PIHS Class of 1981 Alumni Site
Total Entries: 667
lisa brigman Thursday, 5/10/01, 5:36 PM
thanks for your concern carma. i'm doing ok. it was a real mess up in the county when i got there. so as of now i dont think i'll be going to the reunion. having the extra trip up there for my grandmothers funeral, but we'll see. i still haven't got my settlement yet so hopefully it will get here in time. see ya'll later
From: vegas
  Thursday, 5/10/01, 5:34 PM
kenny Thursday, 5/10/01, 5:26 PM
Torry Wednesday, 5/9/01, 11:55 AM
I sent a mailing out yesterday! For anyone who hasn't updated their mailing information on the class list yours will go to the "old" address that we had. The basics of the mailing are all on this site but we do need to start getting checks ($25.00 for one person and $50.00 per couple). Send them to me at P.O. Box 31 Mapleton, ME 04757-0031.
E-mail: meaton@mfx.net
Carma Wednesday, 5/9/01, 3:53 AM
O.K. Mother nature must be related to that "Murphy's Law" guy. One day it's 90, the next day it's time to get the mittens back out. BRRRRRRRR I can almost hear the flowers I planted outside saying "wazzzzz upppp?!" Lisa B.-haven't heard from you in awhile. Hope things are going well since you got home from P.I. Have a good rest of the week everyone!
From: Old Orchard Beach
E-mail: goodcarma36@hotmail.com
Carol Deterding Sunday, 5/6/01, 6:12 PM
From: Iowa
Andy Johnson Saturday, 5/5/01, 5:52 AM
If anyone (including Ted) has a photo that they can't figure out how to upload, or that's too big to upload, just email it to me and I'll put it on for you. Remember, right now you can only put one photo on for each person. And don't be afraid to try to upload your own photo. It's just like they say - even a monkey can do it!
From: Cazenovia, NY
E-mail: andy@summitsolutions.net
Curious George Friday, 5/4/01, 9:57 PM
Andy, your apology is accepted on behalf of the Simian Brotherhood. Now can you help an internet neophyte upload (or whatever) a photo onto the class list? I have one somewhere that my sister scanned onto a diskette. Hafta admit that I do look a bit like an extra from Planet of the Apes. Must've been a bad hair (and face) day.
Warren Bell Friday, 5/4/01, 8:06 PM
Hi all!.....Just surfin bye , wanted to say hope your lifes are togeather........goin to the Ted Nugent/ Lynard Skynard concert...... enjoyin life...hope everyone else is too....hi to Robin Dean if your out there..........later
From: BF Egypt
allison Friday, 5/4/01, 7:56 PM
boys will be boys!
Andy Johnson Friday, 5/4/01, 6:43 PM
Well it's mighty big of you to speak up about your brief lapse of sanity (or is your posting a brief lapse from insanity?). I must say, I was impressed enough to keep your improvements on the site for an hour or two, but then I decided I shouldn't leave it anymore, lest others follow in your evil ways... Yes, I apologize to all the monkeys out there. To think that I could have possibly put them in the same category as you is, in retrospect, quite ridiculous. Maybe the little ones like chimps, but certainly not the orangutans and great apes.. How's your computer doing? I'll pull the worms back before they destroy too much... And have a great weekend yourself.
From: Cazenovia, NY
E-mail: andy@summitsolutions.net
Monkeyboy Stone Friday, 5/4/01, 6:11 PM
Mr. Johnson, given that it would be highly inappropriate of me to utter such words, I will refain from calling you a spineless wimp for rushing to change your enhanced Andy Johnson/Lancelot Link class listing before I even had the opportunity to admire my own handiwork. I will further refrain from calling you a total weenie for so quickly eradicating your "new and improved" listing so soon after I expended 10 minutes of my already limited brainpower in the creation of said enhanced listing. Finally, I will refrain from saying anything herein that could be construed in any way as a derogatory comment about your woosified webmastering response to the very diginified way I chose to handle your cruel and insensitive comments about monkeys in a recent posting. No, I will continue to take the high road and merely insist that you apologize to all monkeys throughout the world for the odious insult -- implying that they look could possibly look like me. I would imagine that PETA will soon be on your tail for such comments. Oh by the way, have a nice day.
Carma Friday, 5/4/01, 4:52 PM
Wow...I thought you did that Andy as a joke. I sure could of used that ultra tracker of yours with a certian "entry" a few weeks ago myself.
