PIHS Class of 1981 Alumni Site
Total Entries: 667
Ted Stone Saturday, 4/21/01, 9:57 PM
Ahem. Friends, Romans, Countrymen, lend me your ears. Scratch that. How about this instead: People-who-are-getting-on-each-other's-nerves, Presque Isleans, Countymen (and women), lend me a dollar. Scratch that too. OK, I've got it - hey folks, can't we all just get along? Please forgive my intrusion into the cyberspace family feud, but it's getting a bit out of control. I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but the back and forth carping is not only very tiresome to all (including, I'm sure, those directly involved), but even worse, it's fostering an environment that I fear is driving others away. [Sure hasn't made me want to wade into the pool.] With our reunion less than three months away, I would think that we'd want to maintain an environment where EVERYONE feels welcome. (Sorry if this is a bit touchy feely - truly, I'm not advocating that we all stand in a circle and sing Kumbaya.) Clearly, there are some hurt feelings and noses out of joint, but for the good of the class and our message board, could we please all take a collective deep breath and slowly release the tension, anxiety, ill will, bad karma (not to be confused with the Good Carma) hostile feelings and other doo doo. There now, from this moment on, let's all resolve to bend over backwards in our attempt to be civil to each other on this board. (Would like to see the same behavior carried over to the reunion itself, but I suspect that we are all more likely to be mindful of others when we are face-to-face and not launching words at each other from cyberspace.) Furthermore, let's do ourselves all a huge favor and disregard all unsigned messages - they just aren't worth expending any mental energy fretting over. Having not contributed anything to this board for months, I would like to echo comments of several others and express my appreciation for the thankless work that Torry, Dianne and Rick, Denise, Susan, Leah and Gerald (and spouses) have done/are doing on our collective behalf. (Apologies to anyone unintentionally omitted.) You guys put together an enjoyable 10th reunion, and the 20th sounds even more fun. Thanks also to Torry and Andy for this website -- it's a great meeting place, and I hope we can keep it going between the 20th and 30th. I also have to agree with Kerry's recent comment about enjoying hearing about how and what classmates are doing now. It's really pretty neat to read the anecdotes from across the country. As for me, my story in a nutshell is pretty short -- my wife is due with Baby #1 in four weeks and¿GULP¿is the world really ready for the fruit of my looms? (Or rather, am I ready?) Guess, we'll soon enough find out. [Quick personal asides: Todd and Allison, I will try to finish and send before the reunion the notes I started to you several months ago. Roseanne, ditto for my response to the cute cyber get well card, which is just a tad overdue.] That's all for now. Well, one more thing. I will renew the trivia contest that I started many moons ago. QUESTION: (primarily for Cunningham Middle School grads, but Skyway grads are free to participate): At one of the school dances of our 6th grade year, the jukebox (wow, we must be ancient - 45's on the jukebox) all but died with about an hour left in the dance. For the last hour or so, it played the same two songs in sequence over and over¿and over. One song was a slow ballad, and the other an up tempo tune. Last fall, the Carter-Collins household correctly identified the slow song, "Mandy" by Barry Manilow. No one thus far has nailed the fast song. For bragging rights and the KEYS TO A NEW JAGUAR (psyche, just the bragging rights), what was the fast song? (If only my memory had room for less trivial details, but, alas, it does not.) And finally, remember your newfound commitment to playing nice on this messag
From: Arlington, VA
E-mail: stonete@aporter.com
Lewis Saturday, 4/21/01, 9:56 PM
well again, here I sit in front of the computer reading all these entries. Hey, for those who cant make it to the twentieth reunion, be able to purchase a class reunion picture? Let me know. Well again, lets grow up and dont reflect on what happen twenty years ago. Most of us are married and have kids of our own. We do tried to do our best. Hate to see the reunion be a totally ruin, because of someone chat entries, especially if he/she didnt graduate with us. Hopefully he/she is not married to one of our fellow classmates. Well i am off to another 9 days in the mojave desert trying to keep the enemy from winning. Will get some pics and send them to Tori.
