PIHS Class of 1981 Alumni Site
Total Entries: 667
allison Sunday, 4/1/01, 7:58 AM
a sampling??!!! believe me, if it was within my power, i'd send the whole state to ya!!!
lisa brigman Saturday, 3/31/01, 10:23 PM
SNOW!!!!! whats that? please send a sample of the offending substance so that we may further study this thing called snow.................
From: vegas
Carma (Cote) Ouellette Saturday, 3/31/01, 4:46 PM
Lisa B. Do I sense a bit of smugness in that last entry? lol....sure rub it in...I think we have gotten more snow here than up north this year..Mother Nature....enough already!
From: Old Orchard Beach
E-mail: goodcarma36@hotmail.com
  Saturday, 3/31/01, 1:55 PM
There's no place like home, there's no place like home, there's no place like home....am I still here knee deep in the snow? Damn! This IS home!
mike patenaude Saturday, 3/31/01, 11:59 AM
just too let my moved away classmate know today is march 31 and yes we are getting about 6'' more wonderful snow lmao,and rick and torry and whoever has been do the reunion so far great job,if you need and help just call i'm in the book but very busy in may umpiring all the high school ball games but will do what i can,and the golf idea is the best by far,
lisa brigman Saturday, 3/31/01, 10:34 AM
soryy to here the frozen tundra is still frozen. vegas on the other hand is sunny and 80 lovely degrees. anyone up for a vacation?????
From: vegas
E-mail: kbc@wizard.com
allison Friday, 3/30/01, 6:55 PM
i am so sick of snow...what is up anyway...i knew there was at least one reason i shouldn't have moved from florida!...got stuck in my sitter's driveway...had to shovel for 45 minutes to finally get out--then, had to shovel for another 15 minutes to get in my own garage since my plow guy left a huge bank in front of the door...so much for 4 wheel drive...and my sister, who still lives in presque isle loves to tell me that they only got a dusting of snow while we're going on 10 inches in the lewiston/auburn area...kerry, linda is in carmel...she's doing well...i'm almost positive she'll be at the reunion...time to feed the dog, tuck the kids in to bed and finally sit down to read for a bit...have a great weekend everyone...
Kerry Friday, 3/30/01, 5:20 PM
Just wanted to say hi. So is everyone surviving this recent snow storm, we are getting hit hard again. My kids have not had school on Fridays for the past month and MOnday doesn't look good for next week. I'm ready for spring. Well try outs for softball are over and my daughter made varsity she was so excited. Can't wait till the season starts. Where is Linda Saucier?
From: Belgrade
Torry Friday, 3/30/01, 12:47 PM
The Address List is now a "WORD" document. You can't add addresses to that document but if you e- mail me any corrections I will update it. Thanks for your patience!
E-mail: meaton@mfx.net
EV Thursday, 3/29/01, 9:34 PM
Address book be damned.......I stil think this site funtions wonderful (even)....................hope everybody has a good spring........snow has found a home here.....later
From: as if
E-mail: kingofthenorth@webtv.net
  Thursday, 3/29/01, 4:32 PM
maybe word would be better not everyone has excel
  Wednesday, 3/28/01, 9:10 AM
maybe in a word document? my pc is saying....what? lol
Torry Wednesday, 3/28/01, 8:00 AM
The Address List was created using Microsoft Excel. What do people want it in? I can do Lotus 123 or maybe a WORD documet!?! After you point to Address List you need to point to addresses.exl on the next page and it should open (if you have Excel or LOTUS 123).
LISA BRIGMAN Tuesday, 3/27/01, 3:39 PM
whats up with the address list?
  Tuesday, 3/27/01, 1:59 PM
Is anyone having trouble getting the address list other than me???