From: Old Orchard Beach
Andy Johnson Friday, 5/4/01, 4:25 PM
Wow, that didn't take long. Just a couple hours after I posted that last message, my page was changed to have many nice references to monkeys. Although I must admit it was kind of funny, of course we can't condone such activity. After I go and put my information back to normal, I guess I'll have to start working on a password system after all. Luckily I had installed my super- sophisticated, ultra-top-secret web tracking system, so now I can attack the perpetrator's computer in revenge!... Never underestimate the power of the webmaster!!!
From: Cazenovia, NY
E-mail: andy@summitsolutions.net
Carma Friday, 5/4/01, 2:48 PM
LOL Nancy...you dont give yourself enough credit girl! We are not in Miss Tripps class,,,no pressure. (however, I am still trying to locate that vocal tape i have of you-LOL) Excellent job everyone on what you are doing with the site! Weather here in southern Maine has been awesome, but I think we skipped spring somewhere between monday and wednesday. Have a great weekend everyone!
From: Old Orchard Beach
Nancy Friday, 5/4/01, 2:25 PM
LOL I guess I did have a half a clue!! I can't believe it was that easy to put a picture on the class list!! Now I just have to find a better picture, If I thought I could really do it I wouldn't have put the one I did!!!
Nancy Friday, 5/4/01, 2:03 PM
WOW great job with the class list!! Would it be possible to put everyone Senior picture in?? Or is that too much work? If I had half a clue how to scan and enter pictures...I would at least get a family picture on mine LOL
Torry Friday, 5/4/01, 1:42 PM
We had a great meeting last night. Our class president was even there! Thanks to Greg Flewelling we stayed "on task" and got a lot done! Those present were Dianne and Derrick Collins, Greg, Jerry McGlinn, Kevin Higgins and I. A mailing will go out this weekend and we need responses and money by the end of May. We need to pay for the Band, rental of the snowmobile club and the country club soon.
Andy Johnson Friday, 5/4/01, 12:34 PM
Glad to see people are starting to put info into the class list. Those who have put up pictures - you sure look different than you did in high school! Much better, I'd have to say. You may have noticed the penalty you pay for putting a family photo on the site; once you put in a picture of your own, I add your yearbook photo to your page. And I always thought I was the goofiest looking kid in school! Okay, maybe I was... And Rose - yes, I remember seeing you at that store at Baxter. It's all very vague though; I'd say you've got a pretty good memory. Given all the confusion and questions about classmates who have passed away - if any of you have solid, factual information about one of us who has died, please go ahead and enter their unfortunate story in the notes section of their class list entry. You know, a little obituary kind of write- up. Or even just the fact that they've died would be a start. That reminds me - please refrain from making silly entries in someone else's listing. We don't want to have to deal with passwords, and if we have any abuse we may need to put some cumbersome controls in place. I know, it's tempting to upload a picture of a monkey on Ted Stone's listing, but as funny as that might be, it would just cause all kinds of problems. Again, thanks for all the info; and keep it up!
From: Cazenovia, NY
E-mail: andy@summitsolutions.net
Kerry Friday, 5/4/01, 10:43 AM
Yes Allison the weather is great here, Most of my time is spent at the ball fields. Hope the reunions weather is as nice. See you soon
allison Friday, 5/4/01, 10:28 AM
andy--great job with the class listings!! thank you! how did the meeting go everyone? not much writing activity over the past few days---everyone (in maine anyway!)must be enjoying the weather?
Tom Tuesday, 5/1/01, 6:15 PM
Tim, it is nice to know that 20 years, hasn't changed you. Remembering that summer, when your family vacationed at our camp at St. Froid, To our graduation, you always carried that attitued of being a cool-SHIT. I'm looking forward to having a beer with you.
EV Monday, 4/30/01, 5:53 PM
Hi all!..........hey lisa B. neal curry graduated in 82.....last time I see him he was in army airborne division.....he always was a crazy fudger.....spring has finally sprung....loven it
From: PI
E-mail: kingofthenorth@webtv.net
Lori Bard Monday, 4/30/01, 8:25 AM
Hey Tom and Wanda it was great to hear from you. I do have some bad news for you Tom. Tim to this day would still remember to pack the beer and not the shovel. LOL That is why he was voted least changed at the last reunion. I'm sure that vote had NOTHING to do with looks. But if you ever want a tour of local bars in OOB he's your man and you'll be guaranteed at great time.
