PIHS Class of 1981 Alumni Site
Total Entries: 667
Andy Johnson Friday, 8/3/01, 12:13 PM
Okay, I've got the new site up and running. From now on, use the new site - it's at http://www.pihs81.com/pihs81 I put a message board on there that we'll use from now on instead of this one. There's also news, photos, etc. Please send me any "news stories" that I should add. Also, I got the old data back for the class list, so it sould be up to date now. Let me know if you have any problems on the new site. We'll be shutting this site down soon (I'll put a pointer to the new site here so we don't lose anyone). Change your bookmarks everyone!!! And thanks for participating so far!
From: Cazenovia, NY
E-mail: andy@summitsolutions.net
  Wednesday, 8/1/01, 2:54 PM
Torry Thursday, 7/26/01, 10:37 AM
I have had a "peek" at the new web site! It looks GREAT! Thanks Andy for all your work!
E-mail: meaton@mfx.net
Andy Johnson Thursday, 7/26/01, 8:11 AM
Not much activity on here lately... Well I got my site rehosted so the classlist and other things are back up. Unfortunately the original host that went belly-up took the data with them and I haven't gotten it back. That means any changes to the class list info during the end of June has been lost. Please go and check your info and make sure it's up to date... I'm working on the photo album - I hope to have it done next week, so get your pictures ready. I'll also unveil a new look to the website around then too. Stay tuned... Nice reunion photo on the homepage, Torry!
From: Cazenovia, NY
E-mail: andy@summitsolutions.net
Andy Johnson Saturday, 7/21/01, 6:19 AM
Finally got home yesterday. What a great weekend and a great trip! It was really nice to see everyone, most of whom I haven't seen for at least ten years. Great job to everyone for organizing it, to Torry for putting up with the mailings and money, and to Rick for being the MC... Now that I'm back home it looks like I'll have to find a new web hosting company. My websites have been broken for a week, my email's been down for a week, and I can't reach anyone at the company to fix it - it looks like they might have gone the way of many other dot- coms. What a pisser. Until I get things switched, I won't be able to get the class list back up (or the photo album or anything else). Looks like I'll be busy after goofing off for the past week! ... It's going to be a nice hot weekend here! Have fun everyone... Note the backup email address...
From: Cazenovia, NY
E-mail: johnsons@dreamscape.com
Charlie Swiencki Friday, 7/20/01, 12:19 PM
Brian,here is my new e-mail adress I just changed it .
E-mail: cjswiencki@hotmail.com
Charlie Swiencki Friday, 7/20/01, 11:13 AM
Yes Mr.Colton I do indeed remember that night very well in the infamous "orange Rocket" but how about the return trip the day we got out of school early due to snow.I remember somebody saying to me"roadtrip" to washburn it ain't snowing that bad.How are you doing?Me I cant complain,Im home every ten days for usually 3.Ive been driving for four years now and I really enjoy what I do.This area of NC is a lot like P.I., just subsitute tobacco for the potatoes and humidity for snow and you really cant tell the difference.That coupled with the 1-2 hurricanes that come here a year.My job keeps me mostly in Florida and the rest of the south up to Penn(we are a private fleet for Proctor&Gamble) so they keep me busy.Patsy I got your E-mail that day you sent it,they sent it to my truck through my satellite,i was on I-40 in NC when I got.It sure made my day thnx!!!