DeeDee Tuesday, 3/27/01, 10:55 AM
I'm glad someone else is still young like me. 40 is still 2 1/2 years away for me and besides that, I feel 28. Thanks for the Tab memory. I,too, think of Miss Tripp, typing and Hi-Y. Torry, if you have to resort to Diet Coke, which gives me a headache as well, take 2 asprin with the DC. That's what I do and it prevents the headache from happening. With all the Lisa's being mentioned, I'm getting a little confused and hope I can find my yearbook. Lisa Hagerman, it's been so long but I do remember your smile : ) You were always smiling! L.V Lisa, I have some friends trying to talk me into a Vegas trip. I'll look you up if I go. I'm suppose to go to Wyoming in June for an 18 mile trail run. So far my training is a little off, so Vegas seems like a better option. I am really looking forward to seeing everyone and renewing old friendships and making new friends. Have any of you ever heard the song Make New Friends? We sing it at a summer camp I go to each year. I'll get the words and pass them on and maybe some brave folks would like to sing the song. I have a horrible voice but love to sing camp songs! We live in a crazy world. I count my blessings every day for having grown up in the county, for picking potatoes and for growing up with some wonderful people. Torry, Rick and others working on this site, thanks. Have a great week. DeeDee
From: Seattle
De\ Tuesday, 3/27/01, 10:32 AM
Yesterday*Today*Tomorrow Tuesday, 3/27/01, 9:29 AM
There are 2 days in every week that we should not worry about. 2 days that should be kept free from fear and apprehension. One is YESTERDAY...with it's mistakes and cares, it's faults and blunders,it's aches and pains. YESTERDAY has passed-forever beyond our control. We cannot undo a single act we performed, nor can we erase a single word we've said....YESTERDAY is gone! The other day is we should not worry about is TOMORROW. With it's impossible adversaries, it's burden,it's hopeful promise and poor performance. TOMORROW is beyone our control. Tomorrow's sunwill rise either in splendor or behind a cloud...but it will rise. And when it does, we have no stake in tomorrow, for it is yet unborn. This only leaves 1 day-TODAY. Any person can fight the battles of just one day. It is only when we add the burdens of yesterday and tomorrow that we break down. It is not the experience of today that drives people mad--it is the remorse for something that happened yesterday and the dread of what tomorrow might bring...let us therefore, live one day at a time.
Beth Fogg (Guimond) Monday, 3/26/01, 12:14 PM
Just checking in. I haven't written anything in a while. I check out what everyone else has written about once a week and then I don't have time to write anything myself. About the Tab situation. I work with a lady who drinks Tab every day and I always think about Miss Tripp. I don't know if that's good or bad. Also Torry mentioned Hi-Y. I don't remember Miss Tripp eating Kentucky Fried Chicken but I have a lot of pictures of a lot of PIHS students eating KFC on the State House lawn. Todd I was wondering if you ever hear from Mark Weaver, you guys were cousins weren't you? I haven't heard from him for a long time. We used to be pretty good friends. I know that he got married but I don't know much other than that. Well hi all talk to ya later. Beth
From: Old Town
E-mail: markandbeth@peoplepc.com
Kerry P Monday, 3/26/01, 11:15 AM
Todd i wouldn't miss this reunion. Can't wait to see everyone, most of my relatives are still there so we can also get together. The snow is finally melting ready for spring. I can't believe my daughter is trying out for HS softball this week, we still have a few feet of snow on the ground, and i guess if its good this weekend they'll be going to MA for "pre- season" I have a feeling this will be a very busy summer, hope it doesn't interfere with the reunion.Thanks everyone.
chef lisa Monday, 3/26/01, 9:36 AM
well fellow classmates it's another beautiful day in vegas. its 70 right now. i just thought i would throw that in for all of you that still live in the frozen tundra.especially you carma and denise. well i'm off to start another busy week. hope everyone has a great day...... later
From: vegas
  Monday, 3/26/01, 8:51 AM
Last known place Nancy Shaw is known to be is in Georgia. Her mother stills lives in Mapleton, maybe she would know the addy to where she lives.
Carma Monday, 3/26/01, 3:29 AM
I didn't realize they still made tab, I still cant get over that there are people down here that still drink MOXIE which tastes just as bad as the castor oil our mom's all gave us.(to me anyways-lol) I've never heard what has happened to half out teachers, but I use to see Mr. Lyford here at the beach every summer before he passed away. I dont think that man ever aged when it came to looks.