E-mail: oobbards@hotmail.com
Wanda (Stokes) Grimmett Sunday, 4/29/01, 5:54 PM
Hi all,I've been enjoying catching up on everyone through this site. I've been back in Ar.now for the last 16 years. I'm married to a really great guy for almost 15 years.We have 1 daughter whos's 5, she is the result of many years of trying,and a blessing to us every day. To those who've worked on the reunion and this site,you are doing a great job,keep up the good work.Lori,it was good to see your message,I'll have to tell Dennis where you are. Take care all,will write again soon
From: Pine Bluff,AR
E-mail: Mirgadna@aol.com
Tom Raymond Saturday, 4/28/01, 7:20 PM
Lori Bard, ask Tim if he remembers the time, we went four wheeling in his scout. (If he dosn't recall.., I do!!) That was one chilly walk! I just hope now, that he packs a shovel, instead of so much beer.
LORI "BUCK" BARD Saturday, 4/28/01, 9:54 AM
E-mail: oobbards@hotmail.com
Carma Friday, 4/27/01, 2:44 PM
Hey Ivan, how ya been bud?! My condolences to Lisa Brigman with the recent loss of her Grandmother who resides in Presque Isle. She was 91 god bless her.
IVAN CRAY Thursday, 4/26/01, 7:26 PM
Greetings classmates,Hope ya'll are well!Life in redneckville is good. Good to read your entries. Carma, How ya been? Just wanted to say hey to everyone. Might make the reunion. take care all and be good. Oh, a special thank you to Torry and Rick and all who has helped with this reunion project,you have done a great job. thanks!
From: Brookhaven Mississippi
E-mail: iscray@hotmail.com
Carma Tuesday, 4/24/01, 4:40 AM
Welcome back Torry! Today looks like a good day to go Striper fishing. I am thinking about going to my favorite spot behind UNE in Biddeford. I miss the county during fishing season, and here you dont need a license to fish for stripers but you need a willing fellow fisherwoman (man) to put the sand worm on for you. Only because they bite of course.LOL I can see Camp Ellis across the way and it looks like the winter storms we've had this year has taken it's toll. Have a great week everyone!
Lisa (Hagerman) Brittain Monday, 4/23/01, 5:22 PM
Hi Rosemary and everyone, I have lived in Brunswick for about 18 year's!!!!!!!!!!! I can't beleive I have been here that long. I have lived in the same place for 15 year's and at my same job for 15 year's!! Boy, do I feel old!!! I do know about that gallery you were talking about. THe street that I work at is not too far from the gallery. It's a side street off of maine street. Next time you drive through and need a hair cut, my salon is on Center Street. I see Ellen Mcpherson from P.I. in Brunswick alot. Thanks for filling me in Beth about Jesse. How awful to have something happen to you and all you were trying to do is help other's. It has been very exciting to read where everyone is living now. So many of us in Southern Maine!!! Later, Lisa
From: Brunswick, Me.
Torry Monday, 4/23/01, 4:18 PM
We are back now! Margaret Kimball Cyr faught lymphoma for 2 years and lost the battle. They tried for 13 years to have a baby with no success. Her sister ended up donating an egg and through invitro she became pregnant and had a beautiful baby girl. When their baby, Emily, was only six months old Margaret found out she had cancer. Just a very sad story. Some of you Orono Alumni might remember her. I also saw a lot of other Alumni at the funeral - Carol Wiley, Martha Conway, April Clark, Pete Miller, and some others I recognized but couldn't remember their names but was too embarrassed to ask (old I guess). Thanks for all the notes regarding my loss of a dear friend!!! Torry
E-mail: meaton@mfx.net
Beth Fogg (Guimond) Monday, 4/23/01, 1:28 PM
I'm going to try an answer a few questions that were asked. Lisa, you about right as far as I know about Jesse. He was very good friends with Mark Daigle and I was getting updates from Mark. He was very badly beated and left in a coma shortly after we got out of high school. I don't know if he has passed away or not. And Marilyn there was another Marilyn Lavway, but her maiden name was Lavway I'm not sure what her married name is. I haven't seen Cindy Shaw in years but I do know she lives near Cross Lake. She has been very ill for a lot of years. If noone has been able to get an address for her let me know I can get it through her mom, she still lives in Presque Isle. I'm really looking forward to the reunion this summer. Granted we weren't all friends in high school but I hope to see old friends and hopefully make some new ones. Hey Lewis don't get sunburned in the desert. Sorry Kim I haven't gotten back to you but mom and dad are frantically packing to move the house in Old Town will be theirs in a week but they won't be moving until the end of July. Hey Nancy you better come to the reunion. I even had a strange dream about all of us out driving again. Tommy it has been a while. I'm glad you're doing well. I'm the happiest now then I have been since I got out of high school. Everyone keep writing we still have a lot to catch up on before July.
