PIHS Class of 1981 Alumni Site
Total Entries: 667
  Sunday, 12/31/00, 10:39 AM
Okay, that's one way to get someone to respond....talk about a bad hair day and bad eye wear....wow..now who's bright idea was it to post that picture, TED???SNOOKIE??? Just got a scanner, so once i figure out how to use it....hey, i've got 7 months.... Made it home for Christmas and saw our good friend Brian Colton. He looks great. Someone get him signed in. And Where is Eddie Chambers? And Todd, what about Skeeter Nichols, was he in our class?? I haven't had time to read all of these so if you've already broached the subject my apologies..we'll talk later. Roseann
T. Wilson Saturday, 12/30/00, 8:20 PM
Anyone got a twenty on David Watson and possibly a status update. Also, I am interested in hearing about/from Paul Thompson, Leon Quellette, and Inky Gagnon. Paul and I grew-up together, Inky and I used to play hockey together, and Leon, well Leon was a character. Happy New Year you-all
T. Wilson Saturday, 12/30/00, 8:13 PM
Anyone got a handle on Charlie Robert's status/whereabouts? Last time I saw Charlie he was living in Georgia and had a heavy southern accent.
T. Wilson Saturday, 12/30/00, 7:53 PM
Hello Reanne! Hey all you gamblers, check out these sybols man: CPST, NALFX, FCEL, PLUG, DTE, SATC, BLDP, DTE, MKTY, DCH. Its the future. Happy New year (to the select few only - you know who you are). Yeah I know tragedy is spelt with a 'd'. Yeehaw!
Raeann Hodgson Saturday, 12/30/00, 5:07 PM
Raeann Hi everyone Just got wind of this web site from Kay. This is great. TED Congrads on the marriage and the new baby. Its nice they happened in that order! I'm sorry I lost your e-mail address. My old computer lost everything and I mean everything, still don't know what happened. Anyway Glad I got it back. DEEDEEE I can't believe I see your name in writing. You had better try hard to get yourself to the reunion. I haven't seen you in 20 years!!!Wow. Sounds like you are busy and having fun. Torry great job with the site. I also am having a little trouble with the pictures. Maybe its the computer. I'll keep trying. ALLISON so this is where you are writing to. Have you been receiving any jokes from me? DAVE drop me a line. Mom and Dad will be down your way soon. I'm sure your Mom will hear from them when they get there. The reunion sounds great. I will help send this site along to whoever I can. Will be anxious to hear from you all Happy New Year!!!
From: Castine ME
E-mail: raeann_h@hotmail.com
Jennifer Friday, 12/29/00, 7:56 PM
E-mail: yorkboys@mfx.net
  Wednesday, 12/27/00, 7:39 PM
Polish Architect? That explains everything. Sorry to hear of your jobsite tragety.
Kerry Wednesday, 12/27/00, 5:48 PM
Well Christmas was very nice this year. We had most of my husbands family for dinner on Monday, there were 20 of us and that wasn't all of them! Like you Torry, there was a little bit of everything. My 10yr old got a new gun for rabbit hunting, they just love to hunt and fish. Well everyone have a Happy New Year.
From: Belgrade
E-mail: kerry1514@aol.com
DeeDee Tuesday, 12/26/00, 6:05 AM
Todd,maybe you could come back to Seattle and help build a property for my boss. We've been construting a 22 unit property since April and only have 2 pt slabs done!! It's the slowest project! We have run into many obstacles(3 undetected oil tanks, 2 gas lines-that were hit and nearly blew up the block- and had a tragic death on site.) We have a polish architect who has screwed the plans up and basically needs to be on site every day because the contractor can't figure out the plans. Initially, overseeing the project was fun, now it's a chore. Believe it or not, but I've never been to Portland, OR. I have friends there and keep saying I'm going. I will this year. Does anyone know of anyone living in the northwest besides me? Tim Higgins, class of 75 is the only person I know and we live about a mile from each other. Mark Hamlin from '82 or '83 moved from there two years ago. We got together a couple of times and it was great to have someone from home nearby. Hope all of you had an enjoyable day yesterday! DeeDee P.S. Ted, I had a dream with you in it Christmas Eve. By any chance did you get a perm? You had a big fro!
