PIHS Class of 1981 Alumni Site
Total Entries: 667
Mark L Monday, 12/11/00, 2:21 PM
Well its nice to see that Ted and Todd are getting along so good.With all the sh t happening over the race for the white house i thought that the two of them would have been at each others throat by know. Oh well who would have ever guessed?The best thing is that Bush is still the man for that everone should be thankful because we all know what that a hole gore thinks about guns and his ideas to control them.Well thats all for know but sometimes it sounds like Todd W might have voted for nader HA HA!!! write back later Mark L
E-mail: mlavway@maine.rr.com
Ted S. Sunday, 12/10/00, 6:43 PM
Damn, I just can't seem to make my messages as long as yours, Todd. I keep getting close, but no cigar. Will just have to continue trying. There's more blather here just waiting to come out.
E-mail: jaimelefoot@hotmail.com
Ted S. Sunday, 12/10/00, 6:38 PM
Happy Holidays, Classmates, from the Nation's Capital. Quite an exciting time down here with all of the election zaniness and rancorous partisanship wackiness. Like many others, I've frittered away far too many hours watching CNN's Election 2000 coverage. I'm glad that at least a few classmates are posting here so that Todd and I don't drive everyone away with the frequency of our ramblings. Hopefully, many more voices will make themselves heard as we approach July 2001. [Extended note to Todd: I'm sorry if you feel slighted by my failure to respond to you directly, Mr. Wilson, but I can't possibly keep pace with the frequency of your postings. Besides, I don't wanna be held accountable down the road for turning this board into the Todd 'n Ted show. (Or is it already too late for that?) In response to several of your recent comments: 1) Since you forced my hand, I'm hereby declining the opportunity to purchase a CD single of your "Presidential Election Hokie Pokie" tune. Perhaps if you improve the lyrics and do something about that singing voice of yours, I will reconsider. 2) Though I may be a "cross dressing grandma," I must agree with your assessment that I am indeed more of a man than you are. Thanks for recognizing that fact. 3) As you probably would have guessed, I've never "shot a buck" or "run a trap line," but I have shot my mouth off many times and have run a few stop signs. Does that count for anything? Have to admit that if Y2K had caused the breakdown of society, you would be far better able to live off the land than many of us. After exhausting my limited supply of beanie weenies, I would've been in big trouble. 4) Our 6th grade science teacher was Ron Moreau. My favorite anecdote about him occurred during a lunchtime of our 6th grade year. As you may remember, each class would form a line outside of the cafeteria and each student had to wash his/her hands at a little sink in the hallway before entering the cafeteria itself. One teacher would be responsible for monitoring the line and overseeing the handwashing process. During his turns as line policeman, Mr. Moreau was fond of admonishing us to "use soap--it kills the bacteria." On one particular day, he suspected that several of us had conspired to grow rather than kill the hated hand bacteria, and he stopped the line to make a big show of demonstrating that he was wise to our slovenly ways. Can't recall my fellow defendants, but our beloved teacher actually subjected us to the sniff test, holding our hands up to his nose and determining whom among us had used soap. Thankfully, I passed the test, and to this day, I wish he could have had the opportunity to preach his message to a much wider audience.]
E-mail: jaimelefoot@hotmail.com
Rick C. Sunday, 12/10/00, 5:09 PM
Todd,not sure if you mentioned the "golf is for sissy's" thing in your latest essay just to see if I was actually reading your ramblings or not.Anyway we'll talk more about that next summer.I believe it may be Ron Morrow you are referring to.