From: Old Orchard Beach
E-mail: goodcarma36@hotmail.com
Ruth Sunday, 3/25/01, 8:57 PM
Ok already.....I am defintly going to miss out on seeing everyone this summer....but after hearing all this quibbling over the classmate contacting...I really will miss out on finding out who this unhappy shitmate is that is acting like a child. So will someone please let me know when it's all said and done? Torry and gang...from what I can see, you've done a great job and whoever this person is, they should be very happy that someone still LIVES in the "County" who can pull this show together. I hope you all have a great time! Ruth
From: Fairbanks, AK
E-mail: penobsct@mosquitonet.com
Torry Sunday, 3/25/01, 3:13 PM
I still drink TAB! Diet Coke has Nutrasweet (gives me a headache) and TAB has Saccharin (causes cancer in laboratory animals) so I choose TAB. You can only get the 2 liter bottles in "The County" but on my many trips to Augusta I can get 12-packs of cans! People still laugh when they open my "fridge" and see it in there.
Kim Maynard Conaway Sunday, 3/25/01, 2:36 PM
Still think we should play nice. Freedom of speech is a beautiful thing though. I remember going to tournament once (on the bus! make-out city-not me of course, I was a good girl,or too drunk-can't recall) and we stopped to get something to eat. She ate a bucket of chicken at KFC, washed it down with a TAB (not really, don't know what she washed it down with, just wanted to emphasize the irony of the TAB thing.) They don't even make TAB anymore do they? Bless her heart. Wonder what happened to Miss Tripp.
TW Sunday, 3/25/01, 8:48 AM
So, are we by that crossroads? Yeah I'm still writing. I just wanted to say that I think we'd all be surprised at the lack of communication going on on other classes sites(had to take a break Ben just threw-up). Where was I, oh yeah, having an on-going dialog with people who can either dispute or validate a part of your existence in this world is one of the best things about this site. I've personally felt pretty alone at times being on my own I wonder if some of you can relate. I remember trying to explain the potatoe picking thing to a fella from Massetchusettes and he likened it to slavery (he was a lazy bastard I was carrying at the time). When I moved to Oregon most people though back east was Minnesota or some bad place near New York city. And to top it all off living just south of Idaho nobody knows they even grow tater's in Maine! To further explain this condition how do I explain I know people from back home who are more like cowboys then the wanna be cowboys I meet on a daily basis out here! I have met a few people out here that can understand. I found a gal that could so I married her. SO when your feeling like your the Lone Ranger and that life couldn't get much stranger come to this site and write, even if your in the mood to fight, cause you know what - its alright. What you don't like limericks? Whatzup!!!!!!!! T. Wilson
Carma Sunday, 3/25/01, 6:59 AM
Last time I heard Nancy was in the service. I'll have to ask Cindy S. And I dont think Tab really worked anyways, I think they meant the tab on the can didnt they?....lol
Torry Sunday, 3/25/01, 6:49 AM
Where is Nancy Shaw??? I remember going to Miss Tripp's Trailer (her home) for a Hi-Y meeting! Now that was an experience! Did the TAB do any good?
Carma O. Sunday, 3/25/01, 1:12 AM
LOL Kim. you'll be the baby at the reunion. :-) I remember Nancy Shaw in Tripps class. I took a recorder to school one day to show her what comments she made when she messed up. Hey Nancy, I think I still have that tape, shall I bring it up with me in July? lol
Kim (Maynard) Conaway Saturday, 3/24/01, 6:07 PM
Jeeeze...I'm ONLY 37! You guys are OLD! Maybe I was from the class of 1982, bein' such a youngin' and all!?? har,har (God knows I feel like 60 some days!) OK, let's lay off the "nasties" as this could be pretty embarrassing if other classes are reading our notes...doesn't make for a very "united" group here. Let's talk about, ummmm, lets see....Miss Tripps typing class, that's a good one. TAB cans lined up along the window sill, enough return deposits for a Carribbean vacation. Do I remember that right?
Lewis M Saturday, 3/24/01, 4:19 PM
Well another day closer to retirement. For all those who are working on the reunion, you have my utmost respect. Again good job, and hopefully I can attend the 30 year reunion. Hey if anyone is close to barstow, california drop me a line and maybe we can see each other again. Good job to all those who are working on the reunion.
