PIHS Class of 1981 Alumni Site
Total Entries: 667
The Peacemaker Sunday, 8/27/00, 8:51 PM
Note to proud Skyway Middle School graduates: please remember that it was through no fault of your own that you attended the 2nd best gosh darn junior high in Presque Isle. Blame your parents! I'm sure that many of you have come to accept the burden of permanent silver medal status, and I would hate for the insensitive words of Mr. Stone to fuel the intense fires of envy that you have only managed to get under control during the past 25 years. Pay him no mind. [Blasphemous comment about G_d loving each and every one of the Skyway horde almost as much as He loves His favored children of Cunningham has been removed.]
Ted Stone Sunday, 8/27/00, 8:36 PM
Not to poke fun at anyone else's expense (especially since I do owe that someone an email), but am I the only one that suspects there may be something in the Great Salt Lake that contributes to the onset of verbal dia---oh, never mind. (The same can be said of Virginia water, or so I am told...repeatedly.) I would urge my fellow classmates, especially those of you who actually graduated from PIHS, to contribute to this valuable (well, at least convenient) means of keeping in touch. I'm looking forward to contacting a number of you who've already posted, including my junior high prom date who will probably never forgive me for having forgotten that memorable event by the time of our 10th reunion. Snookie, please forgive me. And while you're at it, if you could scare up a photo as further proof, that would be great. Not that I still question your memory or anything. OK, trivia time for Cunningham Middle School graduates: which two songs were the only ones that played on the school jukebox for approximately the last hour of a dance during our 6th grade year? I believe the jukebox was retired after that dance, but am not positive. Hint: one was a fast song and the other slow. Good luck to all. And no stinky Skyway people need answer -- your votes don't count.
From: Arlington, VA
E-mail: stonete@aporter.com
Todd Wilson Sunday, 8/27/00, 9:16 AM
Hello people, Howdy was getting a little old. After all I am from Maine! Ted I've tried to e-mail you via netscape and the darned thing cannot locate you! In any case I recieved your e-mail and its great to hear from you. For all you folks who don't write won't you drop a line and let us know how you are. I've decided that I will continue to write the site after a momentary subsidence into the dark side. On the lighter side of things our new puppy and Ben are best buddies. They spend much of their time swapping chew toys! My son Tim, now 5 will be attending kindergarten here in Salt Lake. I'm hoping I won't get reassigned until next year. My current position as a field engineer me working on a 1000 foot long flyover bridge called bridge 90. I work for the Jordan Segment of this I 15 reconstruction project and we have 58 of the 142 bridges to construct. If you wonder why I bother to tell you all of this stuff its because its my life and I want folks to know whats in it. Good, bad, or indifferent there's much to learn/know in other parts of the country. Check out my companies web site www.kiewit.com and go to the job sites/I15 portion for more information. If you like construction they are always looking for talent. Ted thanks also for the correct spelling of whazzup! I'm so uncool man. To all of my friends I'll keep writing. Diane I hope you keep visiting with my family there a great bunch of people. To all of you whatzzzzzup? You gotta steer as well as row the ship man! T. Wilson
From: SLC
E-mail: todousa@netscape.com
Todd Wilson Friday, 8/25/00, 8:08 PM
From: SLC
Web Site: www.capstoneturbine.com
Todd Wilson Friday, 8/25/00, 8:02 PM
From: SLC
Web Site: www.capstone.com
E-mail: todousa@netscape.net
Ted Stone Friday, 8/25/00, 6:33 PM
(Ted Stone, etc.) checking in thanks to Torry's posting at classmates.com. I was lost, but now am found. Now I must ask you rhetorically, Mrs. Eaton, why any of us who learned the value of a dollar scrounging for taters at a few miserable cents per barrel in the 70's (or at least those of us who are not yet dot.com millionaires) would pay hard-earned cabbage to classmates.com? This being a rhetorical question, there is, of course, no obligation to answer. Greetings to all from the Nation's Capital! If you want to see some funny stuff, primarily banter between Phil Cormier and Andy Flewelling, check out the Class of '79's site. I did last summer and was rewarded with a few chuckles. Torry, although the only photos that I have from high school are junior year prom photos with exchange student Francoise Beckers (now there's a name I'll bet few PIHS alums have thought of for a couple of decades), I do have some great ones from the 10th reunion. Will try to send to your attention within the next couple of weeks. Advance warning: since I have become one of the more accomplished procrastinators in the Western Hemisphere, you may have to nag me just a wee bit. Since I haven't read beyond the first couple of postings yet, I'll sign off for now. Will write again after having the chance to see whazzup wi'y'all. Damn glad to be back in the loop and looking forward to spending a few days together next summer (?) in PI. Ted
From: Arlington, VA
E-mail: stonete@aporter.com or jaimelefoot@hotmail.com
Torry Thursday, 8/24/00, 1:31 PM
Has anyone paid the membership for classmates.delphi.com? There are some of our classmates on there that have not checked in here! Maybe we could get this out to them (Ted Stone, etc.)