DeeDee Friday, 7/20/01, 11:10 AM
First of all, thanks to the person speaking on my behalf, but please note that I did not go to the reunion to receive an award. I had a great time and truly enjoyed catching up with lots of old friends and it was worth making the trek. However, I will say I was surprised when I heard that I did not receive that designation because for any of you that have been out this way, it's not easy to get back to Presque Isle, Maine and it often feels like the old "planes, trains and automobiles" scenario when going there. As many of you learned while I was there, my mother had been very ill prior to my arrival and I was torn on whether or not I would even attend. My mother insisted on my going and was curious to hear about some of her favorite former students and my childhood friends. She was glad that I saw so many of you, Ralph, Kim, Joni, Judy, Anna, and the list goes on. At times I felt I should have sent Mom or Annie because they asked so many questions about all of you. Had I not had such a good time Friday and a desire to see more of you, I would have gone to be with my family on Saturday. The big picture is that I am dealing with much bigger issues at the moment and this is way too petty. Wish I had had time to write earlier to stop the pettiness that seems to have erupted. It was great seeing all of you. DeeDee
E-mail: deedee@realty.net
Carma Friday, 7/20/01, 5:59 AM
I think at this point in our lives, the only animosity is within ourselves. Did we age as gracefully as the next classmate, did we not make "new" friends because we ourselves wasnt aggressive enough to get out of our chair to go over and say hello? did we feel sort of left out because there wasnt any hoorahs when we entered the door? well, I for one raise my hand...but it is my own animosity within myself, not because of a classmate who did or did not make my presence known. The reunion wasnt anything I had hoped it was, but I am glad I got to see everyone from my class whether I was friends with them or not.I thought it was an excellent choice to have it at the country club and was a good atmosphere the entire evening.(even if it was 150 degrees in there) LOL. Thanks to all who worked hard to make sure the reunion went as well as it did!! so to the person who left the entry about animosity....look within yourself...there might be some left over from 20 years ago still festering??
From: Old Orchard Beach
allison Thursday, 7/19/01, 3:01 PM
well put!!
  Thursday, 7/19/01, 2:38 PM
to the person who left the message regarding seattle being further away than atlanta? geez, ya think?! it was an honest mistake........you obviously have alot of free time. what's with this ``animosity'' crap? i think most of the people of the class of 81 are pretty satisfied with the group......it sured seemed that way at the reunion. take some constructive advice........GET A LIFE!
Carma Thursday, 7/19/01, 7:43 AM
Yes Nancy, sure was glad to see you and meet your hubby and family. You have beautiful children (are you sure they r yours? j/k) you looked wonderful Nancy..only diffrence I saw was the lenghth of your hair. LOL. Are you talking about Tammy Chase? Didint she look just wonderful!!? I think everyone looked great. We all have aged well in 20 years. I agree Rosemary....I didnt even know that was Lee Cote until his sister Kay told me who it was! I didnt recognize alot of classmates but I thought everyone looked great! Kim Carroll and Kim Maynard,,,,do you two use the same cream? you both look ageless! I am down here in southern Maine too! Is it the seaweed??? LOL
Rosemary Thursday, 7/19/01, 5:30 AM
Wow what a night! what a really good time. something about seeing everyone and re-living the past (all the good times especially!) was re-energizing for me. I laughed so hard I got permanent laugh wrinkles :) I did miss those who weren't there (Lynn, Brian B, Shane, Ruthie, Ted and Todd,amongst others!) and didn't talk to everyone I wanted to, but man that was fun (and funny- some of you have not lost your craziness and I'm glad!) I still think Shannon Goheen should've got least changed. And Todd W- Lee Cote (I think!) said something about you doing the AT??? did I miss something??? I was bummed not to get a chance to talk to you, Dee Dee! by the time I recognized you (for those not there, the afro is a thing of the past for DeeDee!!!) you had to leave. Summerson, Berce, Paul and Greg- next reunion we gotta get them to play , didn't they do a dance at the high school once?! Thanks to Tori, Derek and all of you who attended the meetings and set up the reunion. I think a 25th would be just as fun. oh yeah- Derek, Albert, Timmy Bard (missed him too)Bob C- I am looking for those incriminating pictures from Middle School to scan in...
From: Farmington
E-mail: racyr@maine.edu
Patsy Thursday, 7/19/01, 5:05 AM
How ironic that I learned of the reunion on Thursday from Bev Dunlavey ('80). I am very happy that I made it. I would love to see the class list, especially if anyone is down here on the coast. Since we can't get in through this site, I'm wondering if anyone saved a copy and can send it to me as an attachment. If you're feeling really nostalgic, I'm just a few miles from the beach where we went on the biology field trip. Saw the kids there this year!
