he BELIEVED me!!!!!!!!
Ruth Sunday, 4/8/01, 6:49 PM
Rose....remember the time that we left a party at about 5 am and walked downtown PI mainstreet barefoot picking (stealing) flowers? It was a beautiful June Saturday morning. I think we were still high from the night before because I remember laughing like crazy at what we were getting away with. I also think I slept for two days after. LOL. You mention that you do a lot of hiking and stuff...girl...you should come to Alaska and i'll show you what hiking is all about. This IS getting out there. Say hello to Eva and Jim for me and it's great to see your note on here. Take care.
From: Alaska
E-mail: penobsct@mosquitonet.com
Tom Raymond Sunday, 4/8/01, 5:40 PM
After reading the entry from Nancy,it is nice to know, that some of our far away classmates miss the County weather! I,m sure there won't be snow, but the bugs will be hungry!!
lisa brigman Sunday, 4/8/01, 11:16 AM
no carma i don't miss the snow.... if i want to go play in it all i have to do is travel 45 min. west and there is all the the snow i want. i would like to have a snowball fight with some of our old friends. well i'm off to the lake. we are going rafting down the river. take care everyone....
Carma Sunday, 4/8/01, 11:14 AM
LOL Nancy...I have frantically looked for that tape, I think it might be at Dad's house. And the "F" word wasnt the only one in our vocabulary back then. ha ha Do you remember the sub. in Tripps class...the water piture? Remember I was pretending to dump it over her head and there was actually water in there? that also is on that same tape. All she said was...Carma..Carma..Carma. I cannot believe the Nerve I had back then. Thank God I grew up. It is Sad to think of what is happening in today's schools and the shootings and makes me thankful for what we had back then. Now I know what mom meant when she said..."you'll see"....
From: Old Orchard Beach
Nancy Sunday, 4/8/01, 8:39 AM
Hello Everyone! I just read all the entries...Have I been missing out or what! Thank You Carma for telling me about the guest book. I tell you all right now..I really need to find my yearbook because I can recall names but not faces. I left PI right after graduation...was in the Army for 8 years..then settle here outside Atlanta. You all complaining about all the wonderful snow I miss sooooo much...how dare you!! LMAO!!!!! Now here in the Atlanta area the pollen is sooo bad all the cars turn yellow..and with the water ban...we have to risk a fine just to wash the crap off!!! My husband and I will definetly be there for the reunion and I really can't wait!!! Great job on this site to everyone that worked on it...I greatly appreciate the ones that thought of me and sought me out!! PARTY TIME!!!!!!! P.S. Carma...Burn the tape from Tripps class!!! I bet I said the "F" word 1000 times from all mistakes!!!!!!
From: Lawrenceville, GA
E-mail: enhj@yahoo.com
  Saturday, 4/7/01, 3:32 AM
Rosemary- I don't remember that at all?!? Was it after we graduated and Lynn Barton, Vickie Helton and I took off to Portland to "get jobs"? Course none of us got jobs, we got an apartment on St. John Street (not a very nice area, but we didn't know), and partied more than I care to remember (or CAN remember!) I just don't remember that. Lot's of people came down to "visit" us that summer. God, we had fun...we ran out of money , had no food (felt like days), we got food stamps so we could eat. I think the food stamp people called us "destitute" Amato's took food stamps at the time (great italians) so we went there, bought a zillion italians, went shopping and filled the refrigerator so that the shelves actually bowed.We would take the food stamps, go to the store, buy something for a few cents, get the change and we took turns doing it, then we pooled our money together to put gas in the car! Gee that was fun! I think we actually looked for jobs ONE DAY. Talk about SURVIVOR. That was quite a summer! I know Lynn and Vickie remember it quite well! Ahhh the memories! Kim M.
  Friday, 4/6/01, 4:11 PM
Oh, and Rosemary...you mentioning "flash Backs"...Ever since I found this sight I have been humming the "Archie" song.....What's up with that? Has it really been 20 years????
Carma Friday, 4/6/01, 2:22 PM
Lisa B.- I am beginning to get the impression that you are actually missing this Maine winter weather. And if you want, I'll try to save some for you in snowball form so you can further...and up more closely...figure out what that white substance is that you have forgotten about and refuse to admit you miss. Your entries sound so sad with all that sun shining on you...yes...I can still read between the lines.....LOL Have a great weekend everyone.
From: Old Orchard Beach
lisa brigman Friday, 4/6/01, 11:00 AM
well it's another beauitful day in vegas. the sun is shining and the birds are singing. hopefully by the reunion the snow will be gone. (everyone cross your fingers) well i'm off to make 600 beef wellingtons. hope everyone has a great weekend.......
