PIHS Class of 1981 Alumni Site
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Todd Wilson Nov 10, 2006 12:12AM

I'm sorry to here about your Dad.  Can you tell me where he worked in Presque Isle?  I think I worked with him at one time but I'm not sure.

T. Wilson

Carma Cote-Ouellette Nov 01, 2006 7:22AM
Kim..Thanks so much for your post! I have been going up home once a month for over a year and am so sad to watch him pass in such a slow way but he isnt suffering anymore so it is a relief at the same time. Thank god for memories and pictures!

Margo Ladner-Bair Oct 22, 2006 3:35PM
If you click on links at the top of the page it will bring you to Main Street. Then if you look down the right side you'll see photos click on that and choose Paul Cyr's photo's. You will see more beautiful N. Maine life.

Raymond Soucier Oct 22, 2006 9:27AM
Brian, Great pictures beautiful scenery I miss the open country and wooded areas of northern Maine.  Looks like the sport flying is getting popular there.

Andy Johnson Oct 20, 2006 11:45AM
Brian Colton sent in some great fall pictures of the county.  I put them in the photo album (you'll have to scroll way down to get to the right section).  Thanks Brian!

Kim Carroll-Murchison Oct 18, 2006 8:46AM
Raymond, Sorry to hear about Dale, I too remember him.

My thoughts and prayers go out to Carma Cote Ouellette and her family on the passing of her father this week.  If anyone had anything to do with race horses or spent time at the Northern Maine Fairgrounds/stables he was always a familiar and friendy face.

Laurie Perry-Gray Oct 18, 2006 6:57AM
so sorry to hear of your loss, I think I remember Dale. My best to you and your family

Raymond Soucier Oct 17, 2006 7:50PM
Hi everyone,
The news hit me around suppertime today that my cousin Dale Soucier had died.  We grew up together like brothers but over the years drifted apart.  I beleive he struggled with alot of issues and saw no way out.  I hope that people remember him and his family in their time of mourning.  I am trying myself to understand why, but I really don't think anyone will ever know.  

Kerry Gettig-Pepper Oct 02, 2006 11:47AM
Todd just wanted to let you know your not the only one getting hate mail all mine was received on Sept 25. I guess people have nothing better to do. I don't read my e-mails very often so was surprised when that was there.

Margo Ladner-Bair Sep 30, 2006 10:18PM

does anyone have any pictures from the reunion?

Leah Lamoreau-Girardin Sep 29, 2006 5:10PM
Hi everyone!! The reunion was great. I wish more could have made it. It will be great planning the 30th. Todd we welcome your ideas. I agree about feeling old. My daughter is a junior this year. Things are busy as usual. I get the strange emails as well. I would like to know who is sending them. Never a name of course. cowards. Take care eveyone.  Love,Leah

Sherri Jordan Sep 27, 2006 9:18PM
I also got four of them.

Laurie Perry-Gray Sep 26, 2006 7:29PM
me, too...I got four of them

Mike Patenaude Sep 26, 2006 2:59PM
yes i got the same email also

Rosemary Cyr Sep 26, 2006 11:48AM
Hi everyone-
I got some strange email from the website that looks like spam or something- hopefully not virus related! anyone else get it?

Rosemary Cyr Sep 26, 2006 11:48AM
Hi everyone-
I got some strange email from the website that looks like spam or something- hopefully not virus related! anyone else get it?

Todd Wilson Sep 12, 2006 12:07AM
Howdy all,

"People always tell me their life's story.  Love they've lost their taste of glory.

He sat next to me at the counter in the diner said I used to be wall street but this is much finer.

He had a leather look on a steel horse harley a dark eyed girlfriend he called charlie.

He looked a little lost walking out the door. I think I knew what he was looking for.

Freedom sweet freedom.

I gased her up climbed back in my cab.  To my wife I'm a husband to my kids I'm a dad. To the credit company I'm just another sucker.  To the IRS a long haul trucker.

Some say that freedom's the power to do what one pleases. You can live like the devil but hold on to Jesus."

Kenny Chesney

Todd Wilson Aug 20, 2006 5:46PM
Howdy all,

Tim is entering the sixth grade and Ben is starting the first grade this year looks like I'll be really old when their both out of college!

Torry, I'm serious about being on the planning commitee for our thirtyith reunion and would like to start planning it starting in 2007.  Four years should be enough notice for those who want to attend!

I don't believe its fair for one group of people to shoulder all the responsibility and work.  

It may be early but this will be my first reunion and I want it to be the best.

T. Wilson

Laurie Perry-Gray Aug 20, 2006 10:20AM
I feel old, too, Torry!!! It doesn't seem like 25 years ago we were in high school. My son is a junior and my daughter is leaving for college in 2 weeks (boo hoo). Hard to believe. They're both really excited, though, so that makes it easier to be an old lady!

Torry Boyles-Eaton Aug 18, 2006 4:51PM
I feel OLD!  My son started 9th grade at PIHS this week!?!  He is playing his first Varsity Sport - Golf and loving every minute of his first high school experience!  Let's hope this enthusiasm keeps up for the next 4 years...

Todd Wilson Jul 29, 2006 8:40AM
Howdy Folks,

How much does it cost to rent the club house?  I think it would be a great idea to have a barbeque caterer for our thirtith reunion.  I think Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers or a band with their sound would be appropriate.  What do you think.

I'll help plan the next event and fund a portion of it.  If I'm going to have a reunion ever I can help make it happen.  I have some favors that are long over due up in that neck of the woods so if you don't mind I'll be on the next committee.  I need some notice for the next planning meeting I can set up a video conference.  Let me know.

Keep in touch.

T. Wilson

T. Wilson    

Todd Wilson Jul 26, 2006 10:33PM

The yearbook pictures were a great idea.  Must have taken some time.  I looked so young!  Thanks.

T. Wilson

Margo Ladner-Bair Jul 11, 2006 10:25PM
Anyone have any pictures from the reunion?

Denise Bouchard-Adams Jul 05, 2006 10:07AM
My husband and I had a great time at the 25th reunion.  It was really nice to see everyone again.  Thanks to those that traveled to get here, and the locals that attended.  Can't wait for the 30th!

Raymond Soucier Jul 02, 2006 10:05PM
It was nice to see those who could attend, I had a good time. Loudon is less than 2 hours from my house so Dufour has no excuse not to call.  I had alot to do and only a short time there wish I could have seen a few more of the class.  Again thanks to those who set it up and to those who showed up.

Greg Flewelling Jul 02, 2006 3:44PM
My wife and I had a great time at the reunion. Thanks to all who pulled it together, rented the club house and donated the munchies. I can't wait for the 30th!

Kim Carroll-Murchison Jun 28, 2006 1:37PM
We won't be able to make it up for the 25th. either.  I hope everyone who attends has a great time!  Please take pictures and post on here for us all.

Todd Wilson Jun 27, 2006 9:38PM
7/1/06 is out of the question.  Have fun.

Visitor Jun 27, 2006 7:41PM
Just wanted to let you classmates know that
Leigh & Kay Cote's mother Gloria passed away
on May 26, 2006.

Kenny Dufour Jun 26, 2006 9:41PM
 The 25th reunion is on Sat. 07/01/2006 at Presque Isle Snowmobile Club. Doors open at 6:00PM. I hope as many of you can make it. This is only one night event. If you have any question please call me.#207-227-8411

Torry Boyles-Eaton Jun 23, 2006 2:00PM
Reunion Meeting - Monday night 6/26/06 at Coppers 7:00.If youhave any questions please call Ken Dufour at 207-227-8411

Carma Cote-Ouellette Jun 21, 2006 11:44AM
Congratulations Cindy on the birth of Angie's baby. You must be so proud and I am sure she must be a beautiful baby girl.

Laurie Perry-Gray Jun 13, 2006 8:42AM
How many of us are planning on attending the reunion? Any idea?