Torry Wednesday, 8/23/00, 8:08 AM
Have you guys checked out 82's Web Page??? Go to SAD 1's Web Page and go to Alumni and you can see a bunch of classes. Laura McGowan Chase is doing theirs and it is very professional. They have their Biology Fieldtrip pictures (Jon Wolfe is in most and Ted Stone is also there). If I get some pictures from you guys I will put some on here!
John Whittaker Tuesday, 8/22/00, 11:24 AM
Hello everyone! Probably not to many remember me but I'm looking forward to the reunion anyways. I still live in Westfield, still in the same house. I have two boys, B.J.-12 & Ryan-10. I work as a paramedic with Crown ambulance. See you next year.
From: Westfield, ME
E-mail: whittakers99@yahoo.com
Sherri Jordan Saturday, 8/19/00, 8:24 AM
From: Presque Isle
E-mail: sjj@ainop.com
t wilson Thursday, 8/17/00, 9:26 PM
Howdy folks, Don't you just hate those people who think they have something worth-while to say but all they really want is some attention late at nite after a 12 to 14 hour day at work? You know the one's that seem so excited about a trivial thing like a reunion? The gall of it all.
From: scl
t wilson Thursday, 8/17/00, 8:40 PM
Spelling correction "Laplant" to Laplante. My address is: 2637 Jasper Street, Unit B Salt Lake City, UT 84106 I am one with this site!
From: slc
E-mail: todousa@netscape.net
Cheryl Roix DeMerchant Wednesday, 8/16/00, 7:46 AM
Hi! It's great to be able to catch up on everyone! My husband Lee (Bath, NB) and I live in Presque Isle with our 14 month old son, Isaac. I still work at Coca-Cola Bottling Company in Presque Isle. I have been there 17 years! Lee is a mechanic at Carroll's Auto Sales in Presque Isle. We're looking forward to the reunion next year!
From: Presque Isle
Torry Wednesday, 8/16/00, 5:38 AM
I really didn't work on this at 5:00 am - I don't know what is wrong with the clock!!!
Torry Wednesday, 8/16/00, 5:37 AM
Thanks, Kim, for the suggestion. I removed the cursor "thing"! If anyone would like to work on the Web Site or make suggestions please let me know. I don't have a lot of experience with this kind of thing. Keep passing this on to others - the more we have the better! Cheryl Roix still has the mailing list from our 10th reunion. If addresses have changed please let me know! We really need pictures! If you forward any to me I will return them unharmed. I will just scan them and post them on our site! I have been trying to get this updated because I won't be working on it for a few weeks - we are going to Holland the 1st of September.
E-mail: meaton@mfx.net
Kim Carroll Murchison Tuesday, 8/15/00, 3:21 PM
Todd, I keep trying to make entries to this site, but I can hear your keyboard clicking from here. Just kidding! I really enjoy reading what is new from you. More of us should have your enthusiasm. We didn't end up making it to Steve's 20th reunion and really regretted it, but it couldn't have been avoided. We definately have plans to make it to mine. All is well here, my kids are getting ready for school in a couple of weeks. Kayla is almost 9 and will be in 4th grade and Kyle is almost 6 and will be in Kindergarten. Paula, it was nice talking to you the other day. Get Joni and Albert on here too. Torry, I like the updates to the site, but I hate that Comet cursor intrusion. Is everyone getting bothered with that? Talk to you later.
From: Scarborough, ME
E-mail: kmurch@rocketmail.com
Todd Wilson Sunday, 8/13/00, 10:02 AM
From: SLC
E-mail: todousa@netscape.net
Todd Wilson Saturday, 8/12/00, 5:13 PM
Howdy Folks, Jerry - your right I talk to much but you need to write more man! Hello Paula Mchugh and congratulations to you and Mike - aint life grand! Kim Quinn Laplant nice to hear from you. The last time I saw you you were in Bangor and it'll be great to see you again. You were one of the nicest person's I new in high school. Dee Dee whatzupp? Kim Carrol Murchison hows the old man? Rosanne I've talked with Stoner and he doesn't remember the party either - okay Martha? Diane it was nice to hear from you. My son Benjamin is in a hurry to walk at 6.5 months. My wife and I keep wondering whats wrong with being a baby but he keeps on plugging (and falling). Torry, let us know what you got cooking. Lifes to short not to talk about it so just do it! See ya.