From: Rockland, Maine
E-mail: chocolate9377@msn.com
Nancy Thursday, 7/19/01, 4:58 AM
An idea for the 25th...How about the 3rd week in July so we can all be home for the Potato Blossom Festival? I know my family usually has some type of reunion that same weekend. :) And maybe some other families as well?
Nancy Thursday, 7/19/01, 4:50 AM
Home again, home again!! Wow was it nice to be back in PI! Had a great time seeing you Lori, Laurie,Carma, and Carol. But Tammy...where was you????? Scared I would pull you in the boys room??
Torry Wednesday, 7/18/01, 5:59 PM
We all agreed that DeeDee travelled the furtherest! Everyone was VERY glad that she made it both nights!
allison Wednesday, 7/18/01, 5:51 PM
Yup, seattle is farther than atlanta---you win the prize. unfortunately, dee-dee had already left when the "awards" were given out...anonymous messages: what an interesting form of nonaccountable communication...but let's not start down that road again...
Carma Wednesday, 7/18/01, 4:55 PM
Thanks to everyone for all the work they had done for all the class. It was an Excellent choice having it at the country club. First time I'd ever been there. :-)
From: Old Orchard Beach
  Wednesday, 7/18/01, 2:50 PM
Just a word to the Class of 81! Last I knew, Seattle, Washington was further than Atlanta Georgia. No offense to Eddie, but I know Dee-Dee was at most all of the festivities, but due to a family illness, she left early at dinner. It is no wonder you had such animosity in your class. Give credit when due!
Kerry P Tuesday, 7/17/01, 5:20 PM
Sounds like i missed a very good time, I could kick myself but you can't miss your sister-in-laws wedding right? We are coming in August for a reunion at my cousins house (Vicki Huston) there having a get together with all the people that used to live in Spragueville,Should be a good time haven't seen alot of these people for 15 or so years. Maybe i'll see some of you somewhere i'm not sure if any of you lived there or not. Well 5 years isn't to far away. Maybe then. I'm glad you all had a great time.
Torry Tuesday, 7/17/01, 9:17 AM
We did it Saturday night! We took nominations from "the floor" and then had the people stand up front and the loudest cheers won!!!
  Tuesday, 7/17/01, 8:02 AM
Was these decisions made from meeting with classmates on Friday? Because alot of classmates wasnt able to to attend until Saturday Eve. We saw alot of classmates that "could" of gotten some recognition for being "most changed" or "least changed" that was not there on Friday.
allison Monday, 7/16/01, 5:07 PM
i'm sure someone will correct me if i'm wrong or if i leave anyone out!! let's see...most changed male: dave carlow female: karen bustard least changed: the twins (who got it last time and wonder if it's a compliment or not!!) for the guys it was tommy raymond...paul thompson got the grandparent--although so is laurie archer! laurie got the most kids: 6 (i think or was it 5--- either way, you're a saint laurie!!!) she also got the oldest child--23...linda day was the longest married at 20 years--wow!!! most recently married was lisa hagerman...lynn barton (?)got the newest baby...ted, had you been there you would have won that one!! ed chambers got one for who came the farthest--georgia...i think that covers it...it was a fun night...i wish more of us could have been there but it was great seeing everyone who went!
  Monday, 7/16/01, 4:45 AM
Who was voted "most changed" "least changed" "wish they changed" "most kids" "least kids" and etc. etc. ??? Who was surprised by.......Who wasnt surprised by.......and all that other good stuff????
Lewis Sunday, 7/15/01, 8:22 PM
Well sounds like everyone had a great time. Wish I could have been there, but as always I was stuck in the great Mojave Desert training our forces to be better. For those who work hard for the reunion, great job, at least I should be able to make it to the 25th reunion. I will be retire from the military by then. Can't wait to see those pictures from the reunion.