E-mail: rickcoll@ainop.com
T. Wilson Sunday, 12/10/00, 10:42 AM
I just remembered that Ron's last name was Martin (I think) which would make him Mr. Martin to us at that time. I'm still not quite sure he was a 6th grade teacher but I've further known his as the brother-in law to an ex-girlfriend of mine named Robin Desjardins. Has anyone heard any news on either of them? I fished once with Ron up at Portage Lake. I remember Ron was very competative and didn't like being out fished. He told me stories about my Dad's ability to catch a fish in a mud puddle. Evidently when we lived on Epworth street he delivered our newspaper and caught an eyeful of all those fish my Dad had caught. Well, the whole time Ron and I were fishing I kept catching fish, and the more fish I caught to more competative Ron got. He even had to cast his line were I was catching these fish (we were in a boat). I still laugh remembering this. For those of you that don't know I grew up fishing and hunting with my Dad and we had quite a tradition of such activities what with my Grandfather being a Maine Guide and all. I used to pretend fish out on the front lawn of our place on Epworth street outta my fathers upturned Canoe. Dad always had a 20 to 23 foot canvas and wood canoe that would support a 15 horse power motor and all the gear needed for a week of running. His buddies and him would do trips like running the Allagash and my family would all go to drop them off and pick them up. I thought of these things frequently when I canoe'd a river named the Grand Rhonde located in the northeast corner of Oregon a few years back. We ran it from 10 miles south of Troy, Oregon to the Snake River. It was a great adventure for me. We got caught in a lightening storm while on the river and had to find refuge at an unplanned/undeveloped site on the river, it was pretty hairy. Storms like that out here can brew up in a few minutes and be very violent. The Grand Rhonde starts out in the Blue Mountains and runs from the mountains to the rock canyons and semi-arrid conditions more local to the Snake. The scenery was simply amazing. My father, who also believes golf is a game for sissy's, thinks that going with the flow of the river is second to powering your way up river with a motor powered canoe. I remember sliding over several beaver dams - upstream and the challenges involved with negotiating narrows with a long canoe & a motor. You have to have a certain amount of intestinal fortidude in either case but I don't argue that with Dad. SO having devulged all to this captive audience I hope we all respect family, the out doors, and hunting/fishing traditions enought to know what builds our character and maintains use through all diversity. T. Wilson
Todd Wilson Sunday, 12/10/00, 10:08 AM
Hello, Its snowing here in Salt Lake City, Utah. Check out the URL thats attached. I want to build the land based system. I suffer from sea sickness every time I go out on the ocean. The Pacific Ocean that is. Hope the Holiday Season finds everyone in good spirits and with family. I haven't been home for christmas since 1990. Sounds like a personal problem right? Take Care. Ted hoe the heck are you my friend. I remember encouraging you to attend your tenth year reunion. Hope to see you at your 20th. Anyone having adventures I could use another subject other than Ted or the f'ing election bs. Does anyone remember the sixth grade (Cunningham) elect Ron story from Ronny ???????? the science teacher? See ya in the funny pages. PS does everyone still go to Keddy's to meet up during the holiday break?
From: SLC
Web Site: Wavegen
E-mail: twil62@yahoo.com
Kerry Sunday, 12/10/00, 7:55 AM
Well, I guess its time I started my Christmas shopping, so today while my daughter is in Saco at her Softball Pitching Lessons, I'll be at the Portland mall fun fun. I've had a hard time getting into this sight lately has anyone else had the same expierence? Today i got lucky. Hope everyone has a nice Holiday incase i don't get into here before then.
From: Belgrade
E-mail: kerry1514@aol.com
Beth (Fogg) Guimond Thursday, 12/7/00, 11:29 AM
I decided to come back on and write something. Hey, Mike P. I haven't seen you in a while. The last time I saw you was at Keddy's (or whatever they want to call it now.) Hope everything is fine with you and the family. We will be coming up to spend New Years at Keddy's. They're supposed to be having a big bash there. See ya!! Torry don't forget to give our e-mail address to Keenan. Caleb is anxious to get a message from him.