From: barstow, california
E-mail: rocking_chair@yahoo.com
Ted Stone Saturday, 4/21/01, 9:11 PM
Enough's enough! More in a moment.
From: Arlington, VA
E-mail: stonete@aporter.com
  Saturday, 4/21/01, 8:59 PM
My true self. hah!
Todd Wilson Saturday, 4/21/01, 8:57 PM
So there you have it folks. I've been writing this site for months now and it appears that Carma has won. WOW thats a tactic I never expected. So now that you've made your claims and said your piece, peace be with you. I made a mistake and I admit it. I thought the anonymous e-mail was interesting enough to e-mail them back and got you back - boy I'll never try to get to the bottom of that again. So why don't you bring copies of my e-mails with you. I'm sure most people who read this site would like the truth something I think you've stretched in your attempt to make me this baaaaad person. I'll bring yours and we'll post them. The fact of the matter is is that I don't know you either so its a real shame my mistake has gone this far, but thats okay I understand. As far as my personality goes well its all in here with my name on it and thats all I have to say about that. So keep writing Carma if not just to slander my name a little longer so you can feel better. Todd Wilson T. Wilson
Kerry Pepper Saturday, 4/21/01, 5:49 PM
I'm not sure why i'm writing in this site anymore,I can't even who half of you are and i'm sure your all very nice people. And as far as Jesse L goes my deepest sympathies to all who were close to him,but i personally never knew him,probably my loss. The more i read of this sight the more i'm wondering if its a good idea to attend this reunion. Imagine the people from other classes that read this sight what they must think of the class of 81. I'd like to hear about our lives now not the resentment of 20 years ago.Some people get on with their lives and forgive what happened 20 yrs ago.
From: Belgrade
E-mail: kerry1514@aol.com
  Saturday, 4/21/01, 5:07 PM
aaaahhhhhhh my daughter and I love Pollyanna!
Georgia M Saturday, 4/21/01, 3:03 PM
Wow..I didnt graduate with this class, but from what i've been reading,,i'd say its a good thing. How terrible to see people who are almost in their 40's go back and fourth like this, and for what? because someone decided they couldnt be a part of this class because they quit school or what? Was it really worth it to start something between people who dont even remember one another? I dont know about multiple personality...but Carma sure makes sense to me. Hang in there girl..and take the "checkmate" suggestion. I think you've won the game.
From: Columbus, OH
E-mail: geo4@excite.com
Carma Saturday, 4/21/01, 2:41 PM
O.k. this is my last entry...really..I promice...Just wanted you to know that I have copies of your emails Todd if you forgotten about the first one so soon. Maybe YOUR other personality sent the first one? Cant we just get along like Lisa Brigman said weeks ago? If we dont know each other...then why all this? Thanks all! See you at the reunion! Hope you can make it Todd.
carma Saturday, 4/21/01, 2:36 PM
Deny it all you want Todd, your true self came out in your email, and I know it was you. I only have one personality that obviously bothers you too,,,please come to the reunion so we can mend this problem. would love to meet you. I am actually a very nice, fairly intelligent person once you get to know me, then we can sit down and figure this all out, ok?...thanks to "WHO CARES". hope you accomplished what u want...but I'm still going to the reunion, so your out of luck there. You might of stirred trouble up for reasons we dont understand but I feel great!!! and Nancy,,,you will have fun at the reunion,,,,we already made plans remember?
Todd Wilson Saturday, 4/21/01, 1:49 PM
It must be my miss-understanding but how many personalities do you have Carma? And your the one who wrote me with some whacked message so I responded to you.....and I meant what I said.
Lisa (Hagerman) Brittain Saturday, 4/21/01, 11:02 AM
Hi everyone, What did ever happen to Jesse Lebreck? I was living in Augusta, Maine for a very short time right after high school and reading in the newspaper one day, I found an article asking for "Friend's of Jesse Lebreck". The article went on to say that Jesse was at Togus Hospital in Augusta in a coma and they were asking for friend's of family to go see him and to talk to him hoping that might bring him out of it. I often think about that because I never went up and I probably regret that to this day because I was right in town. Jesse would alway's say "Hi" to me in the hall's in school and talk to me. I have wondered about him to see if he made it. The article also said something about him trying to break up a fight at the base he was stationed at and someone turned on him with the back of an ax. Do I have my fact's right? It has been almost 20 year's since this happened. Does ayone know anything else. It is sad to hear about our classmate's that have passed on. A memorial would be a great idea. Thank's. Later, Lisa
From: Brunswick, Me.