From: SLC
E-mail: todousa@netscape.com
Paula McHugh Saturday, 8/12/00, 6:33 AM
Definitely a great idea! Todd, I can't wait to get Mike on this so he can read your interesting entries. We have three girls, Randi 10, Kelsi 9, and Mackenzi 5. We will enjoy checking this out to see what's going on. TaTa For Now!
From: Charleston (near Bangor)
E-mail: MGM3600@aol.com
Gerald McGlinn Friday, 8/11/00, 5:07 PM
Todd don't talk so much!!!
From: Mapleton, Me.
E-mail: jmcglinn@ainop.com
Gerald Mc Friday, 8/11/00, 5:04 PM
Sherry (Michaud) Beaulieu Wednesday, 8/9/00, 6:07 AM
Hi everybody! This website is awesome! Thanks Diane L. for letting me know about this website. Spread the word everyone..I'm still living in P.I. and loving it. I have 2 children and I'm married to Roy Beaulieu (class of 82) and I work in a public relations office at good ol' TAMC. Once in awhile I'm very fortunate to be able to see some of our old classmate that are still living in P.I. and can't wait to see all of you who moved away and catch up on the old times. I hope everyone is happy & healthy! See ya 2001.
From: Presque Isle
E-mail: sbeaulieu@tamc.org
Kim (Quinn) Laplante Monday, 8/7/00, 7:48 AM
Hi Everyone, I am living in Brewer, Me with my husband Scott, we have two boys, Caleb 2, and Noah 4. See you soon.
From: Brewer, Me
KIM Monday, 8/7/00, 7:45 AM
T. Wilson Tuesday, 8/1/00, 12:19 AM
Hello DeeDee Footer, Just remembered I've been meaning to say hello. How are ya! I worked on a project in down town Seattle called Pacific Place on 6th & Pine. You know the one with the catwalk over to Nordstroms. The company I worked for also erected the new Mariner's staduim. Maybe you've heard of them their name is 'The Erection Company'. I won't tell you their motto but we always got it up! My wife an I like Seattle and there's a possiblity we'll be up that way in the future. My current company plans to build the new Tacoma Narrows suspension bridge as a joint venture with Bectel. I lived in Renton during the 6 days a week I worked there in Seattle and travelled back to Oregon for Sunday and Family. Man the traffic was bad but not as bad as people complained. I also worked on a project in Portland with the same people who are building the funky Jimmy Hendrix museum, have you seen it lately? Well, I gotta go to bed or I'll never get up! I'm pretty excited about going home next year and hope to see you there. T. Wilson
From: Presque Isle
Web Site: kiewit
E-mail: todousa@netscape.net
Todd Wilson Monday, 7/31/00, 11:55 PM
In regards to the class of 80, they probably have a point but why so defensive? To quote my father "you'll eat it if you get hungry enough". In any case my five year old will only eat toast, cereal, and a cheese stick. Enough about food how about the beverages?? I really have some catching up to do myself (Dana Winoe Lougee is my hero). Thank you all for putting up with my blabbing. Its my lot in life to be sarcastic and possibly a little antagonistic. Whew, thank God I read the dictionary last night. Its another scorcher here today the weather people have the same zeal when warning us about the heat as they did back home when warning us about the snow. Its a kind of reverse polarity. I don't mind the heat but this is getting rediculous! You could bake a potatoe on your dash! Now there's something thats edible and possibly quite untouched by little old ladies wearing rubber gloves! As a side note, at first I found it a novelty when I saw some of the men we employ come in wearing their cowboy hats but now it seems quite normal. I don't always think about this place as outwest but the subtile reminders are all around us here in Salt Lick City. Yeehaw!!!!!!
From: Slc
E-mail: todousa@netscape.net
Torry Sunday, 7/30/00, 4:05 PM
OOPS AGAIN! I guess we "PO'ed" a 1980 graduate! I was just quoting someone who went. I wasn't there so I don't know! Maybe we should just have the reunion at my house and do "pot luck"!?! That way at least everyone will like what they bring and there would be no cost! Still need pictures (P.O. Box 31 Mapleton, ME 04757)!