Raymond Soucier Jun 05, 2006 7:33PM
Hey I forgot to ask I have two young boys 5 and 7 I am going up there but no longer have any family in the area to watch them so my wife does not want to go unless they can come with us to the function or if someone responsible could watch them for a couple hours.

Raymond Soucier Jun 05, 2006 6:48PM
Not the froe picture of me, Damn strait that is scary.  I told my wife the school lost all those.

Andy Johnson Jun 05, 2006 10:18AM
Thanks, Visitor - nice catch.  I made the change.  I'll blame it on the yearbook being wrong:)  If there are any other mistakes (and there probably are) just let me know!

Visitor Jun 04, 2006 4:27PM
Andy, under Lori Sixberry's name is actually Robin Putnam. :o)

Andy Johnson Jun 02, 2006 9:20AM
Well, I finally scanned in all of the yearbook senior pictures.  I must say, it was kind of scary at times; have you seen what we used to look like?  So now when you click on a classmate in the class list (or on this message board) you will see their senior picture.  I also made a page with all of the photos here.  I put them all on one page, so it may take a couple of minutes to load if you're on a dial-up.  You can also click on someone's picture there to get their info.

Nice going, Torry, with the reunion progress.  Keep us posted...

Torry Boyles-Eaton May 31, 2006 6:59PM
We are looking at July 1st at the Presque Isle Snowmobile Club for the 25th Reunion "Get-Together".  Mark your calenders.  It will be BYOB and BAS (Bring A Snack).

We will post the next meeing time.

Sherry Michaud-Beaulieu May 17, 2006 8:38AM
Hi everyone,
I was thrilled to hear that there is a plan for a 25th!  I would love to help you all with the planning. Let me know when and where and I'll be there.  

Greg Flewelling May 16, 2006 8:48PM
If we can do the reunion July 4th weekend, that would be perfect.

Carma Cote-Ouellette May 11, 2006 2:32PM
Condolences go out to Sandra Getchell-Pictou and Carol Getchell-Harrington on the recent passing of their father Perry.

Raymond Soucier May 06, 2006 4:54PM
I,m still planning on attending but will be away on business the weekend of the July 24 so please plan a date soon. Ken I'll call you in a few days I still plan on going up there memorial weekend to visit my mom's grave and see a few relatives, maybe we can get together rip the sleeves off our flannel shirts and pound down some cold brew and swear at the black flies....Sound fun?, you bet yah.

Torry Boyles-Eaton May 05, 2006 3:31PM
OK - let's have a planning meeting!  When & Where?

Kenny Dufour May 02, 2006 7:37PM
Torry lets get started on the reunion.I would be happy to help out.

Margo Ladner-Bair Apr 30, 2006 12:12PM
do we have a date yet?

Visitor Apr 25, 2006 10:59PM
congate to lisa brigmans son joey  a new baby boy 8lbs and 5 oz   born 933pm  april 25   2006  and my son also    gary

Torry Boyles-Eaton Mar 31, 2006 2:57PM
Reunion Survey Results so far:  We have received 52 responses.  36 Classmates say they will attend, 11 don't know yet and only 5 say they cannot attend.

So that means we had better get busy and start planning.  Most said they would like a 25th reunion to be held in July or they don't really care when this summer.  I have talked to Susan Shaw Johnston and Leah Lamoreau Girardin and they are willing to help me.  We are considering something one night at the PI Snowmobile club - very casual.  How does that sound?

Laurie Perry-Gray Mar 29, 2006 7:47AM
Any new developments as to the reunion?

Patrick Randall Mar 25, 2006 11:08PM
hey there everyone in presque isle.  Its been a ong time since i have been home i have lived in alaska, idaho, and minnesota, and am now residing in florida. I have 3 boys ages 21, 19, and 14. Their names are chris, justin and sean.  I have traveled around the world and am now in real estate. Want to know when the 25th reunion will be as I plan to attend. thanks

Raymond Soucier Mar 23, 2006 8:33PM
Thank you K Dufour for your response good to here from you  to bad the other folks don't keep in touch.  Thanks for leaving me your cell # now I can haunt you for the rest of your exsistance.  I plan on flying to PI on memorial week end if I can renew my aviation medical.  High blood pressure forced me to not renew last year.  

Carma Cote-Ouellette Mar 12, 2006 4:36PM
Dont you have an older sister as well around the same age as my sister Debbie or is that a faulty memory? Trudy looks amazing and when I seen her on the television it was like going back 30 years!!

Torry Boyles-Eaton Mar 12, 2006 3:44PM
Yes - that's Trudy! You should see her daughter (Morgan) she looks just like her!

Carma Cote-Ouellette Mar 11, 2006 7:16AM
Torry, Is that your sister Trudy I see on the Adelphia Channel down here in Southern Maine?? She hasnt changed in looks since she was a teen to me. Either that or she has a twin. LOL

Laurie Perry-Gray Mar 06, 2006 7:34AM
Andy, I, for one, appreciate your willingness to moderate and make this site an enjoyable one. Thanks to all of the moderators (and contributors).

Andy Johnson Mar 03, 2006 10:31AM
I've been hearing from people who are concerned that we "censor" this board, allowing only certain opinions.  It's true that we occasionally need to delete messages that appear to be intended to inflame some contributors/readers.  I just want to clarify that we only delete things when they are rude, offensive, mean-spirited, or inflamatory.  We do NOT delete messages just because the opinion of the poster may not match our own!  Feel free to write about any topic you want (keeping in mind the audience of this board) with any opinion you want.

Many of you don't realize that this board is subject to a huge group of "outsiders" who have nothing better to do than try to get people on here riled up and pissed off.  Deleting those messages, along with the responses, then leads to our group becoming suspicious that we censor content, which leads to more posts relating to that, and the cycle continues.

For the record, I don't get any big enjoyment out of moderating on here, and I'm sure the other moderators don't either.  But somebody's got to do it.  It really is a no-win situation.

Some of you may be interested in reading this: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/flamer.

So please post away with all of your stories, opinions, and ramblings; just don't get on here and start flames...

Torry Boyles-Eaton Feb 19, 2006 8:21PM
Oops another message - It was great to see alot of "81 classmates supporting the Wildcats!  Julie Karnes, Karen Tompkins, Leah Lamoreau... - I probably saw alot more but I was also dealing with my 14-year-old son who is preparing for his debut at PIHS!?!

Torry Boyles-Eaton Feb 19, 2006 8:10PM
I just returned from Bangor - both girls and boys Varsity Basketball Teams won and moved forward to the next round.  Congratulations to all of the '81 parents - I can only think of Susie Shaw (mother of Robb Johnston, manager of the girls team),Jerry McGlinn (father of Matt McGlinn, co-captain of the boys team) and Jennifer Desmond (mother of Logan York, player on the boys team) but I'm sure there are others that I've missed - let us know!

Margo Ladner-Bair Feb 05, 2006 5:48PM
Steeler fever you asked...Ugh! we've got sheets out windows, writings on van windows, my father in law actually has a terrible towel for his dog's colar.

Visitor Jan 31, 2006 8:41PM
It also means hello here in Northern Maine as well.

Todd Wilson Jan 28, 2006 1:36AM
Howdy Folks,

That means hello out here in Hawk Country.

Incase you were wondering Brian I think the sun come up just to hear me crow.  

I think I saw that Myrtle Beach biker thing on OC and thought it might be an interesting time If I were a biker.  Most folks around here go to Stugis, South Dakota which might actually be that much further if you ran though that Canadian way.

Margo, please tell your Dad that the reason he's stuck to the ground is that its -111 degrees F out when the wind is blowing at 70 mpg and the ambient air temperature is -52.  

I'm placeing equal bets on the Steelers and the Sea Hawks with no points.  Its a very confusing super bowl for me.

Take care all.  