From: Old Town
E-mail: markandbeth@peoplepc.com
Beth Fogg (Guimond) Monday, 4/23/01, 1:19 PM
Carma Monday, 4/23/01, 11:48 AM
Excellent Lisa! Congrats. Dont fret about feeling old...at this point, I think alot us have the furniture disease one way or another,(That's when our chest falls down into our drawers.) or coming back from the day at the "fair" where your Hair hurts and your teeth itch. LOL The weather here has been great. Actually BB-Q yesterday, almost 80 here at the beach. Spring has Sprung!
lisa brigman Monday, 4/23/01, 10:20 AM
does anyone know when neal curry graduated?
lisa brigman Monday, 4/23/01, 10:12 AM
tell paul thompson hes not alone. i'm going to be a grandmother in sept. i guess thats what happens when we have kids when we are 18 & 19. i think it will be wonderful. so denise carter are you ready to be a great auntie???? bt the way carma i got a new job at the hyatt regency snooty country club. i am to be referred as master now(master chef that is).
From: vegas
Rose Monday, 4/23/01, 8:14 AM
I apologize for this in advance but I couldn't resist...........we all could use a chuckle once in a while! FOWL PLAY from joke@mail.ivillage.com Why did the chicken cross the road? DR. SEUSS Did the chicken cross the road? Did he cross it with a toad? Yes! The chicken crossed the road, but why itcrossed, I've not been told! ERNEST HEMINGWAY To die. In the rain. MARTIN LUTHER KING, JR. I envision a world where all chickens will be free to cross without having their motives called into question. GRANDPA In my day, we didn't ask why the chicken crossed the road. Someone told us that the chicken crossed the road, and that was good enough for us. ARISTOTLE It is the nature of chickens to cross the road. KARL MARX> It was a historical inevitability. SADDAM HUSSEIN This was an unprovoked act of rebellion and we were quite justified in dropping 50 tons of nerve gas on it. CAPTAIN JAMES T. KIRK To boldly go where no chicken has gone before. FOX MULDER You saw it cross the road with your own eyes. How many more chickens have to cross before you believe it? BILL GATES I have just released eChicken 2000, which will not only cross roads, but will lay eggs, file your important documents, and balance your checkbook-and Internet Explorer is an inextricable part of eChicken. EINSTEIN Did the chicken really cross the road or did the road move beneath the chicken? THE BIBLE And God came down from the heavens, and He said unto the chicken, "Thou shalt cross the road." And the chicken crossed the road, and there was much rejoicing. COLONEL SANDERS I missed one?
Rosemary Monday, 4/23/01, 6:47 AM
sooooooooo, anyway......Spring is finally here!!!! yahoo I feel like running around in shorts and drinking margarhitas!!!!! Yesterday I went to the ocean (in Brunswick- Lisa H. you lucky person you to live there- have you ever been to Wyler Gallery?? my friends own it and it is wonderful! even if I am biased...) I also got mad at the last remaining piles of snow over my gardens and tried to dig them out- I fully expect them to be basking in the sun when I get home this afternoon--- does everyone get spring fever as bad as I??? I can't even work when it's this nice outside and I am stuck in the lab!! Hi Sue and everyone- Nancy, I sure remember Buzzy's, how about the time Dad came home and said Buzzy told him that he saw someone who looked just like me out back doing you-know-what,(no, I couldn't blame Mary even tho she was probably there too- did you know someone else in our class looks just like me heehee at least that's what I told Dad....) Ted- good e-mail! What do you do these days besides wait for the arrival of your new little person?? did you get into law or politics or what- I sort of thought you might go that route?? and I mean that in a good way- my first major was poli sci! actually that was my degree hm... Snooky, where are you and what are you doing? see, I would rather do this than work BUT I better start writing about 19th century ceramics or my boss will be perturbed when she gets back from FLA. see ya soon all- Oh one more tidbit- Paul Thompson's granddaughter (can you believe it- we are old enough to have them!) is my great niece and she is adorable!!!!(Isabella Rose :)
From: Farmington
E-mail: racyr@maine.edu
Tom Raymond Sunday, 4/22/01, 6:10 PM
Beth, it has been awhile since we've last chatted. I've been divorced for over three years and I am now living in Ashland with my girlfriend, Sandy. Everything in my life is great!