From: barstow, california
E-mail: rocking_chair@yahoo.com
  Saturday, 3/24/01, 4:14 PM
Lisa Brigman, I hope all is well with you over there in Vegas. As I've recently stated, I'd like to visit Vegas but am a little wary about losing my butt gambling. Lisa Hagerman Brittain, I do feel better now that I've confessed my digression and yes I do remember finding a lot of g-balls in Cronkites tater field next to Rick's second home! Congratulations on your first anniversary I remember thinking Jeff was a good person. Yes Carman O. I do go to bed rather early now-a-days, after all, I will be 39 this Summer. I didn't think I'd ever make it this far back in highschool. Ricky I hope you and Dianne are doing well. Keep up the good work partner. Raeann - howdy howdy. Kerry, glad to hear your going to attend the reunion, say hello to Kay for me will you. Stoner......whatzup! Good nite all. T. Wilson
Kerry Pepper Saturday, 3/24/01, 2:51 PM
Rick i fully agree with your comment. I would expect this from my 10 year old but not a 40 year old. Time changes people maybe for the better maybe not but we were all the class of 81 not just "the in crowd" who ever they maybe. I was not part of the in crowd but i had some wonderful friends and its been 21 years since iv'e seen most of you and i can't wait. Kay was good enough to let me know about this sight,shes the only one who has kept in touch so she knew where I lived and i didn't expect someone to go looking for me I know its our 20th reunion I could contact someone myself. I'm sorry whoever you are, that you fill so bad about everything but i think the "few" who have helped have done a great job I'd like to do anything i can. I'm not sure where anyone lives so i can't help there, but anything else let me know. Thanks every one for the great job.
From: Belgrade
E-mail: kerry1514@aol.com
Lisa (Hagerman) Brittain Saturday, 3/24/01, 7:40 AM
Hey Todd, Your belated appolgy is accepted!!!!! I hope you enjoyed it!!!!!!! You must feel much better getting that off your chest. Jeff and I are doing great! We were married a year in October. It's a small world to be married to a county boy. Fate definitely brought us together after all these year's. Gee, we will be re-living our tater picking day's when we go to the reunion. Cronkite is right beside the golf course. Remember all those golf ball's we found in the field's along with those potatoe's? Hope you enjoyed that fruit roll-up!!!!!! Lisa
E-mail: jeffbrit@blazenetme.net
Carma O. Saturday, 3/24/01, 4:41 AM
Stay up too late T.W.?-lol Lisa (brigman); Dan and I want to stay right there at foxwoods. You never said if you were coming to the reunion or not, hope you are...P.S. I too appreciate everything Rick and Torry and everyone else is doing to make sure OUR reunion is a memorable one.
  Friday, 3/23/01, 8:49 PM
I mean Lisa Brittain! I'd better go to bed!
TW Friday, 3/23/01, 8:47 PM
Whew, did I blow that P.S. I'm sorry I got Lisa Brigman and Lisa Britton mixed up. My P.S. was to Lisa Hagerman Britton! T. Wilson
  Friday, 3/23/01, 8:31 PM
P.S.S. Rick, speaking of gambling......I want you to know that watching and listening to you fella's play poker while we were on those hunting trips with Albert Allen was way more memorable and entertaining than actually playing poker with you jokers! T. Wilson
TW Friday, 3/23/01, 8:21 PM
P.S. Lisa how are you and Jeff doing over there in Vegas, NV. We're practically neighbors! If I had a vise it would be gambling which is why I'm a bit nervous about visiting Vegas. I was excited about our reunion from the thought of it so I hope like hell I can make it with my family. Lisa I have a confession to make. When we were picking at Cronkite's I broke into your lunch and ate a fruit wrap you had in there. You see I was hungry and I'd never had a fruit wrap. I still feel a little guilty when I remember how upset you were that someone had gotten into your lunch. I hope you can accept my belated appology. Sincerely T. WIlson
TW Friday, 3/23/01, 8:02 PM
People loving peolple are the happiest people in the world!. I have to say I think this site and our reunion organizers are great! Rick, you are correct but as I found in being correct (at times)it isn't always what people want. Some people just want to know how all this time has passed and why they still feel the way they do. Who knows why? From what I read on this site (beyond the stuff I write) is that we're all pretty decent, good folks and we all want to enjoy this reunion in some way, shape, or form. It is a milestone isn't it? So take care my friends and classmates and get your butts to the reunion if you can.
allison Friday, 3/23/01, 4:50 PM
rick--great response...i certainly appreciate all the efforts that you all are making on OUR behalf...keep up the good work...and i agree--it's really easy to make disparaging remarks while remaining invisible...