Todd Wilson  

Kim Carroll-Murchison Jan 25, 2006 10:51PM

I can picture your Dad reciting that too.  He was such a great teacher.

Is it crazy in PA with Super Bowl fever?  I am rooting for the Steelers.

Brian Colton Jan 25, 2006 7:08PM
ain't it the truth, margo, ain't it the truth!

Margo Ladner-Bair Jan 25, 2006 7:02PM
My Dad passed this on to me today


It's winter in the State of Maine
 And the gentle breezes blow,
    Seventy miles an hour,
       At fifty-two below!
Oh, how I love the State of Maine
When the snow's up to your butt.
 You take a breath of winter air
  And your nose, it freezes shut.
Yes, the weather here is wonderful,
   So guess I'll hang around.
I could never leave the State of Maine...
   'Cause I'm frozen to the ground!!

Brian Colton Jan 22, 2006 10:28PM
hey fellers!

well...another typical january in aroostook county....temperatures bouncing between "@#$%&$? cold" and "jesus, i think i'll take the bike out for a burn"!
the earlier than normal snow gave the sledders a jump start but unfortunately the past 2 weeks of rain has shot that right to hell! suffice it to say....the result of this roller coaster of a weather ride is a nice thick layer of ice everywhere. i swear....i've shoveled more sand this year than snow!

the last motorcycle ride of the year i had to run solo......nobody tough enough to ride in 15 degree weather. go figure? oh well......was fun to participate in the holiday light parade but no trophy again this year, dang it! but....since february was the first ride last year......only a few weeks left and we'll be burning the pavement again!

haven't had a chance to read the postings for quite a while. has anyone heard from todd wilson?......been wondering what he's been up to? (just kiddin, buddy)

has anyone in the class been to bike week at myrtle beach, s.c.? would appreciate any thoughts i.e. is it worth the ride? etc..

does anyone know if charlie roberts is the only member of our class currently serving in the middle east? would like to know if there are others.

Todd Wilson Jan 22, 2006 1:07AM
Howdy Folks

Texas Phrases

Saying: The engine's runnin' but ain't nobody driving.
Translation: Not overly-intelligent.

Saying: Tighter than bark on a tree.
Translation: Not very generous.

Saying: Big hat, no cattle.
Translation: All talk and no action.

Saying: We've howdied but we ain't shook yet.
Translation: We've made a brief acquaintance, but not been formally introduced.

Saying: He thinks the sun come up just to hear him crow.
Translation: He has a pretty high opinion of himself.

Saying: As welcome as a skunk at a lawn party.
Translation: (self-explanatory).

Saying: S/He's got tongue enough for 10 rows of teeth.
Translation: Talks a lot.

Saying: It's so dry the trees are bribin' the dogs.
Translation: We really could use a little rain around here

Saying: Just because a chicken has wings don't mean it can fly.
Translation: Appearances can be deceptive.

Saying: This ain't my first rodeo.
Translation: I've been around awhile.

Saying: He looks like the dog's been keepin' him under the porch.
Translation: Not the most handsome of men.

Saying: They ate supper before they said grace.
Translation: Living in sin.

Saying: As full of wind as a corn-eating horse.
Translation: Rather prone to boasting.

Saying: You can put your boots in the oven, but that don't make 'em biscuits.
Translation: You can say whatever you want about something, but that doesn't change what it is.

Thought these were funny (suject to the readers opinion).

T. Wilson

Torry Boyles-Eaton Jan 20, 2006 11:02AM
The poll results are looking good!  Over 30 people have said that they would come, 10 are undecided and only 5 said that they would not be available (one of those being Charlie Roberts who is in Iraq and will be there through the summer).  Be sure to forward the survey to any fellow classmates that you have emails for and ask them to update their information on the website so that we can get info out to people.

Todd Wilson Jan 19, 2006 11:13PM
Howdy Folks,

Andy, I couldn't agree with you more and I've available to state my opppinion at any time and liable to do so without warning!

That being said, how's the pole results looking for a 25th?

Peace be with you all in 2006.

Todd Wilson

Andy Johnson Jan 13, 2006 9:29AM
For the record, Todd, I wasn't offended by your comments, and the "push your views down my throat" statement wasn't meant for you personally; more for society in general.

I actually enjoy a good debate about religion and/or politics, and have pretty strong views on both.  Of course this isn't really the forum for that...

Todd Wilson Jan 07, 2006 12:38AM

I'm well studied and have ready the koran, the bible new and old on several occasions), the book of Mormon (what was I thinkin), and I understand that we all come from Abraham.  

I also have studied Shintoism and Buddism and have visted Shrines and Temples and have participated in their ritualisms.

I don't mind having a strong oppinion because to me it shows character and backbone which is getting to be a rare quality.  So I respect oppinions and always try to understand first.

It may not be apparent but I'm the luckiest man alive and this is the best day of my life cause I can be me.

Todd Wilson Jan 07, 2006 12:17AM
Howdy Folks,

I forgot to use my standard anti-inflamitory disclaimer stating that the views and oppinions presented aren't necessarily the one's that matter!  

I also forgot to mention there's only two types of music.  Country and Western!

Sorry to address that oppinion to you Andy it was all in good fun (at least in my oppinion) and not ment to drive anything down anyones throat which seems all to easy to do these days.  

No more lectures though cause I have rights.


Todd Wilson

Andy Johnson Jan 05, 2006 12:18PM
Note, by the way, that the proper address for this class website is www.pihs81.com (it should at least start with that), so make sure any bookmarks are set right.

Andy Johnson Jan 05, 2006 12:12PM
Gees Todd.  That's a pretty strong opinion (there's a surprise).  You might be over-sharing a little.  If you had said "Allah" instead of "Jesus Christ" in your post you'd probably be on a government watch list by now.  I guess you skipped the "Tolerance" class in high school:)  I'm more of the opinion that if you feel Jesus is your saviour, fine.  If you worship Buddha, fine.  Do whatever you want.  Just don't push your views down my throat.

Jeff - good idea.  Check out the Class List on this site now.  I added a couple of columns:  one indicates if we have an email address for a classmate (the address might not be correct, but it doesn't bounce).  Another column indicates if they've responded to the survey.  Look for the "e" and "r" on the left.  Right now we've got 252 classmates, 92 email addresses, and 24 responses (something like that anyway).  By the way, most of the response so far indicate that people would attend a 25th reunion.

Todd Wilson Jan 04, 2006 10:52PM
Howdy Folks,

Survived another Holiday Season.  Hope you all had a "Happy Christmas".

I don't know whats happening in your community but there's a continuous debate here as to whether we can call Christmas Christmas because of it's religious conitation and the fact that it may be offensive to some folks?

All I can say to that is if you dont't like Jesus Christ you can go to hell noting that I'm not even a very religious person.

I just wonder if this isn't another ploy by some gay rights advocate to water down society enough so that we except a little more of their spoonfed bullshit into our lives.

So there you have it Andy an oppinion.  However, as for the reunion, I'd love to attend as long as I haven't offened anyone to severely.

Todd Wilson

Jeff Hallett Jan 04, 2006 10:42PM
Hey Andy if you could post a list here of the peoples email addresses that bounced it would be of great help to find those people.

Jeff Hallett Jan 04, 2006 10:40PM
I hope everyone had a great new years. I know I did celebrating it with friends. I just got the survey for the 25th reunion. I actually had a great time a the 20th and will definitely come to the 25th.

Andy Johnson Jan 04, 2006 4:06PM
Okay everyone - we're doing a survey about having the 25th reunion this summer.  You should have received an email telling you the website to go to so you can answer a couple of questions about it (whether you'd come, when it should be, things like that).  If you didn't receive the email just send me a note (pi81@summitsolutions.net) and I'll give you the address.  We need your input - PLEASE PROVIDE YOUR OPINION.  And make sure our other classmates know as well (a lot of the email addresses here on the site bounce).  