From: Old Town
E-mail: markandbeth@peoplepc.com
Beth Guimond Thursday, 12/7/00, 11:25 AM
From: Old Town
E-mail: markandbeth@peoplepc.com
Beth Guimond Thursday, 12/7/00, 11:25 AM
From: Old Town
E-mail: markandbeth@peoplepc.com
Beth Guimond Thursday, 12/7/00, 11:25 AM
Kerry Monday, 12/4/00, 2:31 PM
T. Wilson Saturday, 12/2/00, 10:38 AM
Howdy Folks, Ted I'm a little disappointed that you've chosen to ignore my comments but I'll keep on writing anyhow. I though the hokie pokie or the cross dressing grandma comment would get a little rise but oh well. Ted you wouldn't happen to be a Lawyer now would you? Rick, I know Ted has an exceptional mind and all but what the hell is he talking about? Mike Patenaude its been a dogs age, man! How've you been all these years? Well I guess Gerald and Albert are doing their thing and not talking too much. However it would be nice to hear from you on this site. I gave Kirk Carroll the site address upon request from hisself. Yeah, Kirk is still perming his hair to get that naturally curly look. Ted have you ever shot a buck or run a trap line? Torry I do appreciate your hard work with this site it has been a great connection to people I haven't had relations with in years. Kudos to you. Has anyone heard from Joni lately? I've been wondering whats going on in her life lately. See ya!
E-mail: twil62@yahoo.com
Ted S. Thursday, 11/30/00, 6:00 PM
Mr. Collins, a few of us are beginning to get suspicious about the flurry of address changes in the past few months. We've begun a little pool to guess which federal agency you're trying to stay one step ahead of on the web. (I first thought it might be the Mafia, however I soon recalled that la Cosa Nostra didn't have a very visible presence in potato country during my boyhood. Not too many guys with nicknames like Fat Tony or Sammy Two Chins or even Joey the Wombat. There was this guy named Wrongway Condon, but that's a different matter altogether. He was from the Gang that Couldn't Shoot Straight but Did Do Quite Well at the OTHER TEAMS's Basket. I believe you were a member of that team. But I digess.) Others have suggested that you¿re trying to evade the FBI or IRS, but my guess is that your crime is of a more benign nature. $100 says you're running scared and changing addresses to avoid the long arm of the MATTRESS POLICE INVESTIGATIVE SQUAD seeking to question you about the label you removed from that Sealy Posturepedic. Thought you'd get away with that one, didn't you Collins? As a good citizen of the internet, I'm will eventually have to make a citizen's arrest, but since I'm in no hurry to apprehend such a reprehensible character, consider yourself a free man until next July. In the meantime, stop posting your new address of the moment -- they're bound to catch up with you.
  Thursday, 11/30/00, 5:30 PM
Rick Collins Thursday, 11/30/00, 4:07 PM
Please note change of E-Mail address should you need to contact me!Have A great day!!
E-mail: rickcoll@ainop.com
mike patenaude Thursday, 11/30/00, 12:31 PM
cool site nice too see all that r in it
From: presque isle
E-mail: patnose@hotmail.com
Lynn (White) Boutote Monday, 11/27/00, 5:26 PM
From: Mapleton
E-mail: lboutote@mfx.net
T Wilson Sunday, 11/26/00, 9:01 AM
Please excuse. The second verse should be the Media's verse.
T Wilson Sunday, 11/26/00, 9:00 AM
The Presidential Election Hokie Pokie: The State's verse: You put your county in. You put your county out. You put your county in and you shake it all about. You do the hokie pokie and you turn yourself around. Thats what its all about! The Candidates verse: You put the Bush's in. You put the Gore's out. You put the Gore's in and you shake it all about. You do the hokie pokie and you turn yourself around. Thats what its all about! The Candidates Verse: You bring the lawyer's in. You keep the people out. You bring the lawyer's in and you shake it all about. You do the hokie pokie and you turn yourself around. Thats what its all about! The Fed's verse: You put the Supreme Court in. You put the people out. You put the Supreme Court in and you shake it all about. You do the hokie pokie and you turn it all around. That's what its all about! The People's verse: You vote them in. You vote them out. You vote them in and you shake this thing about. You do the Hokie Pokie and you turn it all around. That's what its all about! I know its painful but I hope you get a snicker out of it. Grin.