From: vegas
Rosemary Friday, 4/6/01, 6:50 AM
Kim M-- I just had a flash back that involved going on some roadtrip to Portland with Lynn White, and a few others?? and arriving at your place at like 2 or 3 am and banging on your door- did that really happen?? Looking back at my PIHS daze I think its a miracle that I survived some of that partying- do you guys ever think that?! I think if I had kids I'd be so paranoid that they would do some of the things we did...
E-mail: racyr@maine.edu
Rose Friday, 4/6/01, 6:34 AM
wow what I want to know is where does the time go??? I seem to have lost Feb. and March..... we are still buried in snow, I am hiking in on a long driveway which is soon going to be muddy (something else to complain about!) and it looks like it'll be a while before we drive cars right to our doorstep. but what about R. Buzzy (Ruthie M) living in Alaska!! that is way cool(no pun intended)!!!! I have had an enjoyable hour or so catching up on all the postings here- I went from laughing to reminiscing to thinking about social strata and to appreciating you all- busy morning! So Andy J- did I last see you along time ago at a store by Mt. Katahdin after a day of hiking it??!! or am I imagining things-- I think I saw MArk Condon then too! he was practically RUNNING up that damn mountain while I was gasping for air.. Anyway Sue B I want to see you this summer in PI- and everyone else, I look forward to this reunion way more than the 10th- BTW you guys, was getting "least changed" as I think Mary and I got, an insult or a compliment?! hmmmm could go either way, but I'll take it as a good thing! (I shave my legs now- thats a change hehe) Todd- my neighbors, who I can sort of see through the trees, have dogs who think I am on their territory in my own yard! I love dogs I love dogs I have to keep saying that when they try to intimidate me every day... I just read "The Secret Lives of Dogs"- I'll never look at one the same after reading that. Well, the boss just came in soooo back to work I go...
E-mail: racyr@maine.edu
joni Thursday, 4/5/01, 12:47 PM
Kerry Linda S. is living in Hermon and doing great. Our kids run in the same busy rec. dept. cirles so we bump into each other quite often. Take care. Joni
E-mail: jtmbuck4@aol.com
Andy Johnson Thursday, 4/5/01, 12:37 PM
Oops - For you Netscape users. I just noticed I had a bug in the class listing that was a problem for Netscape users. I think I fixed it. If anyone has any problems seeing the listing let me know.
From: Cazenovia, NY
E-mail: andy@summitsolutions.net
T. Wilson Wednesday, 4/4/01, 9:06 PM
Hello all, Yesterday I felt at a loss in explaining what my home state was like to someone from Utah who had the impression that Maine was rather prejudice, like the South???? I did my best to diswade this person from those vague inncorrect ideas without seeming too prejudice but it left me feeling like I haven't been home for way too long. One thing for sure...thank God I ain't from here! Explaining where your from to people out here can be a little like treaching a pig how to read. Yeah the neighbors from hell are fighting again. I'm really starting to dislike this place! Kim, I have heard worse but have never chosen to live with these types of huminoids. I have a family to raise and it troubles me to have them in close proximity with people who are this crude. It doesn't surprise me anymore but I've met way more ignorant people who are white collar and educated then I have working folks. However, I am amazed how nieve some of these types can be when dealing with someone like myself especially when they're twenty something and they don't have the benefit of lifes experience or wisdom. Looking beyond this temporary situation my family and I will probably be moving in a month or so. As a matter of fact I don't currently know what airport to depart from for our reunion. This transient lifestyle is hard to take sometimes. As far as my work goes I'm building the last of the 142 bridges on this project and so far we've made a thousand hours on substructure and are making hours on the superstructure as well. Before its over we'll probably make 1500 to 2000 hours on this bridge which is above and beyond our margin. Performance/time = success. Success never comes without a cost but I'm damb proud to have made it this far on this project which happens to be the largest design build project of its type in the history of our country!
Andy Johnson Wednesday, 4/4/01, 4:00 PM
Hi everyone! Pretty interesting reading all the stuff you guys have been up to; and all of the other interesting drivel that gets discussed on here. Torry - don't sell yourself short; it appears that if it weren't for you this site wouldn't exist at all. Thanks for doing a great job! I'll just try to make life a little easier for you. I'm alive and well, living in Cazenovia, NY with my wife and two kids. By the way, what's with all you whiners complaining about all the snow you've gotten? We're at about 192" so far this winter - we've almost broken the record. I don't mind the snow. I'm just glad it's not freezing cold here like it gets in Northern Maine. That's what I can't get over when I go back - it's soooo cold! Now that everyone got used to the Word format of the mailing list, I've changed it to an HTML format so everyone can read it. I also made it so that you can update your own information right on the site! Please check it out and make sure your info is correct. Also, if you enter your email address there it will be displayed for everyone, in case you want it visible. I plan to add some other info that people can enter (like stuff about their life, family photo, etc.), but I can't get to that for a little while. I'll let everyone know when it's ready. Anyway, I'll be reading now, and maybe adding my useless comments on occasion too! And Jon - those pictures are pretty embarrassing! My wife thinks I'm geeky and weird enough - I hope she doesn't see those photos!