Margo Ladner-Bair Dec 27, 2005 11:21PM
Wow! PI got hit with alot of snow Dad said 31" I do miss the snow. If we got that here in Pa we be burried for days.

Charles Roberts Dec 25, 2005 5:40AM
Merry Christmas to all from Iraq

Visitor Dec 17, 2005 5:45AM
When is the next reunion?

Kerry Gettig-Pepper Dec 12, 2005 3:20PM
Allison I can't believe you live in Minot. My sons race dirt bikes and we are in Minot about 2 weeks every month for 5 months. I also ran into an old class mate at a race Ervin Perkins, his son also races.

Visitor Dec 11, 2005 10:13PM
Hello to the class of 1981!
This is Shauna Neece.   As far you know, Sherri Neece (Johnston) is already become grammie to my daugther, Rachel who is 2 yr old!.  She is so far excting to be a grandma.  And Jessica, my oldest sister, is getting married in the fall of 2006.   My mom is getting old and loving to see her 3 girls having baby, get married, college, etc.  What a fast year for her to look back in High School!  Why dont you guys send my mom a message which it would make her happy.  Hope you have a very wonderful merriful of christmas! Smile!  *shauna*

Laurie Perry-Gray Dec 06, 2005 10:01PM
It's hard to believe the holidays have come so quickly! Hope everyone enjoys them!

Margo Ladner-Bair Dec 01, 2005 7:26PM
It was nice to be up in P.I. for Thanksgiving we made a really quick stop. Like a 16hr drive is quick!
It was cold & windy but the snow Thanksgiving day was beautiful. I took a great picture of some pines with snow for my christmas cards this year.
I saw Janet Lamoreau-Cyr and her twins at the "mall" (they are so cute). I hadn't been home for Thanksgiving in 20 years!  

Margo Ladner-Bair Dec 01, 2005 7:18PM

Todd Wilson Nov 24, 2005 5:22PM
Howdy Folks,

Hope all are having a great Thanksgiving and that your sharing it with family and friends.

Moving around the country has its benefits but it sure does curtail having close friends and family to enjoy the holidays.  My wife and I have family in the Portland area and ususally have them over but everyone is 4 hours away.

Usually I enjoy cooking and entertaining during the holidays but this year I find I'm somewhat less encouraged to cook for my wife and the boys.  The boys don't like to eat what I do and my wife would just as soon eat at a restaurant which is not something I even think about.

I'm thinking I would like to take them all back home for the holidays just so I can have some of the more traditional holiday happenings I grew up with.  Nobody prepares you for being from New England in a foreign land.  I am however still thankfull for my family here and will preservere I just wish the boys would eat potatoes?  

On the other hand the boys eating less means there's more for me which would be a subject for another conversation regarding the size of my jeans currently.

Have a great Thankgiving.  

T. Wilson

Kim Carroll-Murchison Nov 23, 2005 3:18PM
I wish everyone a safe and Happy Thanksgiving Holiday.

Visitor Oct 24, 2005 8:26AM
congrates to lisa on her   wedding   day   good luck  

Carma Cote-Ouellette Oct 13, 2005 7:22PM
Condolences to the family of Tela Hart. She didnt graduate when we did I dont think but she did attend school with alot of us.

Visitor Oct 06, 2005 8:59PM
married  what for

Carma Cote-Ouellette Oct 05, 2005 5:31PM
Congratulations to Lisa Brigman on her upcoming wedding!!

Andy Johnson Sep 20, 2005 7:37AM
It was a few years ago that we discussed a 25th reunion (that's when I put the countdown on the site) - I wonder if it's still in the plans.  Torry had suggested I put a survey on the site to see how much interest there is.  I guess I'd better do it soon.  Stay tuned...

Todd Wilson Sep 16, 2005 11:25PM
Howdy Folks,

I think I would like to attend at least one in my life time and it would be about the right time to visit back home......

Kim Carroll-Murchison Sep 16, 2005 1:21PM
Hi all,

Laurie, I know, 25 years doesn't seem possible.  Heck, having a kid in high school doesn't seem possible either, but it's true.  The 25th reunion sounds like fun.  I hope lot's make it, I plan to.  How about you?

Laurie Perry-Gray Sep 15, 2005 8:12AM
I can't believe the reunion is so close! Is everyone going?

Visitor Sep 09, 2005 8:06PM
Does anyone know if Ivan made it through that hurricane okay?  There were a lot of homes destroyed.  Anyone heart from him?

Carma Cote-Ouellette Sep 09, 2005 6:42PM
Is that all? :-p...Both of the kids have grown so much since I seen you all last! How are things going in Georgia? Things are going well for Dan and I. We bought a house out in Hollis not too far from the Poland Spring plant which is where Dan hauls out of. Old Orchard Beach was just too busy of a place to live. Keep in touch!

Nancy Shaw-Holley Sep 09, 2005 5:36PM
lol Carma...shame on you!  she is only 13!!!

Carma Cote-Ouellette Sep 09, 2005 12:54PM
I know how you feel Nancy RE: feeling older. The little girl who was our flower girl at my wedding is now a grown woman, out of college, married and with child. By the looks of your beautiful children, it wont be long before you daughter gets married..I know,I know...Shhhhh  :o)

Nancy Shaw-Holley Sep 08, 2005 5:12PM
I looked up Skyway's web page hoping to see new pictures, but only a drawing. But talk about feeling older...not one teacher is still there from way back when!

Mike Patenaude Sep 07, 2005 8:16PM
hi nancy,yes they add alot about 6million worth(yea taxes) put in a auditoruim and all looks great thou also a new athletic complex,mikeP.S. gas down to 3.19

Nancy Shaw-Holley Sep 07, 2005 4:57PM
Did they expand Skyway? or is there a whole new school somewhere?

Jeff Mahaney Sep 07, 2005 1:22PM
Just looking to see what was new and was pleased to see the memorial for Kimberly Dee Sherwood. I remember the day she had that photo taken, it was her Senior picture taken the summer before our Junior and Senior year. Jeff Cooper was the photographer. Kimberly had a pure heart and I pray her daughter was old enough when she passed to remember what a lovely person her mother was.

Visitor Sep 06, 2005 8:21PM
Hey Mike , look back in this email Aug,21st gas was 2.69 to 2.89 good old days.  haha

Mike Patenaude Sep 06, 2005 6:13PM
Hi all,Gas prices are at 3.39 reg to 3.59 super as a offical and umpire i have been all over the country and the prices are about the same. the lowest prices are in oakfield 15 miles out of houlton about 15 cents cheaper per gallon.Well off to see the new skyway middle school seeing cunningham is now closed my oldest is start 6th grade there thursday,nite all,mike

Visitor Sep 06, 2005 3:21PM
Your right Todd, we all have rights to form our opnions....and I told Patsy mine. There was no animosity there, just stating a fact. I dont need to leave my name, its totally irrelevant as to what the "Subject" was. Have a great day and God Bless all those affected by the Hurricane.

Todd Wilson Sep 06, 2005 12:02AM
Howdy Folks,

We just moved up to a little town around Seattle and moving ourselves for the first time was hard work but we've arrived.

Over the years and throughout my travels in this country I heard many places called many things not all of the good not all of them bad.  I've always considered my personal experience in a place to be more relevent then just a name because names are subjective and dependent on the namer's point of view.  

However, I also believe in our right to form oppinions and voice them so Patsy I liked reading your thoughts and please be sure to share more.

Visitor, I don't understand why you seemed to take issue with Patsy but please be more specific.  For example how about using your name and how about using your own writing to let us know about your personal experiences to help us understand.

Thats all I've got to say about that.  I hope those folks on the gulf coast get the relief they need.  Its ugly watching CNN slowly get the story out.  How did Florida fare?


T. Wilson  

Torry Boyles-Eaton Sep 02, 2005 2:56PM
I wonder how many of our classmates have been affected by KATRINA?  Let us know if there is anything we can do!