From: Seattle
guess who Monday, 12/25/00, 8:22 PM
Dee dee, I worked on the whole structure. The foot bridge which is pinned at the bottom to Pacific Place and suspeneded on eight 1 3/4" bridge stand, also pinned to the Pacific Place structure, is the neatest thing about the place. If you jump hard enough at the Nordis end you can actually get it moving. I was supposed to be sent to the ball park after we completed Pacific Place's structure. I guess it wasn't in the cards. Had a couple of offers but needed to go home to Oregon and now I'm here in Utah. Go figure! If your ever in downtown Portland, and in Federal court, then you'll also be standing in a structure I wokred on. If you land at PDX and need to go to the parking structure your in another structure I worked on. And if your in Salt Lake City and drive I15 I worked on it as well. I have kind-of-a-Forest Gump construction career and am still wondering what the heck it all means? My Dad puts it all in perspective when he reminds me I have a family and need a pay check every week. In any case I'll keep on running and try not to be too brave. T. Wilson
DeeDee Sunday, 12/24/00, 7:53 AM
Wow, I don't think I can write as much as Todd, but I'll try. Todd thanks for the vote of confidence for my golf game. Hopefully I get the wonderful gift of golf lessons for Christmas! My instructor is very cute, smells nice and has a lot of patience with me so I rather look forward to my challenge. Watch out, Rick!! We golf year round in Seattle. Allison, can't believe we are both in Orlando for the holidays. Didn't we live here at the same time years ago? No snow here and it beats the Seattle rain. Todd, what else did you build in Seattle? Shopping is probably one of my least favorite activies, right behind unloading the dishwasher, but have walked over that bridge a couple of times. Did you help build Pacific Place? It's a beautiful shopping center but is a little uppity for my taste. Annie is coming out for a visit after Christmas and I'll make sure I tell her you helped with the footbridge. Hope all of you have a happy and safe holiday! DeeDee P.S. Todd, didn't you know I have naturally curly hair? Can you believe I was actually born with that rat's nest? I won't send a current picture and will see if you can pick me out of a crowd.
From: Seattle
E-mail: deedee@realty.net
Joni Sunday, 12/24/00, 5:19 AM
Just a quick note to wish everyone a happy and healthy holiday. Congrats again Ted! Hi David glad you found the site. Todd you are too funny. Thanks for all the feedback on my question. I'm thinking snow for ski season has begun. Merry Christmas.
From: Hermon
E-mail: JTMBuck4
Kerry Saturday, 12/23/00, 5:52 PM
Todd thank you. I hope you and your family have a very Merry Christmas & A Happy New Year. In fact I have 3 high school reunions, my husbands is also this year. This will be his first one. I hope all of you have a Very Happy Holiday. Pray for snow!