From: Fort Irwin, California
E-mail: rocking_chair@yahoo.com
Dianne Carter Collins Sunday, 7/15/01, 3:47 PM
Wow! What a great Reunion! Many thanks to everyone for making it happen, including Mark & Sherri (great tunes Friday night - brought back some great memories!) Danny & Sandy for the great meal and especially Torry & Rick! Can't wait for next time already! What a cool group of people you all are! Take care everyone. di
E-mail: rickcoll@ainop.com
allison Sunday, 7/15/01, 9:45 AM
last night was fun!! torry and rick: you did an awesome job! andy, thanks for the help with the website--although i could have done without the 5th grade picture! are we counting down to the 25th?? can't wait to see the pictures! i hope everyone had a nice time and enjoyed themselves--it certainly seemed so! happy summer all!
Torry Sunday, 7/15/01, 7:05 AM
Mike and I had a GREAT time last night! Thank you to everyone who made it possible. Mike commented that having it at the Country Club made for a much more relaxed time! I hope everyone else also agrees! Everyone needs to remember when you get your film developed check off that you want it on a diskette so that you will be able to post all of the pictures on this site. Andy assures me that he will make it easy! Same place same-time five years from now!
eric vreeland Saturday, 7/14/01, 6:47 AM
howdy all,went to reunion last nite,awesome time.I was almost the last man standing.No laws were broke,i think. If you didnt make it, our thoughts were with you.I was glad to see that our class hasnt forgot how to party!(my heads still spining).Take care .....oh...ty for the ride home mark,took me a minute to remember how i got there.
From: PI
margo Saturday, 7/14/01, 5:45 AM
Allison, Thanks for checking in. I can't believe I'm here and not there. I'll be up next month. Haven't been up for a couple of years it will be nice to return to the slow pac, and cooler weather. Take lots of pictures, I would love a few. Have a great day in the sun.
allison Saturday, 7/14/01, 5:17 AM
so...it's saturday morning at 8:15--one of those benefits (???) of kids is getting up in the morning when you really don't want too! last night was fun! recognized most people--had to have help with others...i think i was actually a bit nervous at first but i had a great time...picnic today with the kids...visit riverside park...looks like it's going to be a nice day--although the clouds are out...i've watched that counter on the homepage count down for quite awhile and i can't believe the weekend is already half over...i hope everyone has a great time tonight..
Andy Johnson Friday, 7/13/01, 2:17 PM
For those who have noticed, the server with the class list is having trouble. It's being worked on, and should be back soon. Sorry... Now, back to clipping my nose hair so I can head over to the snowmobile club...
From: Cazenovia, NY
E-mail: andy@summitsolutions.net
allison Friday, 7/13/01, 6:23 AM
thanks andy...i'll now be wearing my hair slicked back to try to minimize the space i take up in any pictures!! of course, i can't do much about the rest of me but my hair will be small!! see ya there!
Andy Johnson Thursday, 7/12/01, 6:32 AM
Hey everyone... Make sure you take pictures this weekend! And if you don't have a scanner, have your developer digitize them for you. After the reunion I'm going to add a photo album feature to the site so everyone can put their pictures up here. Not just reunion photos, but any pictures; from back in school to your current life. We need to make it easier for everyone to post those "Big-Haired- Allison" photos!!! See you in a couple days...
From: Cazenovia, NY
E-mail: andy@summitsolutions.net
Carma Thursday, 7/12/01, 4:13 AM
One more day!!!!!!I am getting pysched to go home tomorrow!! I'd like to thank everyone involved for this site, and the work you have all done for the entire class of 1981. I have thouroughly enjoyed getting in touch with classmates that I havent seen in 20 years and am looking forward to seeing old friends and making new ones. Gosh, it almost feels like graduation day...almost an overwhelming butterfly feeling in the 'ol belly...lol See you all up in "The County". Watch out P.I.....We're coming home!