Visitor Sep 01, 2005 9:32PM
Howdy Folks & Visitor,

I suppose you have to live somewhere.

Visitor Aug 31, 2005 8:08AM
Patsy....some of those who live in florida dont agree with you at all...seeing that it is THEIR home and all..Thanks

Visitor Aug 29, 2005 4:39PM
I see someone put a photo of Kim Sherwood on here, Kim was a very nice girl,not a bad word about anyone,just oneof those people that you could talk to and it would come from the heart will always remember her

Patsy Dunton Aug 23, 2005 9:52PM
I spent a week in Ruskin, Florida visiting my cousing Cathy Crory ('79) last April.  Although I had a good time and enjoyed Cathy's generous hopsitatlity, I was quite happy to escape.  
While there, I saw an interview with author Carl Hiassen who theorizes that Florida is the cess pool of America due in a large part to its shape and location.  It is shaped like a handle so you can tip the rest of the country up and let all the sludge run directly down to Florida.  After all, where else in the world would a guy be elected to hold public office AFTER  he has been convicted of assorted crimes and is serving a term in prison longer than his elected term?  (true story)  Just read Paradise Screwed.

Glad to be living in Maine.

Visitor Aug 21, 2005 7:57PM
Price of gas in PI is from 2.69 low grade to 2.89 high grade.

Todd Wilson Aug 20, 2005 5:20PM
Howdy Folks,

Florida didn't work out.  I have to say it was one of the nuttiest places I've been in this country and I'm sure glad that I'm back out west!  

I was away from my family off and on for 3.5 months and I have to say I didn't like that much either.  

Learned some things on my way through and discovered some truths about where I'm at in life....what I believe is a rare event when you have so little time to think about things.  Being away from all that I was used too and my family gave me some time to look at my life from a different perspective.  It made me realize just how much was at stake with making the wrong career decisions and how it could affect the course my family is on.

I have to say I never realized just how used to being out west I've become and just how much I liked it comparatively.  Its not fair to compair the two coasts because they are different and varied in the lifestyles they present.

Some casual observations were:

I felt like during most business transactions I was likely at risk of being short changed or ripped off in some manner.  This occured everywhere from purchasing a meal to contracting with suppliers and suncontractors.

I can tell you that I thought it was funny how much people there would wave their hands around and jesticulate while they were driving like I could've understood and actually cared what they were jetsiculating about.

I can honestly say that New York people were the worst of the worst.  If they weren't trying to close a donald trump single family housing realestate deal like I was buying a 100 acres of water front in Miami to build a casino on.....they were trying to drive over the very people I had working for me to get to the next stop light.

Its pathetic but people from New York can never leave New York behind they just take it with them where ever they go and poison the earth with their BS.

So things being as they were there for me I knew I didn't want to raise a family where they would be unduly influenced by a lifestyle that included the hustle and bustle of the east coast, poor schools, a crazy housing market, hurricanes, sticky hot weather, crazy drivers, and poor work ethic/habits.

Other than that I'm sure its probably a nice place to visit during the right time of year for everyone else besides me in the country but me.

I apologize to those that may consider SE Florida a nice place but just live there for a while before you take issue with me.

I know I can be a bit oppinionated but what the hell was I thinking?


Raymond Soucier Aug 19, 2005 6:37PM
How is the price of fuel and gasoline these days in Maine? here in MA $2.32 and $2.71 is there any sign of relief I commute over an hour one way to work.

Visitor Aug 14, 2005 9:31PM
Fair Info..  The same, But a little smaller

Visitor Aug 03, 2005 4:32PM
Has anyone been to the fair, Iso how is it these days?It would be nice if someone one could post some photos now and then.

Visitor Jul 10, 2005 7:47AM
25 years older and still feel 25 years younger   still full of it

Laurie Perry-Gray Jul 05, 2005 9:05AM
Just curious.....how many of us feel 25 years older? But more importantly, how many of us feel 25 years more mature? Those are entirely different matters, aren't they?!?!

Visitor Jul 03, 2005 7:54AM
happy 4th    and 25th  means your getting old

Lisa Brigman-Clark Jun 28, 2005 4:55PM
any thoughts or plans for our 25th reunion?

Judy Cancelarich-Baguley Jun 15, 2005 2:57PM
Hey Everyone, thought some of you might want to help this family out. Take care.

Home trashed while owners on vacation
Wednesday, June 15, 2005 - Bangor Daily News

Damage reported in excess of $10,000 at Eastport house

EASTPORT - They were in Florida last week to attend a family member's wedding. It was their first vacation ever and Alvah "Junior" Seeley and his wife, Sandra Seeley, were excited. But just one day before the wedding, their delight turned to dejection. While they were away, someone had broken into and vandalized their home.
"My son got married in Florida and he wanted all of us there so he paid for all of us to go down and spend the whole week," Sandra Seeley said Tuesday. "I didn't realize until someone told me [Monday] night when my house was trashed [last] Tuesday, it was actually trashed on my birthday."
The Eastport police called them in Florida on Thursday and broke the bad news. The word "trashed" doesn't even begin to paint a picture of what took place inside."Massive destruction," is how Officer Chris Gardner described the scene Tuesday. "Everything from antique china, television, furniture, major appliances, everything had been either overturned or damaged in some way," he said.Police estimate damage at more than $10,000, but admitted that figure was climbing.
"We've lost a lot," Sandra Seeley said quietly.
Two juvenile males have been questioned as part of the investigation into the incident, according to police. No one has been charged.
Friends and co-workers of the Seeleys have started a fund to help them out. He works as a longshoreman and digs clams. She is a waitress at a local restaurant. She said they have five children. Two, ages 15 and 16, are still at home. "My other three are grown up and out on their own," she said. The Seeleys were not insured. "All I know is the fact that this damage doesn't appear to be covered by any insurance," Gardner said. "It's indicative of the fact that it's expensive and people have to choose what to go with and what to go without."
The Seeleys had left for Florida the day before someone broke into their house.
A few days later a friend discovered something was amiss at the two-story house on Adam Street behind the high school and called police.
Within hours, police were talking to two 15-year-old males. They declined to elaborate on the investigation.
Chief Matt Vinson said it appeared the vandals had been drinking.
Sandra Seeley's boss, Dotti Perkins, who owns La Sardina Loca Restaurant, shook her head as she recalled what the inside of the house looked like. She said police had asked her to accompany them to check on some of the contents. "They [the vandals] didn't miss anything. Every single thing in that house was turned over and destroyed," she said. "I guess they missed one shelf on the wall because it was behind a door. They even ripped shelves off a wall. Her son's computer got ruined, TVs. They've worked hard their whole lives. Junior clams to support his kids because there's not many ships coming here very often anymore," she said. "It's really frigging hard to make a living here in Eastport. Sandra's always worked."
The refrigerator and freezer doors were left open and food was ruined. Perkins said area churches had stepped forward with food packages.
Not only was the house trashed, but the vandals threw up on the furniture and rugs. "My rugs are trashed, they vomited everywhere," Sandra Seeley said. "They ruined all my blankets. We had to throw my couch out because you can't get the smell out of it." She said they plugged up the toilet with paper and then "did their job all over the top of the rest of it. I mean it was nasty. "A neighbor took a video of the damage. Sandra Seeley said the video made her cry.
First Assistant District Attorney Paul Cavanaugh said although he could not speak to the specifics of this case, he said it would be up to the court to decide if the boys, if they are charged, should be bound over and tried as adults. He said the judge would make that determination based on several factors, including the seriousness of the crime, any prior criminal history and public safety.
This is not the first time that vandals destroyed a house in Eastport.
In 1995, five boys trashed the summer home of a retired doctor. In that case, the insurance company paid out more than $97,000 for the loss.
City Manager George "Bud" Finch described this latest act of vandalism as a random act. He said Eastport is the kind of community that would help its neighbors. And Perkins is trying to make that happen. She has begun to raise money for the couple.She hopes businesses from Bangor to Calais will help, as well as eastern Maine residents. She said no donation was too small. "It doesn't need to be a lot of money. Five dollars because you take ten $5 donations and that's $50," she said.
Checks or gift cards from area stores such as Wal-Mart or Marden's also would help. Donations in care of the Seeleys can be sent to: La Sardina Loca, 32 Water St., Eastport 04631.