Carma Sunday, 4/22/01, 5:43 PM
Thanks Everyone! It appears that Todd and I might both be target of this email slasher. But words have been spoken that cant be taken back,,,so I'm with all of you,,,let's move foward. And Ted and everyone else who "cant quite remember me" is one of the nicest things ive heard so far other than the really great entries that ruth, nancy, kim, and everyone else has left in here. Thanks!
allison Sunday, 4/22/01, 5:12 PM
wow...what happend? i don't read the board for a few days and then all this...ted, i couldn't have put it more eloquently if i tried really hard!! i ditto your comments totally...life is all about choices--some good, some bad--carma, it's your reunion--choose to come...SO---HOW'S LIFE EVERYONE?
Ruth Sunday, 4/22/01, 11:27 AM
Carma.....I am not able to attend this reunion, one reason being that I live so darn far away, But YOU are in Maine and you shouldn't deprive yourself of it just because of someone's rediculous games. Folks are going to want to see you and I know you'll have a great time. I remember you and I together in kindergarten at Higgin's Elementary in Mapleton. I was so shy and you were one person who I made friends with right away. It's things like that which make reunions worth it. Please attend on my behalf. As far as memorials go...Mark Jackson, who was a cousin of mine, also passed away. And don't forget "Beetle"....May they all rest in Peace.
From: Alaska
E-mail: penobsct@mosquitonet.com
Ruth Sunday, 4/22/01, 11:18 AM
E-mail: penobsct@mosquitonet.com
Nancy Sunday, 4/22/01, 10:18 AM
Guess I need to start proofing my posting too...couldn't type 20 years ago in Tripp's class, and certainly can't now! Sorry for all the typos!!
Nancy Sunday, 4/22/01, 10:16 AM
Carma....excuse me???? thought we had plans.....sound familiar....... Sue Hello there!! The bad pollen has finally passed here..a few weeks ago all the cars and houses were yellow!! Luckly the pollen doesn't effect me, but I do know a few people from work that relly got hit bad with the sinus headaches... I'm glad not all my northern blood as thinned out!!!!!! LOL Laurie Archer I have been emailing you with no responses...whazzzzzzzzzzzzuppp???
Kim Murchison Sunday, 4/22/01, 8:05 AM
Hello all. Ted, so nice to see your postings again. As usual your words are always eloquent. Ditto for me, Carma, it would be a shame if you didn't come to the reunion because of postings to this site. I have talked to many PI alumni that say the 20th is much more enjoyable than the 10th because there is no need to try and impress fellow classmates, it's just fun to visit and see where life has taken everyone after 20 years. I want to take a stab at the trivia question. I think it's an Elton John song, either "Saturday Night" or "Crockodile Rock". Wow, 4 weeks, don't worry, you will do great at parenting. On another note, have the details about cost, where and who to send check to been determined? That's about it for now. Hope to get outside and enjoy some much over do Spring weather here in Southern Maine. Later
From: Scarborough
E-mail: kmurchis@maine.rr.com
Ted Stone Sunday, 4/22/01, 6:59 AM
Carma, I don't know if we've ever met, but I sincerely hope that you reconsider any decision made today about attending the reunion. The event is still three months away, and by then few people will remember the exchange of a few unpleasant messages,and I'd be willing to bet a pile of money that few who do remember will care. (As to those who may remember and care -- screw 'em!) If you don't want to attend for other reasons, well, that's your decision. But please don't let anything that was written here influence you to pass up the only chance you'll ever have to mingle with your classmates at OUR 20th reunion. Please come. It's just not worth it to pass up this once-in-a-lifetime milestone.
Carma Sunday, 4/22/01, 3:23 AM
Thank you Ted, I should of had you write my entries and I might not have stepped on any toes. I persoanlly would like to apologize to you all. you are all a great bunch of people who I was looking forward to seeing, but I will not be going to the reunion after all. I dont handle controversy well as you all know so to avoid ruining a wonderful thing that Torry, Rick, and everyone else has done to make it the best reunion ever, my presence would only stir things up with unnecessary crap. Thank you all for a wonderful site, and some of you that I see and email on a regular basis, dont forget to come down to Old Orchard Beach this summer, i'll show you how to get around the tourists...lol
E-mail: goodcarma36@hotmail.com
Ted Stone (again) Saturday, 4/21/01, 10:06 PM
Perhaps I should have proofed my last post before hitting submit. For those who were able to stay awake long enough to reach the last sentence, here is the complete version. "And finally, remember your newfound commitment to playing nice on this message board of ours."

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