From: Belgrade
E-mail: kerry1514@aol.com
T. Wilson Saturday, 12/23/00, 12:24 PM
Torry, I just had a brain fart. lets have a "whose kids are these" contest. We all can send you pictures of our children which you post on a board with a list of parents names. The person with the most kids/parents matches wins a prize (twenty bucks). For those of you without kids a baby/kid picture of yourself will suffice. What do you think? T. Wilson
T. Wilson Saturday, 12/23/00, 12:04 PM
Mike & Paula, Hope these hoiday seasons find you in great spirits. Merry Christmas and Happy New Years. The Utah Wilson'a
T. WIlson Saturday, 12/23/00, 12:02 PM
Mark Lavway, Yeah I'm still alive and kicking. Merry Christmas to you and yours buddy. T. Wilson
T. Wilson Saturday, 12/23/00, 11:59 AM
Jerry McGlin, Remember the time you pulled a pair of your Mom's underware out of your duffle bag while we were changing up???? Maybe you and Ted have more in common than previously thought! In any case keep up your dialog of silence if you can and Merry Christmas to you and your family. T. Wilson
T. Wilson Saturday, 12/23/00, 11:52 AM
Ted, So now it appears the rules have changed. Its not length but the frequency of our correspondence that counts. So, count these baby! Grin. Merry Christmas T. Wilson
T. Wilson Saturday, 12/23/00, 11:48 AM
Kerry, I don't believe attending another highschool for part of your education has anything to do with our reunion. You probably have two to go to this year! I hope you find your way back home for our 20th. Take Care and Merry Christmas. T. Wilson
T. Wilson Saturday, 12/23/00, 11:43 AM
Dee dee, All I can say is that you'd better be at our reunion and are you still perming your hair. I'll give you 20 bucks if you kick Ricks butt in golf. You hear that Rick....I got twenty bucks on Debra. Merry Christmas to you and yours. Your Mom was truely one of the nicest teachers I've know so wish her a Merry Christmas for me will you? Take Care and check out the skybridge at Nordis in down town Seattle. T. Wilson
T. Wilson Saturday, 12/23/00, 11:37 AM
Allison, It sounds like your quite a Mom and that I could learn a few things from your example. Hope your having a great time in Florida. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and Yours. T. Wilson
T. Wilson Saturday, 12/23/00, 11:25 AM
Joni, I admit that I do visit this site a bit too much and that woman are always busier than men. My wife calls this "fiddly something around" when I get on the puter. I call it an excape! In any case hope you and your family have a nice Holiday Season and we'll be seeing you. T. Wilson
T. Wilson Saturday, 12/23/00, 11:16 AM
Torry, Keep up the good work on this site as well as organizing our class reunion. I know opinions don't get it done so thanks for your efforts. Merry Christmas to you and your family. How's your Mom doing anyhow? T. Wilson
T. WIlson Saturday, 12/23/00, 11:10 AM
Kimberly, May there be snowflakes for you and yours in southern Maine for Christmas. And fair skies with sunshine for us here in Salt Lake City, home of that other religion. Merry Christmas. T. Wilson
T. Wilson Saturday, 12/23/00, 11:00 AM
Ted Mugwump Stone, Just remember that babies are packages form empyreal heaven so may heaven help you in your new endeavor. So, having said all of that and more I'm sure! Have a wonderful holiday season and try to stay outta the wife's closet. By the way, I do realize I spelt "from" wrong but I'm setting a new standard in typing and yes I do have the dictionary open at this time. Your friend and construction worker. T. Wilson
T. Wilson Saturday, 12/23/00, 10:42 AM
Scott Antworth, Congratulations on your retirement form service to our country in the United States Airforce. I wish you and your family only the best for this holiday season. The Utah (for a while longer) Wilson's
T. Wilson Saturday, 12/23/00, 10:38 AM
Albert Allen and family, I've thoroughly enjoyed your news letter and that wonderful picture of you and your family. Keep up the good work buddy. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. P.S lets start a construction company
T. Wilson Saturday, 12/23/00, 10:34 AM
David Goan, I've always envied the guy that could grow a full mustache in eigth grade. I know I shouldn't have let our friendship go by the wayside and its been too long since we've spoken. Drop me a line will you? Your friend and fellow classmate T. Wilson.
E-mail: twil62@yahoo.com
  Saturday, 12/23/00, 10:24 AM
P.S. Rick have a Merry Christmas you depraved, latent conservative.
T. Wilson Saturday, 12/23/00, 10:22 AM
I remember when I used to drive home for Christmas. The last leg was from Houlton. It bouyied my spirits to be there and felt like wings had opened underneath me to carry me home. Man, I'm starting to feel like ET. Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, everyone. Todd, Becky, Tim, and Ben Wilson
From: SLC
allison Friday, 12/22/00, 7:45 AM
Happy Holidays everyone! finally had the chance for a white christmas and we blow it by going down south! although, in orlando this morning, it is only 58! torry, i must agree with the behavior management tool aka santa...it still works with one of mine but not the other! ted, congrats on your impending life change...i must say--it is the most wonderful, best thing you will ever do but at the same time it's the most difficult! you'll totally understand that in a couple of years! enjoy every second because it goes by amazingly fast...my son is 11 today and i have no idea where the time went...merry christmas everyone!