Todd Wilson Jun 12, 2005 5:42PM
The Fall sun shown brilliantly.

I stood there alone trying to deny my tears.

A nice breeze blew up the hill I could smell the harvest dust in it.

My family all around.

My Old friends hurt and anger by my side.

Beautiful flowers all around.

A neighbor intruded clumsily.

There would be a frost that night.

Your home was the deep metalic green color you liked.

Two rocks placed with a sharp click.

I stayed.

They did a good job.

The sun began to set.

I won't forget.

That was my goodbye.

Visitor May 30, 2005 7:56PM
Ivan has an email address, email him and ask him how he is doing.

Visitor May 28, 2005 4:03PM
Anyone heard about Ivan's new addition, Emily?  How's he doing these days?

Arlene Libold May 19, 2005 2:43PM
Hi Everyone....I must admit it is very nice to be able to read everyones letters....
Rosemary....yes I do remember the babysitting at the Bunnells...and everything else that went along with it....back then I thought it was great to be earning a dollar an hour and be able to have the fun that we had at the same time....I must admit, I certainly look at babysitters for my children with much more open eyes...lol.  Rose...we need to get together...Waterville and Farmington are not far from each other...and with summer coming....sounds like a plan...and congrats ont eh camp...I remember our families getting together at the camp your parents rented every year.  Say hi to everyone...chat soon

Raymond Soucier May 14, 2005 9:29PM
Well I hope some of the folks I went to school with will look at my photo and see my wonderful family.  Life from the small community of PI has been good for me, but I still think about my hometown and I miss the folks up there (but not the blackflies).  Most of my family has left that area also, my mom passed away about 10 years ago and never needed to go back.  I want to say thanks for this wonderful web sight hopefully it will stay running for a long time and I can get a little news now and then.  Bye for now!

David Pendexter May 11, 2005 11:20AM
Hello all! well I'm home sidelined with a Rotator Cuff Tear and did a google search, and look what I found,this site! I think this is great, a place to catch up with old friends and see what's happening. I haven't been up to the County for a while, I think the last time was in 92, after retiring Early from the Navy. we're hoping to get up there this summer, My son wants to see where dad grew up *L*. hope he won't be disappointed! but the timing on that depends on when the Docs want to cut the shoulder open.
It's been a few years and a lot of miles from PIHS 81 to now but I'm looking forward to catching up. Anyone who wants to say hello, my e-mail addy is on my profile!

Rosemary Cyr May 06, 2005 1:16PM
Hi Laurie, it's on the West Shore, right beside my folks. I remember Dad taking us over by boat to Art Perry's camp on Oak Point-  more camps there now but it's still beautiful. Portage is a special place...

Laurie Perry-Gray May 06, 2005 11:12AM
Hey, Rosemary....where's the camp you bought? God, I loved going to Portage. What a great lake. It's fun to hear about everybody's lives on this site. I dare say we've grown up....

Rosemary Cyr May 06, 2005 11:09AM
oops I'm awake.
Hey Mary must be busy chasing her toddler. She does live by Day's market, Kerry. I am in the Belgrade area visiting them alot- I live in around Farmington area so just a hop, skip and a jump. Hey Ally- call me! Arlene do you remember all the babysitting times at the Bunnell's?? listening to Pink Floyd albums... SO Todd I just got back from Ft Lauderdale area- it's nice if you can deal with the traffic (I am such a Mainer!)my husbands sister lives in Coral Springs. nice beach! and shops. and bars. and restaraunts.But I get to go to Dean's hotel alot this summer- we bought a camp on Portage. congrats to Lisa and her daughter. there- this is what happens when you forget to check this site more! long posts!

Rosemary Cyr May 06, 2005 11:03AM

Arlene Libold May 04, 2005 3:35PM
Mary Cyr....I see you live in Rome...I live in Waterville, and it happens that I do have a daughter that babysits.....would love to catch up sometime....funny I was just thinking of all of us the other day....amazing how time flies...

Visitor Apr 24, 2005 2:29AM
sorry wrong time lol

Visitor Apr 24, 2005 2:28AM
thx lisa i got all of them  later gary  

Carma Cote-Ouellette Apr 19, 2005 7:18PM
Congratulations Gram Lisa! Please hurry with the pictures!! I am spending the week in Bangor next week, staying with Denise. She just mentioned yesterday that you must be due back on Georgia so I am assuming you are home now. Hope to hear from you soon!

Lisa Brigman-Clark Apr 19, 2005 12:31PM
correction to the visitor: missy's baby was born 9:06 pm on 3\31\05 weighs 6lbs 11oz. her name is mckenna sophia valenza. as soon as i get pics developed i'll post them.
gary if you give me your e-mail i'll send them to you.

Kerry Gettig-Pepper Apr 12, 2005 11:06PM
Mary my daughter is away at college right now finishing her first year, hard to believe actually we will be going down to visit her tomorrow she plays softball for the college she attends. I've got a couple wild kids myself 14 & 16 boys they love their snowmobiles and dirt bikes. Actually we have a few friends who live in Rome on the Watson Pond Road and in a Development off that road but the name isn't coming to me. I miss the county where thinking of buying some land up there for a camp its such a nice place to get away. You must live right past Days Store? Or in that area? We live on the lower end towards Augusta.

Mary Cyr Apr 05, 2005 10:34PM
wow- too funny! I just discovered this site a few weeks ago(great job, btw!) and there is a post to ME! I had to go back and catch up on everything (yeah, including Rose's opinion about my wild kids! snicker snicker they Do give her a run for her money and sometimes i think she needs it!) Kerry, we've been here about a year and a half- I do love the area and people, technically we live in Rome but we're just above the bridge in the village. I miss the County but not the loooooong winters. So give me a yell sometime if you're in the area! I must say my life is probably MUCH different from most people our age - I'm still chasing after a toddler but he is a blast! btw, does your daughter babysit? :)

Kerry Gettig-Pepper Apr 02, 2005 6:51PM
Mary where do you live in Belgrade? Thats so funny because i thought i saw either you or Rosemary a while ago but wasn't sure. I also live in Belgrade hope you like the area. Hope everyones doing fine. The PI basketball teams did a really good job this year, good luck in the future. Its so hard to believe that we can have kids old enough to be playing HS ball, but my oldest is almost done her freshman year of college at Merrimack College so I guess we are old enough Hope everyone survives mud season.

Visitor Apr 01, 2005 1:09PM
o ya and my daugher   congrates to missy  ur dad

Visitor Apr 01, 2005 1:08PM
for all of u to know lisa brigman daughter missy had a baby girl   3/31/05  at 1030 pm   6lbs 11 ozs  

Todd Wilson Mar 25, 2005 3:24AM
Howdy Folks,

Well looks like I'm heading back east.  My new job will be in the Fort Lauderdale, Florida area.

Can't wait for the sticky humid weather and hurricane season!  Don't know much about Florida but expect I'll be learning a lot begining next month.

I'm a little nervous about the move but think that in the long run it will be a good one for my family.  The way I figure it is that all those folks who retire to Florida can't all be wrong.

Take care All.

T. Wilson

Carma Cote-Ouellette Mar 23, 2005 9:29PM
Lisa...I bet your getting anxious to see the new grandbaby...How long do you plan on being there after she has the baby? Please do call when she has it...Denise and I was just wondering about you the other day because we havent heard from you since you left Maine...Until the baby........