Nancy Saturday, 4/21/01, 10:59 AM
WOW WOW WOW And here I was looking for a good time this summer. :(
Marilyn Lavway Saturday, 4/21/01, 8:58 AM
Hi to who every left the message in the class of 1980's web site Connie isn't my sister. My maiden name was Allen and I'm married to Mark. I don't believe she is any relation. Sorry I couldn't help.
E-mail: mlavway@maine.rr.com
Carma Saturday, 4/21/01, 6:04 AM
Yes, that was a real email everyone. Todd just told me to go F$%^ myself!!! O.k. What did I do? Did I say something to him? did I say his name? what does he mean by me insulting him? for your info Todd, That entry was for the person who cloned my email. And unless it was really you all this time, I dont see what it has to do with you. I;m not the one with the problem of what you said in your entry. You are directing it towards the wrong person.I dont know you, dont want to know you, and never said anything that has anything to do with you. so stop sending me threatning emails, dont YOU watch the news? that's harrassment!
Carma Saturday, 4/21/01, 5:47 AM
Oh yeah,,,and if that email was for real....all I have to say to you is...OPEN MOUTH...INSERT FOOT...GET THE FACTS........
Carma Saturday, 4/21/01, 5:42 AM
against my better judgment, i was not going to come back to this site. but i got an intresting email from TFWIL62@aol.com today that I would like to share with all of you. It seems that I am always abrasive, im nameless, (whatever the hell that means) and there isnt any excuse for it. Can anyone explain to me what this means? Is there another clone out there or is this for real? Was I really that much of a bitch in school that I am now going to be put out there for all 200 or so classmates to get laughed at? I am so glad that I have grown up after all these years and feel sorry for all the pathetic little ones who hasnt. enough already! And for those of you has been so kind with your words,,,thank you...at least I know there are a few out there I was friends with.
E-mail: goodcarma36@hotmail.com
T.Wilson Saturday, 4/21/01, 5:37 AM
I'm starting to think I'm getting some sort of lecture about respect in here. I meant no disrespect but I will call it as it is and think anything else is bullshit. As for the people who are offended by my comments I think your a bunch of polyanna's. Don't you watch the news man!
  Saturday, 4/21/01, 3:19 AM
Keep looking Lewis. This person didnt even graduate with us....you wont find the pic. in there. And yes, it is sad that someone has to see it to try to ruin this site for the rest of us.
Lewis Friday, 4/20/01, 10:33 PM
Well seems like some of the classmates are still living in 1981. Please death is hard on everyone, let have some respect for those who are no longer with us. Lets have a list posted for those classmates that are no longer with us. I enjoyed reading all the entries. I tried to place the person who is writing the entry. Been kinda fun in doing that. Been looking at the 10 year reunion, trying to figure who is who. Hope I can see the twentieth. Take care and talk later to you all
Sue (Beckwith) Currier Friday, 4/20/01, 5:12 PM
Hi folks. I'm sorry to hear about Armund too. We've lost some very good friends over the years. Please don't forget Darren Walton either. He was the Best Man at mine and Brian's wedding. I think a memorial to all of our friends that have passed would be a good idea. Has anyone heard from Cindy Shaw? Hey Nancy... What do you think about all of the pollen here in GA? Whatever just bloomed has got me sneezing like crazy! It'll be good to see everyone, have a great weekend!
E-mail: scurbcur@aol.com
  Friday, 4/20/01, 5:12 PM
I just remembered Jesse Lebrec. Man he was a character.
  Friday, 4/20/01, 5:08 PM
Life can change your perspective can't it?