E-mail: meaton@mfx.net
  Friday, 7/28/00, 10:11 PM
Todd Wilson Friday, 7/28/00, 10:08 PM
Howdy Folks, Dianne, there's wide open spaces,hot desert like conditions, and big mountains here in Salt Lake City. In Oregon they've got big rivers to carry all the rain they get to the Pacific Ocean, big mountins, and big trees. I know its green in Maine but Oregon is like temperate rainforest green. Hey, I hear the nursing home puts on a mean spread but do you eat there? I don't think so. However, I do think it would be faily easy to be more creative with then what the class of 80 did for food at their 20th. By the way, Whats the fee going to be and what can we get for free?.....excuse me but don't you see we cannot eat green eggs and ham said sam I am! Whew guess I shouldn't of eaten so many of those liquored up jello cups we had at work tonight! The green ones were wicked! Do they have a barbeque type caterer up there? Drop me a line at 801.486.6912 or use the e-mail to contact me if you have some information to share or just plain want to say hello. P.S. - If you didn't know it Dana Lougee is a wineo!
From: SLC
Web Site: www.keiwit.com
E-mail: todousa@netscape.net
John Morrison Thursday, 7/27/00, 11:57 PM
Hey there. Thanks for starting up this website, Torry. It's helpful to have a place where the class can touch base. Let me know the dates for the reunion as soon as you get them. We westcoasters have to plan far in advance. Let me know if I can help. Talk to you soon. John
From: Loma Linda, CA
E-mail: johnm@prodigy.net
Torry Tuesday, 7/25/00, 5:02 PM
I just deleted the entry that Diane was talking about! OOps! Dan Stevens said that Paul Lauritsen outdressed Regis (he had a gold tie and a gold shirt on). Dan's wife, Priscilla, said that it (Class of '80 reunion) was great as long as you like college cafeteria food and old ladies serving you with plastic gloves on. Dan and Priscilla are good friends with my sister Trudy and her husband (they all live in Winthrop). We need pictures - either from high school or from our 10th reunion. Get them to me and I will post them on the web! (P.O. Box 31 Mapleton 04757).
E-mail: meaton@mfx.net
Dianne Tuesday, 7/25/00, 4:40 PM
Sorry about that I was laughing so hard I wasn't thinking. Mr. "Lauritsen" will get a good laugh about his tie and shirt.Paul said he had the best time of his life. He said the campus center was very nice and like being able to go out on the deck for some fresh air if needed be. Sorry he didn't talk much about the food. I guess the old ladies with the gloves didn't leave a mark. I like Todd idea about having it at the high school. Any chance of that? Todd, keep on writing, I like to hear about life out west.
From: Presque Isle
E-mail: lauritsen23@ainop.com
Dianne Tuesday, 7/25/00, 4:30 PM
From: Presque Isle
E-mail: lauritsen23@ainop.com
Dee Dee Footer Monday, 7/24/00, 4:34 PM
Can't wait to see everyone. I am planning on attending this reunion but need to know when and if a date has been set. I would love if it was either the 14th or 21st of July vs. an earlier date so I can make my sister's 25th wedding anniversary party. If there is anything I can do from 3000 miles, I would love to help. My current address is 3800 Aurora Ave. N, #404, Seattle, WA 98103 206-634-9052 DeeDee
From: Seattle
E-mail: deedee@realty.net
Todd Wilson Thursday, 7/20/00, 8:30 PM
Howdy folks, Roseann how are you anyway? Its my birthday today so I'm another year older and none the wiser.....darnit all. Got a new free ISP called swinway.com. I found the disc for the software at a Kmart in Oregon while on vacation there. Free is a good price. As you may be able to tell I won't be funding our reunion or hiring a live band unless of course these new stocks I purchased take off. Check out the http I attached I believe in our future and this is a small part of what I see. Has anybody noticed how the X-generation is more like the xyz generation.? Anything goes man. Can anyone tell me when our reunion will be? I plan to walk to Maine that summer and want to plan accordingly. I figure its around 2000 miles from here and at 15 to 20 miles a day it gonna be a long walk. Kinda like being a reverse pioneer....noting its Pioneer holiday here in Utah on Monday. How's that Raeanne? See you all on Presque Isle.
From: Presque Isle, Maine
Web Site: future
E-mail: todousa@netscape.net
Roseann Tuesday, 7/18/00, 9:43 AM
Todd, Just keep writing and we'll all have something to talk about at the reunion.....your entries to this website. Can't say that I recall the party at Ted Stone's house...I'll have to give Snookie a call on that one! How about "The Toys"...remember them??! Where are they???