Lisa (Hagerman) Brittain Friday, 3/23/01, 4:23 PM
Hi everyone, I too, think it's time to stop "whinning" and to start getting excited about seeing all our friend's from school. Rick or Torry, IS there anyway that the "Meeting Minutes" or the "Missing E-mail's" could be sent to me or put on this "guest" page? I can't download anu of that info. Our computer got a Virus a few month's ago and we had to get rid of ALL our files and this computer has not been the same!!!!!!!!I think it is still sick. I would be interested in finding out more about the reunion fact's. Thanks!!!! Has anyone heard where Cindy Kenney is? I have tried many mean's of trying to find her with no luck. I would like to finish by applauding the effort's of Rick, Torry and all the other's for everything!! Thank's, Lisa
E-mail: jeffbrit@blazenetme.net
lisa b Friday, 3/23/01, 2:53 PM
carma!! good luck... some of kevins designs are in that casino....tell me where you want to stay. i'll hook ya up
E-mail: kbc@wizard.com
Carma O. Friday, 3/23/01, 2:36 PM
lisa brigman Friday, 3/23/01, 12:46 PM
can't we all just get along!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! we are almost 40 its time to get over it. anyone coming to vegas? get in touch. i got the hook up!!
From: vegas
E-mail: kbc@wizard.com
Torry Friday, 3/23/01, 12:26 PM
Thanks to everyone for attending our meeting last night. Whoever paid for my drink let me know I can either pay you back or buy the next round in April! Thanks anyway (I left in a rush when I saw the time - no babysitter)! I will post the notes soon!
Rick Collins Friday, 3/23/01, 11:29 AM
I generally would not respond to anyone who would have nothing to offer but criticism and then not have the courage to back up their comments with their identity as the previous few have done. However, in this case you are attacking me personally as well as the four or five others who are doing their best to plan this reunion. The facts are these: There are four or five people(from a class of 235) who have put in their time and efforts to make YOUR 20th reunion as nice as possible. I would also add that these are the same people who VOLUNTEERED their time and efforts planning your 10th. What have you done?! I can assure you and others that every effort was made then and is being made now to contact each and every classmate from 1981. If our efforts are not to your satisfaction then please feel free to contact me with any suggestions you may have. Please check the minutes of previous meetings and see for yourself the progress we have made for YOUR reunion. I wonder how you found this site if our efforts to find EVERYONE are so inadequate? I might add that if everyone who as yet has not been found would make some kind of effort on their own to be found. It sure would make things easier for us. Perhaps it is just easier to sit back and wait to be found and then blast us if we are not successful? I would be glad to answer any questions you or others may have regarding OUR reunion providing you put a name and face to your words. P.S. I hope one of the previous writers follows through with their "threat" of seeing to it everyone he or she knows attends OUR reunion. That would certainly help us out!! Rick
  Friday, 3/23/01, 11:26 AM
Can we go back to writing about interesting tidbits from our lives? Enough whining! No one contacted me or told me where that we even had a website, I found the website on my own. It was my choice to move far away and my responsibility to get in touch with someone, afterall, we all know where we came from but haven't always told everyone where we've ended up. If classmates are interested in attending, call around, surf around, do whatever, but don't complain that you haven't been formally invited or called. We all lead busy lives. Most of us probably work full time, have children and/or aging parents to take care of, and I don't feel it's one particular person's responsibility to locate everyone.
  Friday, 3/23/01, 10:37 AM
well it seems to me no one tried to get in touch with me. i have been gone for years but all my family is still up there. i even get the star herald and didn't find one mention of it in the paper.i will be attending just to see how much everyone has acctually grown up.so how many classmates are stil unaccounted for? why don't the class officers post the names on this page so if anyone knows where a classmate is they can let them know what is going on with the reunion.so class officers how far are you willing to go to find missing classmates???????

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