E-mail: twil62@yahoo.com
Torry Friday, 11/24/00, 2:22 PM
I loaded all of the pictures. If you don't have a very "fast" computer it will take some time but there are 10 screens with three pictures each!!!! You guys had better all upgrade your "systems" if you want to view this high tech site!!!! I can't help it if my husband was a Computer Science major and we have the best of everything in regards to a computer system! Be thankful for what you do have and be very patient and you will see all 28 pictures!!! If you haven't seen "The Grinch" go see it! Happy Thanksgiving!
E-mail: meaton@mfx.net
Kerry Thursday, 11/23/00, 6:18 PM
Hope everyone had a very nice Thanksgiving. We went to my parents camp in Newport for a couple of days. It was nice to get away no telephones & TV,it was very peaceful.
From: Belgrade
E-mail: kerry1514@aol.com
  Monday, 11/20/00, 8:34 PM
I'm just greatful you didn't mention anything about a boudoir or something like that!
T Wilson Monday, 11/20/00, 8:31 PM
Ted do you have to be so gleeful about your stint as a cross dressing grandmother? I know your probably more of a man than I am but sheesh!
Mark Daigle Monday, 11/20/00, 2:06 PM
From: Presque Isle
E-mail: mark@ainop.com
Ted S. Sunday, 11/19/00, 9:08 PM
Allison and Marilynn are correct in their joint identification of the first photo. [E. Chambers, T. Vogel McDonald, S. McDonald, S. Dunn, T. Stone and R. McConnell] Is anyone else having trouble accessing the other photos? (I sent Torry 24 pics and am not sure how many were loaded, but I can see only the 1st one.) Sorry I missed you all this weekend during my quick trip to the Pine Tree State. I was flown into Portland by the owner of the Sebago Lake resort I worked at for 6 summers/2 autumns during the 80's in order to be the surprise guest at a 50th anniversary dinner in honor of the resort's dining room hostess. In return for my free trip to Maine, all I had to do was reprise a role I played at the annual end-of-summer "talent" show we members of the resort staff put on for the guests. Nothing out of the ordinary -- just impersonate the now 72 year old hostess of the resort's dining room. Since my old costume had been disposed of long ago, I spent several hours Friday and Saturday purchasing the requisite gear: white wig, costume jewelry, old lady glasses, dress, shoes, and, of course, a big ole bra for exaggerated effect. (It appears that I've expanded to a 42D.) You can only imagine the looks that I got while trying on various skirts and dresses until I found an appropriate one for my costume. Would really have liked my wife there to deflect some of the clucking and head shaking by my fellow shoppers, but I survived with some (though not much) dignity intact. Am actually glad that I didn't bump into any of you Saturday night at Portland's Roma Cafe, although I'm sure my parents would have gotten a kick out of it. (They were at the dinner.) For the record, my schtick was a big hit. My smart aleck wife has since asked me if I wore the dress all weekend or just Saturday night. (Refused to answer the question on the grounds that...) Note to all: I will wear more masculine clothing at the reunion. The wig has been retired.
E-mail: jaimelefoot@hotmail.com
Marilyn Allen Lavway Saturday, 11/18/00, 5:01 PM
Hi I think the other two people in that 10yr reunion picture are Theresa Vogel McDonald who graduated with me in 1980 and her husband Scott who graduated with you but I'm not positive.
From: PI
E-mail: mlavway@maine.rr.com
Marilyn Lavway Saturday, 11/18/00, 4:59 PM
From: PI
E-mail: mlavway@maine.rr.com
Kerry Saturday, 11/18/00, 1:39 PM
Thanks Allison. Its so hard to believe how much people can change.