Dianne Michaud Lauritsen Wednesday, 7/12/00, 6:50 PM
From: Presque Isle
E-mail: lauritsen23@ainop.com
Jerry Murchison Wednesday, 7/5/00, 7:59 AM
From: Presque Isle
E-mail: murch@ainop.com
Todd Wilson Tuesday, 7/4/00, 5:55 PM
Happy 4th of July all. Fireworks are the order of the evening here in SLC and I have to say they do them well here. The people of Utah are a very patriotic bunch. On Sunday we drove out to a place called Oakley to watch the rodeo but found they don't do rodeo on Sunday here due to the predominant morman religion. Guess we should have known that but are always surprised at whats open and whats not. Benjamin has now seen his first fireworks and tasted his first watermelon. Can anyone share the current plans for our 20th reunion?? I Will help with the organizing effort if needs be. Let me know. Suggest having the reunion at PIHS if possible or at UMPI like the class of 80 did.
LEAH LAMOREAU GIRARDIN Sunday, 7/2/00, 11:34 AM
Hello classmates, good to hear from all of you. It"s been a long time. I can't wait to see all of you next year. I'm not good at returning email,but I'd love to hear from all of you. take care.
E-mail: dangir@bangornews.infi.net
Todd Wilson Wednesday, 6/28/00, 9:32 PM
Hello Leigh and Kay Cote! Nice to hear from you. T. Wilson
From: SCL
Kerry Gettig Pepper Wednesday, 6/28/00, 2:00 PM
Hello, I Am living in Belgrade, Me with my husband Leslie, and three children Clarice 14, Reed 11 & Kendall 9 See you in 2001
From: Belgrade, Me
Leigh Cote Wednesday, 6/28/00, 8:45 AM
From: Milford, Delaware
Leigh Cote Wednesday, 6/28/00, 8:40 AM
From: Milford, Delaware
Kay Cote Wednesday, 6/28/00, 8:38 AM
Wow! Going on 20 years,I been in Bangor for 18. I have opened by own business in 1997, I am a Debt Collector, and I love working for me. See all of you next year, E-mail me.
From: Bangor, Me
E-mail: cekcollt@midmaine.com
T. Wilson Sunday, 6/25/00, 10:21 AM
Whatszzzup! Come on people! If I can write about our highschool years and what-all you can at least leave a name man. I may just decide to go fishing in Alaska instead of going home for the 20th......not!
Web Site: Hooters
T. Wilson Sunday, 6/25/00, 10:15 AM
In regards to music, I remember tring to like 'KISS' but now that their just a memory I really didn't. Seeing Berce, Summerson, and Flewelling dressed up like them was cool. I did like ACDC with Bon Scott as lead singer. Something about their song "Big Balls" and the Album "Highway to Hell" was fairly attractive at the time. I remember John Berce used to worship the band 'Rush' and play a fretless base guitar. He also introduced me to the book "No One Gets Out of Here alive" about Jim Morrisons wild life. I also have "The Dogs" Album stuffed into a box somewhere's at my parents house. They were our prom band. What do you remember? T. Wilson
From: Moville
E-mail: todousa@netscape.net
Todd Wilson Friday, 6/23/00, 9:54 PM
"Bite me". Now there's a memory.
From: Utah
E-mail: todousa@netscape.net
Todd Wilson Friday, 6/23/00, 9:51 PM
I think the lack of usage on this site is directly related to the quality of education we received at PI highschool. Just who can we blame for not having a dambed computer in highschool? Its unreal man! Rosanne I guess you've forgotten the party we had at Ted Stones way back when. At the time this Martha joke type saying seemed kinda funny but alas I guess it wasn't very funny or memorable. Who know's? Kim I received your e-mail and thank you for it. Your right Steve is much older than us so we can now call him old man right? Mark Lavway wrote "where is everybody" and I wanted to say something smart but I couldn't think of a snappy come back. However, when you find out who everyone is will you tell them where this website is? My wifey has a beauty secret she shared with me tonight. Apparently 'preparation H' removes wrinkles from your face and I have to say one eye now has fewer wrinkles. Oh well I guess animal testing is not necessary when you've got a husband to share with. My wife also says that its okay to use because David Letterman removes wrinkle from his face with it, which explains it all. Well good night don't let the rattler's bite. Check out classmates.com for more contacts. Later. T. Wilson P.S we need to start remembering stuff so we have something to talk about at the reunion......right?
From: My mother
E-mail: todousa@netscape.net
Roseann Thursday, 6/22/00, 6:25 AM
wow..isn't that a great photo of us at the 10 year reunion?? And Todd, why did you call me Martha??

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