From: Old Orchard Beach
brian colton Tuesday, 7/10/01, 6:19 AM
HI ROSE! yeah, i should stop by and see ``pete & helen'', huh? suppose they'd remember me? been a few..........months. read a few of the entries here.......does bring back alot of memories. there are so many people i had forgotten about......not a good thing. hope all is well with you.......looking forward to a good ``chew''. (no rose, that doesn't mean we share a can of ``skoal''). haven't see mark for a couple of summers.........hope all is well with him. hey scott antworth.......had a good visit with otis & phyllis last week..........very nice folks! they mentioned you were moving back to maine.....bangor area, i believe. hope the transition goes smoothly. hey charlie, was thinking about you the other day....wondered where you ended up! remember that ride to washburn to see vicki bell......i think we set the land speed record on the parsons road coming back. that was a fun night. do you still keep in touch with sherri brown? i see her sister maria all the time but haven't asked about sherri for some time.......i'll have to do that. remember all, come down to riverside park in pqi on saturday if you have some time and enjoy some small town fun at the pioneer days festival. brian
From: pqi
E-mail: coltonassoc@ainop.com
Annie Bridges Monday, 7/9/01, 4:10 PM
Just checking in on my baby sister's (Dee-Dee)class web page. Have a great time all of you this weekend! 20 is the relaxed reunion. Be yourselves and renew old friendships and start some new ones. If Kim Quinn gets to read this please have her e- mail me. Annie Footer Bridges
From: Florida
E-mail: ABRIDGES1@cfl.rr.com
Ruth Masters Monday, 7/9/01, 2:44 PM
Rosemary...!! Hi there friend! Please send my best wishes to your twin as I won't be getting back to Maine this summer. I'll always cherish the great memories in our last couple years at PIHS. I have been busy in the great Alaska Range (Denali) fishing and camping. It always lets you realize how small you really are in this vastness. Have a wonderful time and say hello to your parents and family for me. Everyone who's going...kudos to you all! A friend in the Last Frontier....Ruth
From: Fairbanks, Alaska
E-mail: penobsct@mosquitonet.com
Torry Monday, 7/9/01, 9:17 AM
Yes-Rosemary your "TWIN" did call me - she is all set! I would like her "date's" name so that we can have a name tag for him. I think everything is ready and I, for one, am looking to have a great time!
Rosemary Monday, 7/9/01, 8:55 AM
Hi everyone- I am getting so psyched about this reunion that I just had to get back on this website! I have been trying not to "play" on the computer at work so much, since my home pc died.... I want to thank all of you folks who have been working on this gathering, and the website,and everything. You make it happen! so did you get John, John, Paul and Greg to be the band?? heehee a reunion tour! Can't wait to see everyone- just wish I had more time as I am trying to do the family thing as well as the reunion in 3 days! You'd think I lived in another state or even country sometimes, as I don't get "home" that much, not nearly enough. I still call PI home! some things never change. So Torry, I hope my sister got in touch with you- she didn't have a form but was going to call? I even gave her your number, so no excuses! Hello Roseanne!! Where are you living these days? guess I'll find out in a few days. Looking forward to seeing everyone-
From: Farmington
Roseann Sunday, 7/8/01, 1:31 PM
Hi all! I'm really looking forward to the reunion, but the possibility of Ted and Todd not being there deeply saddens me. Edward, I'm sure that Mrs. McConnell was looking forward to see you and your new baby.So if you do make it to the reunion, make sure you stop by to say hello. Anyone else that wants to see "pete and helen",(not me!) I'm sure they'd love to see you! (If you know helen at all!) And Todd, take your wife's advise and come to the reunion! I've never been to California, so I could always fly back with you and help you unpack! Moving sucks. At any rate, I'm so excited about seeing everyone!....do you think I'll remember Paul Leblanc another 10 yrs later??? Travel safely. See you Friday!!