From: Belgrade
E-mail: kerry1514@aol.com
Todd Wilson Saturday, 11/18/00, 7:41 AM
Will the gentlemen, please just draw straws and get on with it! Don't forget, when it comes to politics appathy is power, especially if your George Bush, I'm sure Ted will agree. Thanks for the thought Kim its been over 20 years now and I never thought of black and white yearbook pictures as classier than colored and to think I've been hung up on that for this long! I must be whacked! Its cold here in SLC and winter is uppon us. I think the people from California and Mexico thought the winters were bad enough, but are they in for a surprise! When the first good snow hit they all went home and I was left thinking to myself what all the fuss was about and that we still had lots of work to do and a schedule to maintain. My wife thinks I'm a hardass. I think of it as a survival thing. In any case they will pour my bridge deck on time! I had to laugh (to myself) about the Montana boys they all wore tee shirts the day after the storm. I recollected that in Maine we all had more sence then that. The saying "not smart enough to not stand in the rain" came to mind. I though it was even more funnier (double superlative) when a California guy came in wearing a short sleeved shirt to prove he was tough too. I makes no sence making no sence. In any case I'd better get my long johns out and stop wearing my tee shirts to work. Well hope the planning effort is comingalong. I still look forward to coming home and attending our reunion. Ben is now walking or should I say staggering around. He's got five teef and he's learning to express hisself more and more each day. Tim is the jedi leggo master of the family and I don't know where he gets it but he'd rather do leggo's than eat. It works out though because Ben is always eating. So long for now and keep the faith. I bet Al and George are both smoking pot now!
E-mail: tfwilson@earthlink.net
allison Friday, 11/17/00, 7:42 PM
let's see...left to right...i'm pretty sure it's eddie chambers...?....?....steve dunn, ted stone and roseann mcconnell....
Kerry Friday, 11/17/00, 3:40 PM
Could someone please tell me who the 6 people are in the picture of the 10 year reunion. Thanks. Its been 21 years since i've seen most of you, I didn't recognize anyone in the big picture of everyone. Well thanks.
From: Belgrade
E-mail: kerry1514@aol.com
allison Wednesday, 11/15/00, 4:46 PM
i would have to agree about the family day being a planned event...i really liked the mantle day at our 10th (even though it was rainy) good chance for all the kids to acquaint and for us to whine about how old we all are!
E-mail: allie36009@aol.com
Beth Guimond (Fogg) Wednesday, 11/15/00, 11:15 AM
I think that a family day at Mantle Lake is a great idea. Hopefully we'll have nice weather.
From: Old Town
Kim Carroll Murchison Wednesday, 11/15/00, 5:28 AM
Torry, Nice to see the pictures on the site. Good job. Todd, I think the reason the class of 80' had color pictures in their year book is because they had more money in their year book budget than we did. Imagine that! Black and white is much classier anyway. Ted, hope your knee is healing well. I think a family day at Mantle Lake is a good idea as well. Talk to everyone later.
From: Scarborough
E-mail: kmurch@rocketmail.com
Kim Wednesday, 11/15/00, 5:24 AM
Kerry Tuesday, 11/14/00, 9:08 AM
Todd I have to agree with you about family day. I was looking forward to seeing everyone and their families, I was unable to make it our last reunion and was hoping our 20th would be just as memorable. I really wish I lived closer so that I could help everyone with this class reunion but that isn't possible, but if there is anything I can do let me know.
From: Belgrade
E-mail: kerry1514@aol.com
T. Wilson Monday, 11/13/00, 8:26 PM
I'm not sure where I read this but did someone mention an "if you want" family day at Mantle Lake Park? Why not have an official family day at Mantle Lake Park. Please explain the logic. I don't travel 5000 miles with my family and visit with people I haven't seen in twenty years very often I think a family day is a great way to break the ice and get to know each other. Also, can someone explain to me one more time why the class of 80 had colored senior pictures in there yearbook and we were the last class to have black and white senior pictures in ours? I can still remember my disappointment. Rick, that wasn't a hunting blunder that was a great hunting experience for both of us.