Todd Wilson Friday, 4/20/01, 5:06 PM
Friends and aquaintences; Those were the words I meant to say and no I did not mean any disrespect to anyone especially Carma. Death is a part of life for me and yes it is hard to take but if you can find a way to express it so it doesn't offend someone then more power to you. Did I ever tell you folks about my other experiences in construction where I worked with ironworkers who were always on the edge and living fast (use your imagination). A drug test meant someone else had to pee for you in a sandwich bag and you took that to the test hoping that it stayed warm enough and didn't leak in your pants. I also know four people who didn't make it home to their families, all of them characters. They were friends and aquaintances of mine and for whatever its worth I respected and liked them for what they were. I hope you all can respect that about me. I can't really express it any better to the person who was blown away or the person who was offended, or the person(s) who don't understand my humor. Other than that I really don't know what smoking pot has to do with anything. I did it but I didn't inhale. Got any good ones to tell us......anyone.
  Friday, 4/20/01, 3:32 PM
I'm sure that Todd meant no disrespect...just a poor choice of words. He'll be on and let everyone know he meant no harm, I'm sure. I remember Armand. He was just a little fellow. Unfortunate he passed away. Any death is tragic. We should have a memorial at our reunion for any classmates that may have passed on. Torry-think we could do that? That way they can be there in our hearts. As for the email "slasher" ... perhaps you need to pretend to be yourself and take a good long look. That wasn't very nice. Carma...come back. Don't become a pawn in the game, try a "checkmate".
Kerry P Friday, 4/20/01, 3:00 PM
I can't believe the last few entries. What is it with this class. I can remember very good times i guess didn't realize there was so much dislike in this class, maybe it all happened in our senior year, in that case i was not there. We are almost 40 years old. Carma i hope you will not stop writing because i enjoy hearing whats going on and would miss your writings. We all need to take a long hard look at ourselves and figure out what good we can give to this sight and not the back stabbing thats going on. I no that i did not graduate with this class but consider alot of you very good friends and would hate to see people miss out on a very good 20th reunion. Dying is not a joke but some people are uncomfortable with it and taking light of it makes it easier,I'm sure there was no disrespect.
Nancy Friday, 4/20/01, 7:02 AM
Well.I read the last few entries a couple hours ago, and it has bugged me soooo much I had to come back and say something...Since then I see Carma has been back so I am going to say something to her first. Carma...This is YOUR site as much as it is mine, or everyone else that writes here. Please keep writing...You are a great person that I am thrilled to have known in my life..as my Mom always said "Don't stoop to other people levels" and she always told me "to kill people with kindness"....take her advice. Now as far as T. Wilson goes....for you to make light of the fact that one of our classmates has passed away really blew my mind. He was young when ever he died...and I just hope it wasn't a tragic death. You may have that kind of humor that I just don't understand...which is fine..I just think you could have been senisitive..and to make a joke along with it about taxes!! I knew Armund, he was a Buzzy Buddy of mine...yes a smoking buddy. Half of us kids from the Class of 81 smoked..only half of that half went to Buzzy's to smoke. I am glad to have known him. Peace..
  Friday, 4/20/01, 6:08 AM
To advoid ruining it for others visiting this site. i will no longer be making entries. It isnt fair to the rest of you enjoying this site and have to read things you shouldnt have to. I obviously bother someone by being part of my class (obviously by someone who didnt even graduate). Thanks and I'll see you all at the reunion! :-)
From: Old Orchard Beach
E-mail: goodcarma36@hotmail.com
Carma Friday, 4/20/01, 5:00 AM
And if you want to clone me...spell the email address right, i dont capitalize goodcarma36
Carma Friday, 4/20/01, 4:58 AM
I dont know who is playing jokes but i did not write that last entry. Still playing games after all these years "WHO CARES" dont think I dont know who you are. dont have anything to do up there in Mapleton? grow up. I would never say anything like that! I am not a disrespectful person as you want to make me out to be.
T. Wilson Thursday, 4/19/01, 9:58 PM
No offence but I think the question was whether Jesse and Armund were in the class of 81. The names sound familiar to me and I remember the little Armund fella so I think they were in the class of 81. If their dead or somehow near dead then I guess we probably won't be seeing them at the reunion. One thing for sure if you die you don't have any income taxes to pay! T. Wilson
Who Cares Thursday, 4/19/01, 8:39 PM
Are you tring to be funny Armund is dead. And Jesse may as well be.