E-mail: allie36009@aol.com
Kim Murchison Friday, 12/22/00, 6:50 AM
I just wanted to wish everyone a happy and safe Holiday. Think snow for southern Maine! We want a white Christmas.
From: P.I.
E-mail: kmurchis@maine.rr.com
Rick C. Wednesday, 12/20/00, 5:58 PM
Nice to hear from you David G,hope things are going well for you.Congrats to Ted on your pending fatherhood!Wow, is your life about to change!! Todd,Rush L.could be just what you need to get you thinking clearly again.May I also suggest a steady dose of Mike Gallagher.The two of them together could get you straightened out in no time!Hope you all have a great Holiday Season!!
E-mail: rickcoll@ainop.com
Torry Wednesday, 12/20/00, 3:57 PM
Be glad you are not in the County today - more snow!!! They even sent the kids home from school early today! They don't even build in any snow days anymore - they go to school whether it's an inch or two feet! Hope everyone is ready for Santa - I will miss being able to use him as a "behavior management tool" after Christmas!
E-mail: meaton@mfx.net
Scott Antworth Monday, 12/18/00, 5:26 PM
Hello all, I tripped over this site by accident, and glad I did. The 14th sounds good to me. I am retiring from the AF and will be returning home. Probably Bangor area. Still married (Heidi Griffin)2 boys Jake 14 (weights almost as much as I did when I joined, and Derrick 8. (slightly better than I was academically, but he can play hockey with the best).We are all waiting to get back to god's country in June. Great job on the web site.
From: Spokane, Wa
E-mail: oh2tie1on@aol.com
Kerry Monday, 12/18/00, 5:13 PM
Ted I graduated from Maranacook and like Windham they did not have a very good basketball team,they were very good in cross country & I guess they still are. My daughter goes to Messalonskee HS and they seem to be pretty good at everything,but basketball, oh well. Does PI still have good basketball teams? Everyone have a nice Holiday & New Year
From: Belgrade
E-mail: kerry1514@aol.com
Kerry Monday, 12/18/00, 5:13 PM
Ted I graduated from Maranacook and like Windham they did not have a very good basketball team,they were very good in cross country & I guess they still are. My daughter goes to Messalonskee HS and they seem to be pretty good at everything,but basketball, oh well. Does PI still have good basketball teams? Everyone have a nice Holiday & New Year
From: Belgrade
E-mail: kerry1514@aol.com
Ted S. Monday, 12/18/00, 5:03 PM
MR. GOAN, I hoped you would one day stop lurking on this board and post a message!!! My wife and I had planned on visiting your neck of the woods soon, but the baby thing may postpone our trip to the State of (Electoral) Confusion. MS. FOOTER, for what it's worth I transferred from PI to Windham several weeks into our senior year. I wanted to participate in as many soccer games as I could with WHS because they played in a much stronger league. What I didn't bargain on athletically was how much weaker WHS was in basketball. After years of playing on such good PIHS teams and expecting to win most of my games, I received quite a shock at Windham. We were pathetic. In our opening game we lost to archrival and eventual Class B State Champ Greely by 50 points. That's F-I-F-T-Y points! Needless to say, it was a loooooooong season. As for having sympathy morning sickness, I've managed to avoid that. However, I am ahead of pace to outgain my wife throughout her pregnancy. Let's just say that Jabba the Hut still has a larger waist-size than I do, but not by much. Mmmm, more holiday treats. I'll let you know if I need a derrick to hoist me into the PI Country Club. MS. (GETTIG), where did you finish high school? MR. WILSON, the diaper issue is one that my siblings will be following with great interest. They're champing at the bit to ensure that I change as many diapers as possible for the foreseeable future and have bombarded my wife with e- mails to that effect. It seems that they've been biding their time for the past 10 years as a result of my oft repeated pledge that the first diaper I change will be for my own child. For a few years it was a bit tricky for "Uncle Fun" (my younger brother is "Uncle Muscles") to defer to the parents when my niece and nephews begged for Uncle Ted to change them. I truly fear that my years of weaseling will come back to haunt me.