Ha Ha Monday, 11/13/00, 7:58 PM
>> Smart man + smart woman = romance. >> Smart man + dumb woman = pregnancy. >> Dumb man + smart woman = affair. >> Dumb man + dumb woman = marriage. >> >> Smart boss + smart employee = profit. >> Smart boss + dumb employee =production. >> Dumb boss + smart employee = promotion. >> Dumb boss + dumb employee = overtime. >> >> A man will pay $2 for a $1 item he needs. >> A woman will pay $1 for a $2 item that she doesn't need. >> >> A woman worries about the future until she gets a husband. A man >> never worries about the future until he gets a wife. >> >> A successful man is one who makes more money than his wife can spend. >> A successful woman is one who can find such a man. >> >> To be happy with a man, you must understand him a lot and love him a >> little. >> To be happy with a woman, you must love her a lot & not try to >> understand her at all. >> >> Married men live longer than single men, but married men are a lot >> more willing to die. >> >> Any married man should forget his mistakes, there's no use in two >> people remembering the same thing. >> >> Men wake up as good-looking as they went to bed. Women somehow >> deteriorate during the night. >> >> A woman marries a man expecting he will change, but he doesn't. >> A man marries a woman expecting that she won't change, and she does. >> >> A woman has the last word in any argument. >> Anything a man says after that is the beginning of a new
Leah Monday, 11/13/00, 6:54 PM
Hi everyone It's great to hear from all of you. Torry,sorry I missed the meeting-working as usual. I haven't been at the site for a while because my daughter broke her femur horseback riding and we are finially walking without crutches. Ted,sorry about your knee. I can relate. Work is really busy,but I love it. The best to all of you.
From: PI
E-mail: lgirardin@nehemri.com
Torry Monday, 11/13/00, 4:14 PM
The pictures are now on! Anyone else that has any pictures from the past can send them to me and I will post them to the Web Site.
E-mail: meaton@mfx.net
Torry Sunday, 11/12/00, 3:46 PM
Sorry about the picture of the windmill. I am trying to load some pictures that Ted sent of the 10th reunion. This was a picture that I already had loaded from our trip to Holland. They are great pictures so I am working really hard to scan them and they will be loaded on to this site soon! Ted couldn't see the link to the minutes from the first meeting so I enlarged them but I couldn't change the color (yellow) - Sorry Ted! Let me know of any other problems with this Web Site! I can use suggestions!
E-mail: meaton@mfx.net
T Wilson Saturday, 11/11/00, 9:59 AM
Well Whose it gonna be. Ted I absolutely laughed my butt off at your commentary. "Intellectual candle power" hah. There hasen't been a smart president since Jimmy Carter and look where it got him. In any case Rick, Al Gore, if in fact he did invent the internet, probably regrets it by now! Stock tip of the week......reseach and buy all of the level three stock (LVLT) you can afford. There's been many a paper millionare crying in their beers over this one lately but it was a great buy at 35$/Share. Here's to fiber optic cable connecting the business world. Cheers to whomever wins the election. Thats the great thing about excersizing my right not to vote it makes for a better hippocrasy to live in...my own, and the current political system we live with. At least Maine gives the candidates a fair shot at each congressional district. Florida on the otherhand has created a beautiful conundrum for us all to be told about by experts from the cold war era, and whats worse.......lawyers. I'm glad our legal system shrinks at the thought of handling this one. I'd say they're starting to realize just how screwed up their system is. Just count the vote man! In any case, this to shall pass and I hope we're all the better for it. We should have the best president money can buy. Here I go agian with the political stuff. I really only wanted to say......whatzupp?
From: SLC
E-mail: twil62@yahoo.com
Beth Guimond (Fogg) Tuesday, 11/7/00, 11:39 AM
From: Old Town
E-mail: markandbeth@peoplepc.com
T. Wilson Monday, 11/6/00, 7:39 PM
I wondered who I'd get a rise out of.