From: Old Orchard Beach
Web Site: yahoo
E-mail: Goodcarma36@yahoo
  Thursday, 4/19/01, 2:32 PM
Wasn't there a Jesse Lebreck and a Armand Brun that graduated with your class of 81?
Lewis Michaud Wednesday, 4/18/01, 12:25 PM
Well that is good Beth, I hope you can talk her into attending the reunion, wish I could be there. Well going to a military formal outing, so I will be in those fancy Dress Blues tonight. Well glad everyone is doing fine, again those who is working on the reunion good job and also on the site. Hey does anyone know how to get the yearbooks, over the years of moving the military has lost my. Let me know please.
From: barstow, california
E-mail: rocking_chair@yahoo.com
Beth Guimond (Fogg) Wednesday, 4/18/01, 11:42 AM
Nancy, no I have not talked to Janet since last summer. I tried to call her the other day but there wasn't anyone home. I'll keep trying to find out if she's going to be at the reunion. Someone asked about Connie Lavway. I saw here a couple of months ago at Rite Aid. She is living in Passadumkeag and her last name is Orcutt. Lewis, yes I still talk to Mary Jo she lives in Brewer. I haven't seen here for a while but we talk on the phone. I'm trying to talk here into going to the reunion. Tommy Raymond, are you still living in Caribou. Haven't seen you in while.
From: Old Town
E-mail: markandbeth@peoplepc.com
EV Tuesday, 4/17/01, 8:03 PM
I'd go fishin if somethng would unthaw......winter is like some cruel joke.(I think the world is stuck)......my bass boat is buried in a snowbank the size of everest I swear!......please send spring this way!
From: asif(PI)
E-mail: kingofthenorth@webtv.net
Ruth Tuesday, 4/17/01, 9:49 AM
Rose....Sue and I keep in touch quite often. Her kids Whitney and Madison are really getting big. We became really close friends the few years before I came to Alaska and I miss her severely. She is still with TAMC as a therapist and doing well. If you ever find out if she has e-mail please pass it along. Speaking of gardening...this year Ive built a greenhouse because the moose are so thick they won't stay out of my yard and my garden. It's almost bike season here..many have had theirs out. By this time next week my new leathers will be in and i'll be on my sporty. We are getting almost 17 hours of daylight now...this Alaskan sun is incredible. On Easter Sunday..I spent most of the day on the deck soaking up the rays. Take care...
From: Alaska
allison Tuesday, 4/17/01, 9:36 AM
i have found that, for the past few months, when i log on to read my mail, this website is the first place i go too! only 88 more days until our 20th reunion...at times i can't believe how quickly the years have gone by...but then, as the kids and dog go screaming and barking through the house--i'm quickly reminded as to WHY the time has gone by so fast!!
  Tuesday, 4/17/01, 8:21 AM
Sue Cambridge is living in Mapleton with her husband Matt and their 2 children
From: Presque Isle
Rose Tuesday, 4/17/01, 5:39 AM
So where is Sue Cambridge these days...
Rosemary Tuesday, 4/17/01, 5:38 AM
Hey those are quite the fishing stories, Todd, what about the one that got away?!?! It has been so beautiful and spring-like lately- yesterday we even had a nice picnic on the banks of the Carabassett R. (with ice floes all around...) and NOW they say we may get 4-8" of snow tonight- skiing at Sugarloaf has never been so good this late in the year but come on- I am ready for gardening! Good luck Lisa, and my condolences to you Torry....
From: Farmington
E-mail: racyr@maine.edu
Carma Tuesday, 4/17/01, 4:01 AM
Mother Nature is really pressing her luck this year. More snow for the forecast.I knew when I raked the lawn yesterday that Murphy's Law would be right around the corner.LOL Hope things go well at the Dr. Lisa. How do you like your new job? Have a great week everyone.
