PIHS Class of 1981 Alumni Site
Total Entries: 667
Robin Blotner Turnbull Monday, 6/19/00, 4:08 AM
From: then- P.I. now- Portland
E-mail: davetbull@aol.com
mark Sunday, 6/18/00, 2:01 PM
well i think there should be people entering this web site where the hell is everybody????????????
From: pi
E-mail: mlavway@maine.rr.com
Allison Fowles-Roberts Friday, 5/26/00, 7:28 PM
hey, has anyone checked out the website for the 1980 grads? they have over 100 entries so far...we are way behind that! we're the hell is everyone anyway?
E-mail: allie36009@aol.com
Kim Carroll Murchison Thursday, 5/25/00, 10:42 AM
Just checking in again. Let's start telling more classmates. Not many new entries since last time. Todd, nice hearing from you. Joni, I haven't seen you post any messges yet. When I logged in the first time and was asked where I was from, I automatically typed in Presque Isle. Duh, it means now. Oh well, still kinda ditzy. (Big grin)
From: Scarborough, Maine
E-mail: kmurch@rocketmail.com
Todd Wilson Tuesday, 5/23/00, 8:35 PM
Hello again! Just a little over 365 days left before we meet again! I gotta say I can't wait one more time. Grin. T. Wilson
From: SLC
E-mail: todousa@netscape.net
Todd Wilson Monday, 5/22/00, 9:09 PM
Wow. What a great looking bunch of class mates at the ten year reunion! I'm darned sorry I missed it! I hope to attend this next reunion and meet up with the people I shared a very important part of my life with. Its been many years since I've been home and I'm looking forward to it even as I speak. Not unlike highschool, I've found many challenges and with them many changes and lessons in life. One of the most important ones is not to forget where your from. It makes a difference. Now, with a wife, a family of two boys, and a career in construction I find myself almost entirely too busy to remember where it is I'm from or what is really important to me. I've now worked on jobs valued from a few hundred thousand to my current assignment on a 1.5 billion dollar project here in Salt Lake City, Utah. I'd probably say that nothing I've done as prepared me to do what I do but I'd be lying. It all comes from home. So lets celebrate surviving as long as we have and remember the days when we didn't know shit from shinola (maybe thats just me I'm talkimg about). P.S Lainey your looking old man! But not as old as Rick Collins! Hope Diane hasn't contracted a mellenoma. Stone you look happy. I can see your sox's McHugh. Who is the guy with the glasses in the front. Don't tell me your a Texan Lee Coty? No I didn't inhale I toaked. Eddie Chambers can I call you Ed? In memory of Mark Jackson God rest his soul. How are you Paul? Good luck and happy divorice if your so inclined. We'll be seeing you Todd Wilson todousa@netscape.com
From: Salt Lake City
E-mail: todousa@netscape.net
Karen (Tompkins) Stuart Tuesday, 5/9/00, 10:02 AM
Let's try this again! I can't beleive it's been almost 20 years since graduation. I've been living in the Waterville area for about 13 years now. My husband and I have just 1 daughter, Morgan, who will be 8 on May 30th. She keeps us very busy. I am the Business Office Manager at the Kennebec Journal/Morning Sentinel.(local newspapers) I'd love to hear from my fellow classmates. Good job on the web site, Torry. (I've been catching up on the Class of 1980 through their website..my brother coordinated that project.)
From: Winslow, ME
E-mail: stuartmk@wtvl.net
Karen (Tompkins) Stuart Tuesday, 5/9/00, 9:55 AM
Hi Everyone!
From: Winslow, ME
E-mail: stuartmk@wtvl.net
  Thursday, 4/27/00, 4:54 PM
Joni Carmichael Thursday, 4/27/00, 4:50 PM
From: Hermon, Maine
Allison Fowles-Roberts Tuesday, 4/25/00, 4:34 PM
can't believe that almost twenty years have gone by..are we really this old?! torry, you're doing a great job..keep it up!
From: Minot, ME
E-mail: allie36009@aol.com
Lynn (Barton) Jandreau Tuesday, 4/18/00, 4:38 PM
I am married to Terry Jandreau of Fort Fairfield. We have three kids - Jessica - 18, Erik - 13 and Megan is 7. The baby of the family is Belle, our 2 year old black lab. I work for DHS in Caribou and have been there for almost 13 years. It will be fun to keep checking back to see who else has signed in.
From: Caribou
E-mail: nmc_99@ainop.com
mark lavway Sunday, 4/16/00, 10:24 AM
From: Presque Isle
E-mail: mlavway@maine.rr.com
Kim Carroll Murchison Thursday, 4/13/00, 6:10 PM
This is great! Who put the web site together?
From: Presque Isle
E-mail: kmurch@rocketmail.com
Roseanna Roseanna Danna Thursday, 4/13/00, 10:01 AM
Someone must have some GOOD pictures we can put up on the web site....like all of us when we were in nursery school!!! Snookie, get Ted and Joni hooked up with this!
From: Portland, ME
E-mail: RMcConnell@intelligentlearning.com
Raeann Hodgson Wednesday, 4/12/00, 5:14 PM
From: Castine ME
E-mail: rhodgson@acadia.net
Torry Boyles Eaton Tuesday, 4/11/00, 8:37 AM
Please help me with this Web Site!!! I am trying to do it and I have no experience at all. I am living back in Mapleton. I have two boys (Keenan and Karson) who are 8 and 4. My husband, Mike, is Manager of IS at Maine Public Service and I am a Program Manager for ACAP. We will begin planning for our 20th reunion soon. Anyone who would like input please let us know!
From: Mapleton, ME
E-mail: meaton@mfx.net

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