Rick C. Monday, 11/6/00, 6:03 PM
I think that Ted is probably correct in that we should not turn this site into a forum for political views.Having said that I guess we should be grateful that Mr.Gore has provided us with the internet so we can have this web site.Imagine my surprise when I read that both Ted and Todd appear to be hard core D-------S.Todd shame on you-VOTE!!!GO GEORGE W.
Rick C. Monday, 11/6/00, 5:39 PM
Ted S. Monday, 11/6/00, 3:50 PM
Todd, not to be a spoilsport, but I'd tone down the political musings on this board in future. In my humble (well, that's obviously an overstatement) opinion, this site ought to be free of political rants to ensure that we remain one big happy PIHS '81 family. No need for divisiveness here. [By the way, I think you were a bit harsh on Mr. Bush -- he seems to be a likeable enough fellow despite his lack of intellectual candlepower.] As for the current election, I just can't understand how so many people in our country can give up their precious right to vote and willingly choose to abdicate their responsibility as citizens by sitting on the sidelines. However, if you do favor Mr. Bush for the presidency, I think it would be best for all concerned that you stay away from the polls tomorrow and sit on those sidelines until Wednesday.
E-mail: jaimelefoot@hotmail.com
T Wilson Sunday, 11/5/00, 7:00 PM
Howdy Folks, Sounds like progress is being made and that we're all looking forward to best 20th reunion in PIHS history. No pressure there! In any case I'm sure everything will be wonderful. Having said that I am concerned about my lack of involvement with this great undertaking but.....oh well! I can do my normal thing and just show up. Today my family and I went to a place south of here for a treat I've been hearing a lot about lately. I wonder if anyone has eaten doughnuts made at Krispy Kreme Doughnuts? They just build a new store in the little town of Orem, Utah located just north of Provo. I have to say they were the best doughnuts I've had out west. If your not aware of it pastries, pizza, and italian sandwiches are not as good out here as on the east coast. That may just my mutated opinion but its been confirmed by several east coast people I know and trust. Like anything if you've never had anything different or better you just don't know how good good can be. Currently I have to go stir the Southwest style clam chowder I'm making for this brisk Sunday here in Salt Lake City. By the way....Krispy Kreme is publically traded under the sybol KREM so if your interested in that type of thing you may find it amazing that their 52 week low is 29 $/share and its currently trading at 104 $/share. Who'd of thought douhnuts would be that lucrative? I'm sure more than a few people have gotten rich from idea's just like that. Hope everyone had a good Halloween. We had a pot luck at work for which I made a Maine style clam chowder which was a hit! Being the modest person that I am I figure its not hard to make a better clam chowder than there used to here in the Rocky Mountains. See you later and write whats on your mind its not healthy to hold it all in and then be passive aggressive about it. My wife is looking forward to meeting all of you folks up there. She's a great poster child for short, vertically challenged people. By the way Rick....I didn't have to move to Oregon to find someone to marry me I just couldn't find a woman short enough back home! So long for now and happy trails to you. Don't vote for Bush he's a major a-hole and the republican party is desperate for a win at all cost. Compasionate conservatism my ass! You don't have to be a republican to be conservative. By the way I won't be voting.
From: SLC
E-mail: twil62@yahoo.com
Torry Sunday, 11/5/00, 3:32 PM
Sorry it took me so long to get the minutes out! Everytime I went to use the computer Keenan (and Mike) were "POD" racing (Episode 1). Keenan's computer in his room is "too slow" - he says! It was great to get together with everyone! We kind of had a "deja vu" because it was the same folks that worked on the 10th Reunion! The only thing different for me was now I have the little kids and I need the babysitter! As a matter of fact Gerald's son Cody and my son Karson go to DayCare together - watch out PIHS in 10 years!
E-mail: meaton@mfx.net

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