From: Old Orchard Beach
lisa brigman Monday, 4/16/01, 11:55 PM
well carma i've been alittle busy. i just got a new job. as for the wedding date who knows when its going to happen. i seen my doctor and lawyer today. the doctor wants to do more x-rays, since i started back to work the back and legs dont want to work.they want to do an mri on my back and legs. i aint too happy about that cuz the last time 15 milligrams of valum didnt work so this time they have to put me out. denise my bud if your reading this i'll call you wed. or thurs.
From: vegas
T. Wilson Monday, 4/16/01, 8:12 PM
Howdy Folks, How's that saying go about death and taxes? Right now I'm hoping that the tax returns I just filed are excepted electronically, otherwise I'm probably in trouble. As far as death goes I've avoided it to this point in time! If you haven't noticed it's no longer just a few classmates carrying on a dialog primarily by themselves but many with varying and interesting lives to talk about. Just like I had hoped for. You see its amazing when people talk and let you see a small window into their world. I especially liked the roping themselves off to the bank to handle those big hogs they catch up there in Alaska. I can just taste the barbequed salmon. Which reminds me.....I caught a 28 pound Chinook myself in a place called Garribaldi, Oregon out between the fingers (rock jetties). Since we were in a boat and it was fairly rough I was fairly sick but did I stop fishing....not me. I've also caught Silvers or Coho Salmon at bouey 10 which is the last bouey on the Columbia river as it spills into the Pacific Ocean. We used a downrigger with lead weight to bottom fish for the Chinook and plastic divers with a three hook set-up and anchovies for the Silvers. That trailer hook is deadly to the Silver who slashes at the bait and hits it hard. Chinook glom onto to bait and don't make such a big fuss until you start trying to pull them to the surface. Another fishing story I hold dear is the time I caught an 8 foot (plus) sturgeon in the Columbia River a couple of miles down river from the Bonneville Dam (acrossed from Multnomah Falls on the Washington side) in about a 6 knot current. He fought me for over an hour and darn near pulled me out of the boat. At the time I caught that one the legal size limit was between 42" and 72" long. Everything else gets let go. All I can say in closing is that its been way too long since I've been fishing. T. Wilson
From: SLC
E-mail: twil62@yahoo.com
Kerry P Monday, 4/16/01, 4:18 PM
Hello to everyone. Hope you all had a vary nice Easter, we had a very nice day. The snow is still holding on. Were waiting to get on the ball fields,looks like the high school will have to cut a few games from their schedule,they've been playing alot of indoor softball so there getting in a little pratice. Yes i to do miss Todds daily news.
Carma Monday, 4/16/01, 1:19 PM
o.k., this 15" monitor has got to go. I cant recognize half the class now and it dont help when I cant see the whole 10th reunion class picture. I think I need to "super Size" it. Tom, it is odd that we havent heard from Todd isnt it? I am kinda missing his daily entries. How is it up in Mapleton, still alot of snow up there? Lisa-Still thinking of my suggestion before the reply? lol Hope everyone had a great Easter.
Lewis Sunday, 4/15/01, 10:39 PM
Well glad to see everyone is still chatting. Whoever fix the class list, great job. Hey Beth, are you still talking to Mary Jo. I remember when you two were always together. Those days in Hi-Y were too good. Well take care, going to spend another 9 days in the great Mojave Desert training yet another military unit. We just kick some major butt against what is suppose to be the new digitial army, but as always they lost. See you all in a few days after I get back. Hey Tori, I will send a picture of me so that you can have a poster to put up for those who can't attend the reunion.
From: Barstow, California
E-mail: rocking_chair@yahoo.com
Tom Sunday, 4/15/01, 8:42 AM
This is odd,, 36 entries has passed, and no response from Todd Wilson! He must be doing some major OT at his work!!
Nancy Sunday, 4/15/01, 4:27 AM
Justin Belleville is living in PI ...she is married to Rick Fitzherbert..has anyone contacted her yet???? I know she lives in the PI Trailer Park.
mike patenaude Saturday, 4/14/01, 10:13 AM
hi all,got a question if anyone knows,didn't paul mckenize in your class and has anyone got any idea where he might be now last i knew he was in nh,thanks mike

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