E-mail: jaimelefoot@hotmail.com
David Goan Saturday, 12/16/00, 12:57 PM
Hi everybody Merry Xmas. Ted congrats on the new one coming. Joni thanks for the note. Nice to hear from you, and no I won't be coming to the reunion - it's too hard for me to go that far.
From: Florida
E-mail: dkgoan@yahoo.com
T. Wilson Thursday, 12/14/00, 7:55 PM
I was a member of the NRA for the first time when I was 10. Gotta start em early and raise em right. George Bush as President is rather redundant don't you think? However, since he's somewhat conservative he'll have to do. I once went to a Halloween party in Oregon with a vote for Rush button on just to piss the liberals off. By the way I dislike disfunctional radio talk shows and I think Limbah is a fat hog. So put that in your pipe and smoke it! Just keep spending those federal tax dollars on transportation projects acrossed this great country of ours and don't listen to you party's rhetorical statements on how great this country is because its us that make it great not some talking head in Warshington or Texas! Building America.
From: SLC
T. Wilson Thursday, 12/14/00, 7:38 PM
People, people loving people, are the happiest people in the world. I've know Geri since Pine Street, and Coleen since training school, Keri since Cunningham, Blain since Cunningham, and Ted since whenever man! Please attend your home town reunion. Congratulations Ted. Now that your gonna be a Dad I feel we can be associated again. Man wait till its your turn to get up and feed the baby. Hope you don't gag on that first stinky diaper change as well.
From: SLC
T. Wilson Thursday, 12/14/00, 7:26 PM
Howdy Folks, Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. Whatzupp?
From: SLC
Kerry Thursday, 12/14/00, 11:47 AM
I did not graduate from Presque Isle either, but would like to attend the 20th reunion also, I would have been at the 10th but just had my son Kendall so it wasn't possible. I guess after going to PI until my junior year I think of PI as my class. I hope to see all of you in July, but if July is like last years it probably won't happen, my daughter,Clarice, who is 15, is very involved in softball and there's never a spare weekend. I didn't realize so many people did not graduate from PI, it was a great school.
From: Belgrade
E-mail: kerry1514@aol.com
DeeDee Thursday, 12/14/00, 9:37 AM
Ted, if you didn't graduate from P.I., where did you graduate from? Did I not even notice that you weren't there for a whole year? Congrats on becoming pregnant! I hope you have sympathy morning sickness with your wife. Colleen Walton does want to attend. It's hard to believe that I haven't seen most of you in 10-20 years.
From: Seattle
Ted S. Wednesday, 12/13/00, 8:53 PM
Hah! Try topping the length of that stream of babble, Mr. Bridge Builder!