Charlie Swiencki Friday, 7/6/01, 7:17 AM
Hi everyone,(or those who might remember me)I left P.I. half way thru our junior year.This site is great.Brings back so many memories.Mr.Antworth congratulations!When you get settled in Maine look me up.As for me,Ive been married since 83.My wife Darnelle,and my daughter Lindsay-Ryan have been living here in eastern N.C. since 88 when I left the military.I now work for Raven Transport (www.raventrans.com) as a truckdriver.I used to drive all 48 but now I mostly stay in the south.Drive and listen to the radio all day,All of you look great and I wish I could get up there for the reunion.I was up there last year at this time and was I surprised,P.I. sure has changed.I hope all of you the best and Ill be looking at this site when im home(get home every 2 weeks) (mmm.mmm.mmm.) I finally got back to Jacksonville,FL
From: Grifton,N.C.
Charlie Swiencki Friday, 7/6/01, 6:43 AM
Carma Thursday, 7/5/01, 5:52 PM
LOL Nancy...The country club I do know where it is. I use to live right across from it when I roomed with Jeff Hallett and Ken Dickinson when I first finished at NMVTI back in 1985. I was working at TAMC then. Thanks to Brenda Barnes, the taxi ride home was usually $0$. I wonder how Brenda is doing?? What day are you planning to take the kids up to Haystack Nancy? Have a great weekend everyone!
Nancy Thursday, 7/5/01, 2:45 PM
Hello Everyone!! Just a few more short days and we will be home!!!!! My kids are sooo excited. They didn't know echos were a real thing and they thought shooting stars were just something in cartoons...Yes Carma we should be at Mom's mid to late Fri afternoon. We are going on a camp out Thursday night. Tammy.....care to join me in the boys room?? LOL I guess some of things I did back then are going to come back and bite me in the butt. To all of those who know me or remeber me...my hubby will not believe you so keep the stories to yourself!! (heheh) And you know I will deny them!! Oh and Carma ..the country club is off the Fort Rd.
Carma Thursday, 7/5/01, 7:06 AM
Hope everyone had a great 4th of July! Your right Allison, the time has gone by fast and the reunion is almost here. I for one am looking forward to seeing classmates that I havent seen in 20 years! And am also sad for the ones that cant make it and wont be able to see. We are invited to a Lobster and Steamers Feed this Saturday coming fresh off the boat in Portland...I love living in this area! Nancy....Will be in Mapleton some time on Friday,I'll give you a ring when we get there. See you all next week!
From: Old Orchard Beach
allison Tuesday, 7/3/01, 3:39 PM
i can't believe we only have 10 more days till the reunion...my brother kevin's 25th reunion is this weekend and a friend from work has her 40th the weekend after ours..july must be a busy month in pi! i was looking at the class list to see if there were any new additions...very saddening to see that several of our classmates have died...seems rather unbelievable in my "rose colored glasses" vision...we're way to young... on a brighter note, i hope everyone has a great 4th of july...it's suppose to rain down in our parts...rather hoping it does!! can't stand fighting the crowds and the fireworks don't start until 9:30...the kids will be tired and really grouchy by that time then fall asleep in the truck on the way home! ain't life grand!!
Torry Sunday, 7/1/01, 4:33 PM
We still have a lot of classmates that have not said "YES" or "NO" to the Reunion. If you look at the following link you can see the names: www.summitsolutions.net/alumni/reunion/noresponse.cfm Please look this over and if there are people you know give them a call and tell them to contact me (Torry) at 764-3762 (h) 760-6300 (w) or through my email.
E-mail: meaton@mfx.net
Big Todd & Tammy Friday, 6/29/01, 2:52 PM
Looking for Nancy Shaw smoking in the boy's room We are still living in P.I. Have one son TJ (7) Todd stay home Dad Tammy Mahan Dempster work at Wal*mart We hope to see everyone Friday night
From: Presque Isle
E-mail: dempsterfamily@yahoo.com

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