From: Cazenovia, NY
E-mail: andy@summitsolutions.net
lisa brigman Wednesday, 4/4/01, 8:09 AM
torry you have done a great job on the sight so far. thanks for putting the addresses in word. i didn't have a decoder ring for the other format.
Torry Tuesday, 4/3/01, 5:49 PM
You will all be glad to hear that Andy Johnson has come forward and volunteered to help me with this SITE!!!! He is actually someone who knows what he is doing - unlike me! We can all look forward to some much needed improvements!
Carma Tuesday, 4/3/01, 4:17 PM
No ice chunks on the beach cal, but from the storms we have been having recently, mother nature has left plenty of seaweed and some shells I've never seen before in this area. One thing I have been wondering is...where do all these shoes come from that wash up? I hope no one was attached to them.
From: Old Orchard Beach
Cal Monday, 4/2/01, 4:46 PM
Hi Carm, I tried calling you last time, but no one home. I might be going around Easter I'll let you know for sure. Sam doesn't have an email add yet. Last I knew she was thinking of going on. Alot of ice chunks on the beach?
From: VT
  Monday, 4/2/01, 3:34 PM
TW- Ahh the neighbor from hell. We've all experienced them before. White trash? A little HARSH don't ya think? Maybe HE will mow HIS grass too short and it turns brown and HIS sneakers turn green and the bugs bite HIM on the butt. Make a plate of cookies, rise to the occasion and fling 'em like frisbees at his car parked in "your" driveway. Make 'em choc chip, so the chips melt. I have an ice scraper he can use. Big talk, I know, but we can pretend!? People like that are just unhappy people. Kim
Carma Monday, 4/2/01, 3:25 PM
Carol! Glad to see that you and Denise made it to the site! Hope your going to the reunion. Carol, give me a ring next time you go to Gorham,we missed each other the last time. Has Sand have an email addy yet?
From: Old Orchard Beach
Caroline Getchell Monday, 4/2/01, 2:47 PM
Hi everyone, we have as much snow if not more here in the mountains of Vermont!!!!!!
From: Vermont
E-mail: carolh13@aol.com
Caroline Getchell Monday, 4/2/01, 2:45 PM
Denise Carter Monday, 4/2/01, 1:09 PM
Hey Lisa (bud) your having way to good of a time rubbing it in on the weather condition out there in Vegas. It will get to be spring here sometime and I hope it's soon, I'm going nuts. But, I can deal with it. Take it easy. Hey to everyone, nice work on the website, and on the reunion.
From: O.O.B.
E-mail: barbrat25@yahoo.com
lisa brigman Monday, 4/2/01, 7:16 AM
hey t.w wanna come mow my lawn next? all that snow on the mts. does look good but i dont miss the cold.dont worry we will still be able to have a snowball fight at the reunion, they stiil should have snow......
T Wilson Sunday, 4/1/01, 7:21 PM
Well Kim, Today was just one of those days only it came in the form of an uptight new neighbor whose taking possesion of the driveway we've used for 2.5 years and is creating quite a scuffle in our home lives. My only sanctuary is now a living hell. I was called an idiot, phsyco, and white trash by this delightful person today and I'm not real pleased with the prospects we're facing with this wonderful relationship. I now remember a time when I was growing up when we had a particularly challenging neighbor and how gracious my parents were when they inconspicuously refused to lower themselves to that level. Now its my turn and these are the times I really need a distraction. So count your blessings if you have a home of your own and good neighbors. P.S you gotta be a little crazy to be in construction so on that I can agree! Happy Spring back at home! T. Wilson
Kim M. Conaway Sunday, 4/1/01, 4:22 PM
Todd-hope you run outta gas and you cut the grass too short, it turns brown, your sneakers turn green and the bugs bite your butt. Signed...cabin fever ( a little on the neurotic side at this point, but I'm gonna make it)
Carma Sunday, 4/1/01, 1:13 PM
TW-Good, send some of it to Lisa then, your closer. have her meet you on the other side of that mountian- lol.....Snowball fight anyone? ha ha .I can smell the ocean I am so close..now if I can just find that shovel...
From: Old Orchard Beach
TW Sunday, 4/1/01, 9:57 AM
Darnit, I gotta mow the lawn again this weekend! That there snow sure is pretty up there on those mountains!
mike patenaude Sunday, 4/1/01, 9:04 AM
my mistake all we are now up too 18" of that great white stuff.Please send help cant see the power line helppppppppppppp,we need food and water and the sun again would be great,HELPPPPPPPPPPPP<oh no too later,HE LLLL PPPPPPPPPP

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