Ted S. Wednesday, 12/13/00, 8:51 PM
Congrats to you, Rick and Mark and DeeDee, on the success of your candidate, our soon-to-be President Buh. President Buh. President Buh. I'm sorry, I just can't bring myself yet to say the man's name in conjunction with the title of our highest elected office. It's my sincere hope that with the passage of time, Dubya will gain some measure of gravitas commensurate with the office. In the meantime, we should have plenty of material for the Saturday Night Live players. It sure will be interesting to see if the African-American community can rise to the challenge and make sure they're not disenfranchised in Florida next time around. After listening to Al Gore's concession speech, am left wondering why he couldn't have spoken as passionately and well during the campaign. To RICK: you'll be happy to learn that I'm not depressed. Was incredulous that my guy didn't win the election in November, but have had plenty of time to become resigned to the inevitability that the Bush legal team would run out the clock on the voters in Florida. I vote in favor of Geri and Colleen, although I'm not a graduate of PIHS, and my vote isn't technically a legal vote. However, since Colleen and Blaine Buck and I all attended the 10th, there is an established precedent for the inclusion of non-grads. To JONI: please give my best regards to your mom, and thanks for the congrats. Since each of my siblings (all younger) have been married with children for a while, all three have hounded me mercilessly for years about my responsibility-free lifestyle. (The jealousy was killing them¿) Such great choices of names for your daughters! My wife and I are expecting our first little pebble in May, and we've just begun the name negotiation process. I've agreed on her choice of unisex middle name, but she has her heart set on a first name (if a girl) that would yield the initials A.S.S. Is there any agreement that such a combo would be cruel and unusual punishment? Now, what are the realistic odds that I'll be allowed to attend the reunion so soon after the due date? (My wife just walked in the room, read over my shoulder and said, "of course you can attend-you'll just owe me for 20 years." Yikes.) To DEEDEE: greetings from across the country. I've never heard CNN described as liberal-leaning before, but I'll take your word that some folks believe that to be the case. You do have my permission to take Larry King and his puffball questioning style, and banish them both to Hollywood where they belong. As for Mr. Condon, I haven't seen him since he raced out of the middle of my wedding ceremony with his wife suffering from morning sickness. They're living in Bangor, and he's writing/editing a small trade association publication. To MARK L: Sorry to disappoint you, but Todd and I are still very much in love despite our political differences. We've tried to keep our private passions out of the public view, but¿well, let's just leave it at that. I imagine that you must be pretty psyched that the NRA will be setting up shop in the Oval Office for the next four years. Instead of a chicken in every pot, we may yet see a handgun in every pocket. President Buh¿ President Buh¿I may get the hang of it before his term is over. Are we almost there yet?
E-mail: jaimelefoot@hotmail.com
Rick C. Wednesday, 12/13/00, 5:35 PM
Hi Joni and DeeDee.Nice to hear from both of you.I don't think anyone would have a problem with Geri attending the reunion.Colleen Walton comes to mind as well.If there are any reasons why they should not attend please let me know!!DeeDee,hope you can make it home next summer. We may not hear from Todd or Ted for awhile as I'm sure both are considerably depressed over the recent political thumping they just received!GO GEORGE W.!!
E-mail: rickcoll@ainop.com
DeeDee Footer Wednesday, 12/13/00, 12:28 PM
Joni, thanks for thinking of me. I still think of you on your birthday and am glad to hear that you are doing well. Annie said it was great seeing you last summer and really enjoyed the reunion. She was able to catch me up on a lot of people. I usually see Annie in Florida a couple of times a year but seems I only make it back to Maine about every two years. I am going to try for this summer.
From: Seattle
E-mail: deedee@realty.net
Joni Carmichael Buck Tuesday, 12/12/00, 6:36 PM
I have been reading occasionally and wish I had the time to sit and write like a few of you. I have enjoyed the humor tons. Todd, nice of you to think of me. I am still teaching in Bangor. We have two girls now, Taylor is 7 and Morgan is 3. They keep us very busy. Dee-Dee I believe that Mark is in Ellsworth writing for a local newspaper. Anne said that you fly frequently to visit her so you will have to divert one of those trips to come to the reunion. We are looking forward to it. We had a great time at Jason's last summer. Ted, congrats on the nuptial (it is about time don't you think?) I'm very happy for you. Hope all is well with everyone. Happy Holidays!! By the way, Geri Wallace wants to attend our reunion so I said I thought that was okay. Someone please let me know thanks.
From: Hermon
E-mail: JTMBuck4
DeeDee Tuesday, 12/12/00, 12:10 PM
I've been reading for a while and finally decided to respond. Ted, perhaps you should switch from watching the most liberal station to Fox News, for more fair and balanced information. I think you would get a kick out of The O'Reilly Factor, which is kicking Larry King's butt. With regards to Ron Moreau, I believe he has(d)MS and last I heard was confined to a wheel chair. That was years ago and I don't hear much gossip anymore. I'm still not sure I'll be back for the reunion, but if I do make it, are women allowed to play golf with you guys? Does anyone know where Mark Condon is living?
From: Seattle
E-mail: deedee@realty.net

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