Lisa Brigman-Clark Mar 21, 2005 1:50PM
hey carma...
going to vegas on saturday. missy will be having her baby on the 1st of april. call ya when she arrives

Todd Wilson Mar 03, 2005 6:38PM
I apologize for mis-spelling your name....my sisters name is spelled that way.

Todd Wilson Mar 03, 2005 6:35PM

Regarding how things seem to shrink when you get older......I only wish my wasteline and weight would follow that same observation!


Allison Fowles Mar 01, 2005 8:11PM
interesting idea torry, i wonder...rather a sad game since it was kyle's last one...i really enjoyed going to them...

we got quite a bit MORE snow...rather sick of it at this point...looking at a trip to the caribbean with a few friends at the end of this month...just need some SUN!!

Torry Boyles-Eaton Feb 27, 2005 7:24PM
I watched the game (on TV) - Kyle played a great game!  I wonder if he still played for PIHS if we could have beaten Camden!?!

Allison Fowles Feb 27, 2005 2:52PM
went to my nephew, kyle's, last basketball game in bangor yesterday...they lost against camden...the refs sucked but camden played a strong game...it's strange how the auditorium looks so much smaller now then when i was in high school...sort of like life i suppose---it's all so magnified when we're young then shrinks to a realistic size as we get older...go figure :-)

Torry Boyles-Eaton Feb 21, 2005 7:30PM
A bunch of PIHS fans went to watch Allison's nephew, Kyle Rideout, play (he used to play for us)!  We got into town too late and I still have a "little" one that needed to go to bed!?! Sorry to not mention the girls - it's still a very sore subject! I don't think that any of us had a daughter playing but Paula Deschesne McHugh's niece, Natasha, played her heart out!

Mark Lavway Feb 21, 2005 5:07PM
Hi all the girls did lose but what a game the boys play camden hills on wed at 8;30 in bangor go GO WILDCATS

Kim Carroll-Murchison Feb 21, 2005 11:33AM
I take it the girls lost, but when do the boys play again? Is it snowing in Aroostook?  Looks like  we are going to get 6 to  10 inches here in Southern Maine.  Allison, I agree, great time in our lives and we do all look great.

Visitor Feb 21, 2005 11:18AM
Great Job to the boys varsity team, but remember there is a girls team as well. Even though they were out coached
the girls did a great job to get back in the game, and should be congradulated as well.

Allison Fowles Feb 20, 2005 9:45PM
not my child torry, but my nephew, kyle rideout, played for presque isle and recently moved to dover foxcroft...went to the game between pi and dover a few weeks ago and it was weird to be cheering for a team other than pi...it was an awesome game...dover won by a couple of points but it was tight the whole game...saw sherry there---don't think i've seen you since school sherry but you look great! saw jerry at that game too...you looked great too jerry!  i think we're all aging really well...i've decided that i really love this time in my life :-)

Torry Boyles-Eaton Feb 20, 2005 7:41PM
We just returned from Bangor. PIHS Boys had a great game Saturday at the B-Ball Tournament.  Jerry McGlinn's son Matt had a great game.  Sherry Michaud Beaulieu and Mark Lavway's son Chad helped with the win in a big way.  Jennifer Desmond York's son Logan is also on the team. Forgive me if any other classmate has a child on the team and I didn't recognize them!?!  June (Judkins) Gallant and I had a good time remembering trips to tournament when we were in High School.

Visitor Feb 20, 2005 4:54PM
Has the snow fallen there yet?

Visitor Feb 10, 2005 10:43AM
I object! I did not (NOT) eat crayons in elementary school. That's the kind of thing that can get around and destroy an adult reputation, you know.

Jeff Hallett Feb 10, 2005 1:05AM
Lisa really sorry to hear about Steve. Best wishes to you and your family.

Jeff Hallett Feb 10, 2005 12:54AM
just a note to Laura Helfrich if she stops by the website again. I have thought about you often over the years and wondered how you were doing. Drop me an email sometime if you get a chance.

Jeff Hallett

Mark Lavway Feb 08, 2005 7:51PM
Hi all i seem to recall laura from cunningham but that seems like foreverago

Todd Wilson Feb 08, 2005 11:39AM
Howdy Folks,

Laura Helfrich!  I remember Laura from Traning School.  I don't suppose you now have kids that eat crayons?  Just joking Laura.  Laurie Perry-Gray Laura and your post brought back a lot of memories I have not thought of since I was in grade school.  It made my day.

So tell us Laura, whats happened in your life and how's your family?

Todd Wilson

Laurie Perry-Gray Feb 07, 2005 8:56PM
Laura Helfrich!!!! I can't believe it....I was thinking about you last week.! Honestly, I was telling my kids, yet again, stories about growing up on Third Street and building snow caves in the back yard. And you were in the story, naturally! God, that takes me back. Drop me a note sometime...i'd love to catch up! Laurie

Judy Cancelarich-Baguley Feb 07, 2005 7:08PM
Hi Mo (Maureen), just wanted to send more love and prayers to you for support on the death of your dad. I was remembering all those rabbits, what a sight that was to a kid. Remember I'm always there for you.

Visitor Feb 07, 2005 11:24AM
Hi. It's Laura Helfrich. I started out with the class of 1981. I was just browsing 'round the web, looking for information on Dorothy Dingwall (don't ask why) and found this site. I went through Training School and Cunningham with lots of you, and went to PIHS for my first year, but then I went away to school. We moved away from PI the year before you all graduated.

Just wanted to say "hi," especially to Laurie Perry, who was my very first best friend (long before either of us was allowed to cross Third Street on our own)!

Andy Johnson Feb 01, 2005 9:06AM
Condolences to Maureen (Boyle) Patrick and family.  Their father, John, passed away about a week ago.  They were our neighbors many years ago, and I have a lot of fond memories of those days.  Sorry for the loss...

Carma Cote-Ouellette Jan 29, 2005 9:26PM
Glad to see you made it home okay Lisa. Is your mom going to stay in New Hampshire for awhile? Steve was one heck of a guy and I cant imagine anyone who ever met him didnt walk away with a smile or smirk on their face. Take care Lisa and let me know when Missy gets close to her due date. We got 23 inches of snow here in Hollis last Saturday....It sure would look better on your front lawn there in Georgia....LOL

Visitor Jan 29, 2005 3:02PM
it was no problem he was a   family member to me  take care  

Lisa Brigman-Clark Jan 28, 2005 4:44PM
thank u all for your prayers. my brother was a diabetic for 37 years. he died peacefully in his sleep.
special note for the "visitor" thank u for coming to the service it meant alot to me to have u there.

Visitor Jan 23, 2005 6:35PM
Howdy Folks,

Thought I'd write in and speak to some thoughts I've been developing over my past 42 years, please bare with me.  

First though I'd like to give Lisa and her family my families condolences.  I hope he lived well.

Secondly, I used to have a bit of a crush on Mrs. Piper, I guess I thought she was pretty cool.  I'm glad to hear she's  still vital, and thriving.

Last year I wrote down a list of thoughts to try and collect myself for pending changes and, at my own risk, I thought I'd share them with my peers.

FIRST are my goals =

Good Health.  Got some troublesome structural problems that I need to deal with.  Learn how to manage stress.

New project - new job maybe new career.

Buy replacement vehicle for my aged Dodge Dakota.

Buy new House - near future.  Getting tired of renting need a great place for the family.

Maintain finiacial stability - Develope, save, work at it, and plan for the future.

Retire at age 60.  

Put Boys through college.

I've always been very concerned that I did not finish my education and I want to keep this as a goal, but I've recently realized for myself - whatever made me think that my education would ever be finished?

SECOND are character points I either want to maintain or develope:

Be honest and develope integrity in all that you do.  Give an honest days work for an honest days pay.

Don't take things out of your control personally because they are what they are.  However, beware of people who tell you not to take it personally because your about to be screwed.

Don't accept less than what you've earned from your past.  You'll only learn to accept less.

Develope winning strategies for making winning decisions.

If its important to you then don't take no for an answer.

Poor treatment will grow and fester, don't accept it.  Nip it in the bud.  Do whatever it takes.

Love your parents.  

Learn to have faith that things will be alright.

Have a hobby.

Don't allow yourself to get bullied.  Sooner or later your gonna have to face them anyhow.  Do it on your terms.

Treat others as you wish to be treated.

Develope patients with the people who are closest to you.  With all others develope a plan to limit their impact on your life.  Follow through.

Don't be too hard on yourself.  Its your supposed failures that will make your future as much as your supposed successes.  Treat them the same.

Respect yourself first.

Change can be good learn to embrace it.

Hope all is as well as it can be with everyone.

Take care.

Todd Wilson

Patsy Dunton Jan 20, 2005 9:40PM
Does anyone remember Mrs. Piper?  I was running a workshop recently at Westbrook High School and she was there!  She's been there for three years.  I believe her hair style (and color) is still the same.  She hasn't changed at all.  She must have been much, MUCH younger than I remembered because she looks my age now.  
Maybe I was younger than I remembered?
With so many of our former teachers passing, it's nice to see one still so eager and vital.  

Visitor Jan 18, 2005 10:29PM
for all of u to know lisa brigman lost her brother steve last nite prayer to her family

Laurie Perry-Gray Jan 09, 2005 10:28AM
our thoughts and prayers to Johna and family

Cheryl Roix-DeMerchant Jan 06, 2005 10:14AM
Condolences to Johna & Family..everyone say a prayer for them.

Torry Boyles-Eaton Jan 03, 2005 10:04AM
HAPPY 2005!

Rosemary Cyr Dec 27, 2004 2:13PM
Thanks, Laurie- I will give them a hello from you tonight when I call. We had such a short visit to PI- and it was hard to leave! brrr it was a little colder though...

Laurie Perry-Gray Dec 22, 2004 5:32PM
oh my god....give YOUR parents my best. duh

Laurie Perry-Gray Dec 22, 2004 11:51AM
Losing anyone is hard, but especially your parents. Happy Holidays, all! Rosemary, would you give my parents my best and wish them a Merry Christmas? My parents loved them both!

Rosemary Cyr Dec 21, 2004 4:41PM
Sorry to sound so insensitive in my last post- my condolences to all of you who have lost parents- words don't quite do it, do they?

Rosemary Cyr Dec 21, 2004 4:31PM
Merry Christmas, Todd, (and all) your post came to me as an email which got me interested in checking out this great website again. I am still in the Farmington area and twin Mary and her family are now in the Belgrade area- so that's cool- a bit closer. We head to PI in a couple days for a hectic, fun but short Xmas celebration- I can't wait! it's always good to go back :-) and we will be doing that alot more since we just bought a camp on Portage Lake! wahoo life is good! hope everyone is doing great too- Allison - let's meet in 2005 at Mary's for cocktails- her kids are wild~ don't tell her I said that! but they sure are cute.........

Mike Patenaude Dec 21, 2004 4:28PM
I remember sam some a little diffent but a good guy if you got to know him.Thank you todd for the email about everything going on and i agree losing someone you love is hard as i lost mom and dad both this year.Well i hope you all have a great christmas and god bless you all,mike

Todd Wilson Dec 21, 2004 12:57PM
Howdy Folks,

I admire your resolve Margo.  I can't imagine losing a parent as a child because frankly its hard enough losing a parent as an adult.

I remember the many of hoodilums cause I had to grow up with them too and believe me they know who they were.  Hopefully they grew out of it.

In any case Merry Christmas all especially the hoodilums cause I gotta believe God love a hoodilum.


Margo Ladner-Bair Dec 17, 2004 11:00PM
I was in Mr. Steven's class in fifth grade with him at Pine Street. And ofcourse it was "just being a boy" back then. Some things you just remember. It was the first day of 5th grade and he made fun of my mother dying 3 weeks earlier... that's how I remember him and Harry. My condolences.

Visitor Dec 17, 2004 8:33PM
Sammy lived in the Fair veiw acres for a long time before moving to Mapleton .

Jim C

Carma Cote-Ouellette Dec 14, 2004 8:58PM
More snow for Southern Maine? Kim!! what are you saying??!! LOL ok, ok....maybe just a little more than we have now would be alright. I knew Sammy while growing up in Mapleton but dont recall any of us going to any other school than Skyway. Maybe Sammy lived in the P.I. area when we were younger? It is very sad because his younger brother Stewart died a few years ago at a young age also as well as his mom. Condolences to all of his family.

Kim Carroll-Murchison Dec 14, 2004 12:05PM
I remember Sammy.  I thought he went to Pine Street School and Cunningham.  I don't remember if he graduated or not, but he was in the class of 81.  Margo, you are right, he was friends with Harry Lowe.  I think they did cause trouble on the playground, but I am sure it was all in fun :-) My condolences to his family and friends.  On a brighter note, Happy Holidays to everyone.  Can you believe it, 2005!  Hoping for a little more snow in Southern Maine for a more festive look.  Take care.

Visitor Dec 14, 2004 11:01AM
Sammye was from Mapleton, I would think he went to school in the 5th grade there wouldnt he? He wouldnt have got to Presque Isle schools until the 6th grade??? Gosh, I dont even remember him being at Skyway now that I think of it. Condolences to his family.

Margo Ladner-Bair Dec 13, 2004 10:02PM
I remember Sammy Elliott he was friends with Harry Lowe in 5th grade. They were very annoying :)

Todd Wilson Dec 13, 2004 5:59PM
I remember a Sammy Elliot but I do believe he was either ahead of us or not present all the way through.  Did he play hockey?

Visitor Dec 12, 2004 10:58PM
I dont know if he finished or no he was 42 years old , his brother was steave mcpherson

Visitor Dec 12, 2004 4:30PM
I dont remember there being a Sammye Elliott in the class of 81...sorry :-(

Visitor Dec 10, 2004 5:37PM
I just read that sammye elliott has past away , would anyone have any information about him ,we grew up together , thanks

Carma Cote-Ouellette Nov 28, 2004 6:50PM
Yes, you have the right person. My brother's are Andy and Philip and a deceased sister, Debbie. I will email you because now you have my attention...lol

Visitor Nov 26, 2004 4:56PM
to Carma Cote-Ouellette. My name is Christy and we are related.  Shirley was my great grandmothers neice.  Joy and I have recently been doing alot of family research, and I know I've found the right person because i saw you mention philip and I belevie theres also Andy and Deborah if I'm right.  I'm just gonna post my email address: enchantedcelt@hotmail.com

Visitor Nov 14, 2004 8:05PM
missy is having a girl

Visitor Nov 14, 2004 8:03PM
what all sleeping

Carma Cote-Ouellette Nov 03, 2004 7:24PM
Great to hear about Missy Lisa!! Let me know when you find out if it's a boy or girl!  Are you still planning to come to Maine in the near future? We would love for you to stop in and stay before you head up north to the county. We were up home last weekend. My brother Philip got married and you wont believe to who....email me sometime!!! :o)

Lisa Brigman-Clark Nov 03, 2004 9:58AM

cobb and cherokee counties are the best. let me know what area your going to be in and ill check out stuff for ya

Lisa Brigman-Clark Nov 03, 2004 9:56AM
hey carma

missy is fine. the operation went well. we find out on the 10th what she is having

Carma Cote-Ouellette Sep 26, 2004 10:58AM
Lisa, Still waiting to hear from you! I got back from Bangor on Friday. I never did get to see Denise; things did not go as well as I had hoped there so I never really dared to stray far. The good news about dad is that it was Stage 1 and hopefully they got it all in time. Please call or leave a note to let me know if things are going well. We are still wondering about Melissa and hope she is doing well also.

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